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Slow transitions between pages


SOC-14 1K
:confused: Is it just my system or does it seem to take forever to change pages on this site. When I post something it seems to be about 5 minutes time waiting to go through the cycle of "Thank you for posting, returning you to ..., and being able to do somthing else." :eek:
I have been reporting this problem for a while now. Especially in the post (my time) 11:00 PM MDT timeframe. (Your post reads 11:23 PM MDT on my system).

See: 11 PM.

The slow-downs seem longest on "Add Reply" and "Edit Post" actions. Typically, these can wait so long, that I can go to the Active Topic listing, see that it has posted, open the topic in a new page, and edit my own post, even before "Add Reply" has finished its action.

However, overall performance does take a noticeable hit, as well.