I am interested in finding out what people mean by a “Small Ship Universe” (SSU). I have seen the term used in a few posts. I want to know how this affects their games.
I have just finished reading H Beam Piper’s Space Vikings. On the face of it, they seem to be living in an SSU. This could be because they are just coming out of the equivalent of the “Long Night”. The “Enterprise” and the “Nemesis” seem to be regarded as big ships. For size comparisons, they have crews of 800. Of the total 500 are ground troops. The hulls of the ships are spheres. These spheres have a radius of approximately 303 metres. This gives them a displacement 8631 dTons. If I was to draw a comparison between the Piper ships and the Broadsword class Mercenary Cruisers, it is hard not to, they would displace 13,333 dTons if I scale up their troop component.
I realise that there is a shift between Book 2 (Bk2) and High Guard (HG). The book 2 ceiling is 5k dTons. There does not seem to be any limit in HG. I have seen arguments that realistically ships need more internal structure/armouring to get large and be able to resist the forces of their own acceleration. Is the SSU simply retaining the Bk2 limits and ignoring the publication of HG? No spinal mounts? The Kinunir is not that bad after all?
I take as given that the volume of shipping to and from planets is governed by tech level and population. This volume may be slightly affected by SSU. However I posit that the requirements are not radically changed. If you want to use economical terms, cargo needs do not display much elasticity to SSU/LSU differences. I would have to see some pretty good arguments to dislodge me from this view.
Therefore are there swarms of ships in port? Are the battles between a few ships or great armadas?
One of the things that is appealing in a SSU seems to me to be the fact that individuals are more important. If the players manage to get a hold of a 1000 dTon ship, they are not inconsequential. 1k dTon next to 1M dTon is not even worth discussing. The scale difference is mind numbing.
I have just finished reading H Beam Piper’s Space Vikings. On the face of it, they seem to be living in an SSU. This could be because they are just coming out of the equivalent of the “Long Night”. The “Enterprise” and the “Nemesis” seem to be regarded as big ships. For size comparisons, they have crews of 800. Of the total 500 are ground troops. The hulls of the ships are spheres. These spheres have a radius of approximately 303 metres. This gives them a displacement 8631 dTons. If I was to draw a comparison between the Piper ships and the Broadsword class Mercenary Cruisers, it is hard not to, they would displace 13,333 dTons if I scale up their troop component.
I realise that there is a shift between Book 2 (Bk2) and High Guard (HG). The book 2 ceiling is 5k dTons. There does not seem to be any limit in HG. I have seen arguments that realistically ships need more internal structure/armouring to get large and be able to resist the forces of their own acceleration. Is the SSU simply retaining the Bk2 limits and ignoring the publication of HG? No spinal mounts? The Kinunir is not that bad after all?
I take as given that the volume of shipping to and from planets is governed by tech level and population. This volume may be slightly affected by SSU. However I posit that the requirements are not radically changed. If you want to use economical terms, cargo needs do not display much elasticity to SSU/LSU differences. I would have to see some pretty good arguments to dislodge me from this view.
Therefore are there swarms of ships in port? Are the battles between a few ships or great armadas?
One of the things that is appealing in a SSU seems to me to be the fact that individuals are more important. If the players manage to get a hold of a 1000 dTon ship, they are not inconsequential. 1k dTon next to 1M dTon is not even worth discussing. The scale difference is mind numbing.