SOC-14 5K
RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Gun Combat/one
1 C1 Trooper Reconnaissance/one
2 C2 Lancer Tactics/one
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/one
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C59 Master Chef Social Standing/nine, Regimental chief non commissioned officer
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
- C60 officer cadet
- C69 Captain Lieutenant, Squadron second in command
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
- C70 captain, spacecraft commanding officer
- C71 Staff Captain,
- C72 Flight Captain,
- C73 Group Captain, smallcraft senior commander
- C74 Senior Captain,
- C75 Captain Major, senior Captain, battalion equivalent or flotilla
- C76 Grand Captain, appointed, brigade equivalent or argosy
- C77 Great Captain, appointed, division equivalent
- C78 Lieutenant Colonel, appointed, regimental commander representative
- C79 Captain General, appointed, corps equivalent or armada
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
- C88 Colonel of the Regiment, lobbyist, usually retired regimental CAVALRY Colonel, Marine Commandant or Grand Admiral
- C89 Colonel General of the CAVALRY
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy
Something I cooked up.
0 C0 Volunteer Gun Combat/one
1 C1 Trooper Reconnaissance/one
2 C2 Lancer Tactics/one
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/one
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C59 Master Chef Social Standing/nine, Regimental chief non commissioned officer
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
- C60 officer cadet
- C69 Captain Lieutenant, Squadron second in command
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
- C70 captain, spacecraft commanding officer
- C71 Staff Captain,
- C72 Flight Captain,
- C73 Group Captain, smallcraft senior commander
- C74 Senior Captain,
- C75 Captain Major, senior Captain, battalion equivalent or flotilla
- C76 Grand Captain, appointed, brigade equivalent or argosy
- C77 Great Captain, appointed, division equivalent
- C78 Lieutenant Colonel, appointed, regimental commander representative
- C79 Captain General, appointed, corps equivalent or armada
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
- C88 Colonel of the Regiment, lobbyist, usually retired regimental CAVALRY Colonel, Marine Commandant or Grand Admiral
- C89 Colonel General of the CAVALRY
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy
Something I cooked up.