The whole thing that Marines don't get anyone above O-8 except the actual person in command of the Corps as a whole bothers me also. It seems to be that Marines are managed more or less like separate subsector services and only organized to that level. That would mean that Imperial Marines in adjacent subsectors would have very little commonality apart from by chance.
Agreed. The Imperial Marine Command Structure ought to at least somewhat parallel the Imperial Navy Command Structure, if only for the ability to coordinate since they work closely together. So just what does the Sector Admiral do when he is dealing with a potential major conflict, and needs to try and coordinate operations across a Sector? Who does he contact in the Imperial Marine Command Structure to communicate his needs and discuss operations? What if it is a Frontier War level engagement that is Trans-Sector-wide, and needs to coordinate with an assigned Grand Admiral? says Imperial Marine O-7 and O-8 are Navy appointments, and I'm not sure quite what that even means. If it means the Navy selects which Marines make O-7 and O-8, that's sketchy. If it means Naval Officers are selected for Marine O-7 and O-8, that's bent.
It means that as one of the people who contributed to that write-up trying to make sense of the canon material and trying to stay within its spirit without deviating too severely with my own innovations,
O7/Brigadier was the highest Marine Rank in a number of canonical publication (including
CT: Book 1,
GT, and
T5, the (then-current) standard), whereas other CharGens allowed for the possibility (or at least implied they might) have ranks up thru
O10/General. So trying to work within the framework, an
O8/Brigadier-General for the Marines was not unreasonable given the organizational need and the apparent Imperial Service Tradition in Rank-naming.
An editor may have inadvertently altered the text in the article (or maybe I even entered an erratum unintentionally), but the idea (I believe) was supposed to be that
O7/Brigadier was a
Substantive Rank, whereas
O8/Brigadier General might be an
Appointment Rank by the Navy (an
Acting or
Brevet) for an
O7/Brigadier (again, not wanting to stray too far from the canon Rank List). I personally think
O8/Brigadier General needs to be a full
Substantive Rank, given the Imperial Navy structure going to at least the
Sector Admiral level.
The lack of officers over O-8 implies either that Marines have no commonality (other than the name) Empire-wide, which doesn't really work for me, or else all the higher-level organization is left purely in the hands of the Navy, which does not make sense, and will almost certainly result in problems.
I think that there should
at least be an
O9-Rank as well, but I didn't want to push innovation in the Wiki article too far.
O9/Brigadier-Marshal (?) / Commander-General (?)
O10/Commandant-Marshal (?)
O9/Briagdier-Commandant (?) / General-Commandant (?)
O10/Briagdier-Commandant-of-the-Corps (?) / General-Commandant-of-the-Corps (?)