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[Snapshot] Scenarios: Merchants versus Scouts


Anyone have any good Snapshot scenarios? I like the game, but the scenarios included with it are pretty inadequate. Some of them are even pretty one-sided.
Here's what I'd do:

Either roll up characters and/or creatures with Books 1-3 or use pre-generated ones from Supplements 1 & 2.

Use one of the snapshot scenarios as a foundation. One player determines the forces on each side... the other player gets to choose which side he wants to play. Alternately, one player determines one side and determines a pool from which the other side will be drawn. The two players then take turns bidding on the fewest number of characters from the pool they'll need to defeat the other side. The low bidder picks from the pool and the fight begins!
Here's an idea or two;
"Pirates! A corsair has disabled the M-Drive of the Beowulf and a boarding party is attempting to gain control of the ship. A Mayday has been sent and a patrol vessel is on the way. Can the crew hold out until help arrives?"

The pirates have a breaching charge sufficient to pierce the hull. This creates an opening similar in size to an access plate and requires 6AP to pass through. The charge can be used on any exterior wall.
The crew either has their initial positions recorded and uses plotted hidden movement or uses inverted counters with a number of dummies. Any inverted counter in line of sight of a pirate is turned face up and becomes visible.
Pirate counters are always visible.

You can tart this up a bit by turning off lighting and/or grav plates in some or all areas of the ship. You might want to add cargo containers in the hold, as well.
Try using the characters and victory conditions from the "Boarding Party" scenario and season to taste. ;)
For balance, you may wish to give the pirates a limited number of turns to hunt down the crew; if they fail to kill all the crew in a set time, they lose.

Another option would be to use different deckplans. There are any number of plans available on the web that would provide a good change of pace. Try the "Hijacking" scenario on a subsidized liner.

You can also try different things with the "Breakthrough" scenario. A horde of screaming TL2 barbarians can be quite a challenge.

Hope this helps.
Good luck!
I've started making some of my own which I plan to string together into a campaign. I figure I'll post them as I go. I've only play-tested these solitaire, so I can't say if they're completely balanced against a real opponent.

Scenario Merchant-1: SKIPPING TOWN
Six months late on payments, the Free-Trader Beowulf prepares for departure
from the Jewell Starport. Suddenly, three of the cargo crates blow open,
revealing hidden mercenaries who had smuggled themselves aboard in order to
re-possess the starship. One of the Beowulf's passengers, mistaking the mercenaries for hijackers, joins the crew in defense of their ship.

Characters: Use the following Four Crew Members for the Free Trader Beowulf's
Pilot/Owner Captain Jamison779 16 AP +1Cutlass/-2 Body Pistol(+1 SMG) Bridge
Engineer575 12 AP +0SnubPistol(+0SMG) Upper Engine Room
Gunner/Steward9C3 15 AP +2BodyPistol(+3AutoRifle) Galley
Medic794 13 AP +1Revolver(+3SMG) Low Berths
Additionally, the following character joins the Beowulf's crew:
Passenger526 8 AP +0Cutlass/(+1Shotgun) Computer
The crew is wearing no armor. The weapons in parenthesis are in the
Ship's Locker, all other weapons are considered readied. Also,
The Ship's Locker has 5 Flak Jackets. Retrieving and Readying a weapon
or Flak Jacket form the Ship's Locker requires action points equal to
the character's Endurance, just as when re-loading a weapon.

Use the following Three Repo-Men, each with Cloth Armor and Tranq. Ammo:
Leader778 15 AP +0SnubPistol/+0Shotgun Cargo Hold
Veteran789 17 AP +0SnubPistol/+2Shotgun Cargo Hold
RecruitA56 11 AP -2SnubPistol/+0Shotgun Cargo Hold

The Situation: Using the deck plan for the Beowulf. First the RepoMen player
places Captain Jamison on the Bridge the
Engineer in the Upper Engine Room, the Steward in the Galley, the Medic
in the Low Berths and the Passenger in any one Stateroom. Then, the Beowulf Player places the three RepoMen in the Cargo Hold.

All interior doors are open except for the door to the passenger's Stateroom; it is closed. The air lock and outer doors are closed in preperation for lift-off. The Repo-Men do not wish to kill the crew; each RepoMan can only use
his Tranquilizer rounds until he is fired upon by one of the crew.

VICTORY: The Repo-Men are attempting to secure the bridge before the Free Trader
can lift-off. Lift off will occur within 5 minutes (20 turns), provided that at
least one conscious crew member is on the bridge at that time. If the Repo-Men
prevent lift-off, they have achieved victory.

COMBAT TRACKER</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Veteran AP +0SnubPistol/+2Shotgun
00000 00000 00000 00 AP ooooooo oooooooo ooooooooo Wounds
Captain Jamison +1Cutlass/-2 Body Pistol(+1 SMG)
00000 00000 00000 0 AP ooooooo ooooooo ooooooooo Wounds
Gunner +2BodyPistol(+3AutoRifle)
00000 00000 00000 AP ooooooooo oooooooooooo ooo Wounds
Leader +0SnubPistol/+0Shotgun
00000 00000 00000 AP ooooooo oooooooo oooooooo Wounds
Medic +1Revolver(+3SMG)
00000 00000 000 AP ooooooo ooooooooo oooo Wounds
Engineer +0SnubPistol(+0SMG)
00000 00000 00 AP ooooo oooooooo ooooo Wounds
Recruit -2SnubPistol/+0Shotgun
00000 00000 0 AP oooooooooo ooooo oooooo Wounds
Passenger AP +0Cutlass/(+1Shotgun)
00000 000 AP ooooo oo oooooo Wounds</pre>[/QUOTE]
During its yearly overhaul, several Solomani terrorists infiltrated the
Intrepid disguised as Starport Inspectors, over-powered the Intrepid's engineer,
and began setting explosives that would turn the ship's engines into a nuclear device.
Now only the Intrepid's remaining crew know of the impending terrorist
attack and they don't have time to warn the Starport authorities. They must
take down the terrorists and take back their ship alone.

Caracters: Use the following Five Crew Members for the Intrepid's player:
Owner/Engineer658 13 AP (HOSTAGE), Callsign SkipJack
Gunner888 16 AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Tex
Medic786 14 AP +0AutoPistol/+1Rifle, Callsign Tylenol
Pilot87C 19AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Humpback
They are all wearing Cloth armor except for the Skipper.

Use the following Three Terrorists for the Solomani player:
CellLeader987 15 AP (+1AutoPistol)/+2AssaultRifle
Idealogue85A 15 AP (-2AutoPistol)/+0Shotgun
Saboteur588 16 AP (+0AutoPistol)/+2AssaultRifle
They are all wearing Flak Jackets and one, chosen by the Solomani player in
secret, is also wearing Reflec.

The Situation: Use the deck plan for the Intrepid. All interior doors are
closed. The Solomani Player chooses one character to hold the hostage.
Indicate the effect by stacking this character's counter and the
hostage's counter. This character may now only be armed with an AutoPistol.
The hostage is the Intrepid character "Skipjack", but so long as the hostage-
holder is armed with an AutoPistol and keeps "Skipjack" stacked in the
same square, the Skipjack must move with the hostage-holder. The hostage-holder
must always move as if "Sneaking", and receives that -3 defensive bonus.
In addition, whenever the hostage-holder is attacked, if the attack misses,
roll for an attack on Skipjack at -3. Success means Skipjack is hit.
Automatic Weapons, Shotguns and HE weapons hitting the hostage-taker automatically
hit Skipjack. The Solomani Player may place the hostage-taker anywhere
within the Intrepid. The Solomani Player then must place one of the remaining
characters on the bridge and the last character in the drive room.

The Intrepid player may enter any of his characters through the Intrepid's main
airlock or through the rear, drive airlock. He need not tell the Solomani player
where his characters are entering until they actually enter.

Victory: If the Intrepid player is not in sole control of the bridge after 50 turns
(five minutes) the Solomani Player wins. If the Intrepid player kills the hostage,
but then takes control of the bridge, it is a draw. If the Intrepid player rescues
the hostage and takes control of the bridge before 50 turns, the Intrepid player wins.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Humpback +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine
00000 00000 00000 0000 AP oooooooo ooooooo oooooooooooo Wounds
Saboteur (+0AutoPistol)/+2AssaultRifle
00000 00000 00000 0--- AP ooooo oooooooo oooooooo Wounds
Tex +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine
00000 00000 00000 0--- AP oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo Wounds
Cell Leader (+1AutoPistol)/+2AssaultRifle
00000 00000 00000 ---- AP ooooooooo oooooooo ooooooo Wounds
Idealogue (-2AutoPistol)/+0Shotgun
00000 00000 00000 ---- AP oooooooo ooooo oooooooooo Wounds
Tylenol +0AutoPistol/+1Rifle
00000 00000 0000- ---- AP ooooooo oooooooo oooooo Wounds
SkipJack (HOSTAGE)
00000 00000 000-- ---- AP oooooo ooooo oooooooo Wounds</pre>[/QUOTE]
Scenario Merchant-2: RESCUE ON RUIE (Adapted from Best of JTAS 1-4 Amber Zone)
A year ago Sergei hault-Oberlindes disappeared on the balkanized planet of Ruie.
Since then, it has been discovered that he was arrested within Nebelthorn, a Tech
Level 7 Ruie nation antagonistic to the Imperium. Marc hault-Oberlindes, father to
Sergei and owner of the Oberlindes Lines Megacorporation, has hired the crew of the
Free Trader Beowulf to rescue his son. The Beowulf's crew succeeded in rescuing the
young man, along with his paramour, political prisoner Princess Glorinna Firella.
But during the operation the hidden position of the Beowulf was discovered by
a Nebelthorn recon team, which is currently in the process of exploring the
starship when the crew arrives. The Beowulf's crew must take the bridge in
order to seal the ship against guards still pursuing them from the prison.

Characters: Use the following characters for the Beowulf's crew:
Owner/Pilot779 16 AP +1Cutlass/+1 SMG, AKA "Captain Jamison"
Engineer575 12 AP +0SnubPistol/+0SMG, AKA "Termite"
Gunner/Steward9C3 15 AP +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle AKA "Cookie"
Medic794 13 AP +1Revolver/+3SMG AKA "Flatline"
Sergei894 13 AP +2Revolver/+4Rifle AKA "The Package"
Glorinna4A6 16 AP +1Revolver/+2Rifle AKA "Extra Baggage"
They are all wearing Flak Jackets except for Sergei and Glorinna, who aren't
wearing armor.

Use the following characters for the Nebelthorn Recon team:
ReconSergeant56B 18 AP +0AutoPistol/+2SMG
ReconCorporal457 12 AP +0AutoPistol/+1SMG
ReconSpecialistA86 14 AP +0AutoPistol/+2AutoRifle
ReconPrivateB93 12 AP +0AutoPistol/+2SMG
The Recon team wears Flak Jackets.
And use the following character stat for the Nebelthorn Prison guards:
Guard583 12 AP +2Revolver/+4Rifle
Guard284 12 AP +1Revolver/+5Rifle
Guard757 12 AP +0Revolver/+0Rifle
The Guards wear Cloth armor. On turn 2 enter Guard583. On turn 3 enter
Guard284. On Turn 4 enter Guard757. On Turn 5 enter a second Guard583,
and so forth. Continue to cycle through the Guards as the situation warrants.

Situation: Use the Beowulf's deck plan. All iris valves and sliding doors are
open. The Nebelthorn player places the ReconSergeant and the ReconPrivate in
the Bridge. The Beowulf player places the ReconCorporal and ReconSpecialist
anywhere on the Beowulf's second deck. On turn one, the Beowulf player enters
the Beowulf crew, one at a time, through either of the two Beowulf's airlock.
On turn two, and every turn thereafter, the Nebelthorn player enters a single
Guard through either airlock. If the Beowulf player has a character in sole
possession of the bridge, and expends a number of that character's action points
equal to its Endurance rating, the Beowulf player can seal the airlocks and prevent
further guard reinforcements.

Victory: If the Beowulf player seals the airlock and eliminates the Recon and Guard
characters on-board the Beowulf, the Beowulf player wins. If the Nebelthorn player
eliminates the Beowulf crew and captures Sergei the Nebelthorn player wins. If
Sergei is killed, it is a draw.

COMBAT TRACKER</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">00000 00000 00000 000 ReconSergeant +0AutoPistol/+2SMG 5 6 11 Wounds
00000 00000 00000 0-- Captain Jamison +1Cutlass/+1 SMG 7 7 9 Wounds
00000 00000 00000 0-- Excess Baggage +1Revolver/+2Rifle 4 10 6 Wounds
00000 00000 00000 --- Cookie +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle 9 12 3 Wounds
00000 00000 0000- --- ReconSpecialist +0AutoPistol/+2AutoRifle 10 8 6 Wounds
00000 00000 000-- --- Flatline +1Revolver/+3SMG 7 9 4 Wounds
00000 00000 000-- --- The Package +2Revolver/+4Rifle 8 9 4 Wounds
00000 00000 00--- --- ReconCorporal +0AutoPistol/+1SMG 4 5 7 Wounds
00000 00000 00--- --- Termite +0SnubPistol/+0SMG 5 7 5 Wounds
00000 00000 00--- --- ReconPrivate +0AutoPistol/+2SMG 11 9 3 Wounds
00000 00000 00--- --- Guard Turn 2,5,8 +2Revolver/+4Rifle 5 8 3 Wounds
00000 00000 00--- --- Guard Turn 3,6,9 +1Revolver/+5Rifle 2 8 4 Wounds
00000 00000 00--- --- Guard Turn 4,7,10 +0Revolver/+0Rifle 7 5 7 Wounds</pre>[/QUOTE]
I'm glad you like them. I'm having a lot of fun playing and tweaking them, even if I am only playing against myself.
Scenario Scout-2: SALVAGE ON SHARMUN (Adapted from Best of JTAS 1-4 Amber Zone)
During an outbreak of plague, Kinson, an ex-Scout and old friend of Skipjack,
informs him of a stockpile of medicine that went down several years ago in
the hold of a Free Trader that crashed on the nearby but interdicted planet
Sharmun. If Kinson's friends and the Intrepid's crew could recover the medicine,
it could be used to help stop the spread of the disease. Unfortunately, shortly
after the Scouts detected the Free Trader submerged in a lake under 60 meters
of water, Kinson and his lackeys double-crossed Skipjack's crew, hijacking the
Intrepid. There is no medicine aboard the submerged Free Trader, it turns
out; instead the prize is an Imperial Naval Payroll. Skipjack and his crew
managed to escape in the Air/Raft. In the meantime, Kinson has submerged the
Intrepid and docked it with the Free Trader. In order to recover their ship,
the Intrepid's crew must dive underwater, enter the flooded hulk of the Free
Trader, and overpower Kinson and his lackeys.

Characters: Use the following four Characters for the Intrepid's crew:
Owner/Engineer658 13 AP +0Bayonet, Callsign SkipJack
Gunner888 16 AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Tex
Medic786 14 AP +0Bayonet, Callsign Tylenol
Pilot87C 19AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Humpback
They're each wearing hardshell Vacc Suits (treat as Cloth).

And use the following stats for Kinson's team:
Kinson887 +0SnubPistol/+0AcceleratorRifle
Ex-Scout67A +0SnubPistol/+0AcceleratorRifle
Ex-Merchant657 -2SnubPistol/-2AcceleratorRifle
Ex-Marine9A7 +2Cutlass/+1AcceleratorRifle
They're each wearing Diving Suits (treat as Jack).

Situation: Use both the Beowulf and the Intrepid's deck plans, docked together via
each vessel's side airlock. The Beowulf's iris valves and sliding doors are both
open and in-operable. Its hatches and access panels, however, are closed and operable.
The Intrepid's doors are all closed.

The Kinson player places two of his characters on the Intrepid's bridge, the
Intrepid player places the two remaining Kinson characters anywhere on-board the
Beowulf. The Intrepid player enters his characters through the Beowulf's rear

The Beowulf is completely flooded. Movement costs are tripled, and evasive movement
and running are impossible. Furthermore, the liquid environment interferes with the
laser carbines' effectiveness. While on-board the Beowulf, reduce the laser carbines'
damage at Long range to 1D, at Medium range to 2D, and at Short range to 3D.

The Intrepid is not flooded so treat all movement and combat aboard normally. If the
Intrepid's airlock's exterior iris valve is opened, the airlock will flood. When the
airlock is flooded it's inner door will not open until the outer door is closed and
the airlock pumped. It takes an entire turn for the airlock to pump. If the
airlock's inner iris valve is opened, the outer iris valve will not open until the
inner door is closed.

Combat Tracker</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">00000 00000 00000 0000 Humpback +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 7 12
00000 00000 00000 00-- Ex-Marine +2Cutlass/+0AcceleratorRifle 9 10 7
00000 00000 00000 00-- Ex-Scout +0SnubPistol/+0AcceleratorRifle 6 7 10
00000 00000 00000 0--- Tex +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 8 8
00000 00000 00000 ---- Kinson +0SnubPistol/+0AcceleratorRifle 8 8 7
00000 00000 0000- ---- Tylenol +0Bayonet 7 8 6
00000 00000 000-- ---- SkipJack +0Bayonet 6 5 8
00000 00000 00--- ---- Ex-Merchant -2SnubPistol/-2AcceleratorRifle6 5 7</pre>[/QUOTE]
Scenario Merchant-3: PREPARE FOR BOARDING
Late on his payments and trying to save every last credit, Captain Jamison decides
to refuel from a planetary ocean rather than spend money on refined fuel. The fuel,
it turns out, is contaminated, and at the farthest reaches of the system the
Beowulf's jump drive fails. A Type S Scout approaches and offers aid to the Beowulf,
but Captain Jamison senses a trap and warns his crew to be prepared. Sure enough,
when the airlock doors open, the Scouts reveal themselves to be pirates and open
fire, hoping for an easy prize.

Characters: Use the following characters for the crew of the Free Trader Beowulf:
Owner/Pilot779 16 AP +1Cutlass/+1 SMG, AKA "Captain Jamison"
Engineer575 12 AP +0SnubPistol/+0SMG, AKA "Termite"
Gunner/Steward9C3 15 AP +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle AKA "Cookie"
Medic794 13 AP +1Revolver/+3SMG AKA "Flatline"
They all wear flak jackets.
Use the following characters for the Pirates:
PirateLeader486 14 AP +2AutoRifle
PirateFirstMate5B5 17 AP +4LaserRifle
PirateEngnr475 13 AP +0SMG
PirateMedic8AA 20 AP +5AutoRifle/+1VaccSuit
PirateGunner558 13 AP +0AutoRifle/+1VaccSuit
PirateThug876 13 AP +1SMG
They all wear either mesh or vacc suits (see below).

Situation: Use the Beowulf's Deckplans. Interior sliding doors and iris valves may
be open or closed at the Beowulf player's option, decided at the beginning of the
game. The Beowulf player sets up first, placing his character anywhere he chooses.
Then play begins, with the Pirate player entering his characters through the
Beowulf's side airlock.

Alternatively, the Pirate player may enter characters through the Beowulf's rear
airlock. This requires the characters to space-walk, however. In order to enter
a character through the rear airlock, the Pirate player must throw a 7+, with
+1 on the throw for every level of VaccSuit skill the character possesses.
Success indicates the Pirate player enters the character immediately. Failure
means the Pirate player must wait until the next turn before he can attempt
to enter the character again. Any characters entered through the rear airlock
wear Vacc Suits (treat as jack) instead of mesh armor.

Victory: The Beowulf player wins if he
incapacitates the Pirates. The Pirate player wins if he incapacitates the Beowulf's crew.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">00000 00000 00000 00000 PirateMedic +5AutoRifle/+1VaccSuit 8 10 10
00000 00000 00000 00--- PirateFirstMate +4LaserRifle 5 12 5
00000 00000 00000 0---- CaptainJamison +1Cutlass/+1SMG 7 7 9
00000 00000 00000 ----- Cookie +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle 9 12 3
00000 00000 0000- ----- PirateLeader +2AutoRifle 4 8 6
00000 00000 000-- ----- Flatline +1Revolver/+3SMG 7 9 4
00000 00000 000-- ----- PirateEngnr +0SMG 4 7 5
00000 00000 000-- ----- PirateThug +1SMG 8 7 6
00000 00000 000-- ----- PirateGunner +0AutoRifle/+1VaccSuit 5 5 8
00000 00000 00--- ----- Termite +0SnubPistol/+0SMG 5 7 5</pre>[/QUOTE]
Scenario Scout-3: PLANETOID P-4836 (Adapted from Best of JTAS 1-4 Amber Zone)
The Intrepid has been chartered by a Striker squad working for an unnamed firm.
The Striker squad's objective is an experimental manufacturing process
developed by Sternmetal Horizons, LIC in their research facility on planetoid
P-4836. Skipjack has successfully bluffed P-4836's controllers to allow
him to land at Docking Station Omega, and the Striker squad has disembarked to
raid the facility. Skipjack and his crew now wait rather impatiently
for the Striker squad to return with the stolen research. The waiting game has
just become more difficult, however, for a Sternmetal Security Team is beginning
the process of blowing down the Intrepid's blast door with a PGMP-13. Also, a
second Security Team has managed to over-ride the Intrepid's rear door and
enter that airlock.

Characters: Use the following characters for the Intrepid's crew:
Owner/Engineer658 13 AP +0Bayonet/+1Shotgun, Callsign SkipJack
Gunner888 16 AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Tex
Medic786 14 AP +0SnubPistol/+2AssaultRifle, Callsign Tylenol
Pilot87C 19AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Humpback
They are wearing Cloth Armor.
Use the following characters for the Striker squad:
StrikerLeader989 17 AP +3ACR/+0RamHEAP MORALE 13
StrikerAsstLeader89B 21 AP +4ACR/+0RamHEAP MORALE 13
StrikerSupport57A 17 AP +1LAG MORALE 2
StrikerTrooper674 11 AP +1ACR/-3RamHEAP MORALE 12
StrikerPrivate977 14 AP +1ACR/-2RamHEAP MORALE 6
StrikerRifleman6C4 16 AP +5ACR/+0RamHEAP MORALE 2
The Strikers are wearing Combat Armor (treat as Battledress). They're armed with
ACRs and each also have three RAM HEAP Rifle Grenades. It requires action points
equal to the character's Endurance characteristic to load a Rifle Grenade, after
which it may be fired from the ACR as if the ACR was a RAM GL. While a Rifle
Grenade is loaded, the ACR may not be fired normally.

Use the following characters for the Sternmetal Security Team, divided into a
Heavy Team and Light Team:
HvyLeader899 18AP +1GaussRifle MORALE 6
HvyTrooper896 15 AP +1GaussRifle MORALE 6
HvyPrivate77B 19 AP -1GaussRifle MORALE 3
HvySupport797 16AP +1PGMP-13 MORALE 19
The Hvy team wears Battledress.
LightLeader825 7 AP -1GaussRifle MORALE 11
LightTrooper577 14 AP +1GaussRifle MORALE 5
LightPrivate829 11 AP -1GaussRifle MORALE 8
LightRifleman798 17 AP +1GaussRifle MORALE 11
The Light Team wears Cloth armor.

Situation: Use the Beowulf Deckplans to represent Docking Station Omega. The Cargo
Area is a Passenger Lounge, the Storage Area a Control Room, and the Staterooms are
Offices. The Low Passage Berths and Bridge are actually tunnels that lead further
into the research facility. All doors are open. The Beowulf's side airlock is the
docking station, and is currently attached to the Intrepid, which has sealed its
airlock. Use the Intrepid's deckplans to represent the Intrepid. All of the sliding
doors and iris valves are open, as is the rear access panel.

First, the Sternmetal player places two of his Heavy Team anywhere in the Passenger
Lounge (Cargo Area), so long as the HvySupport character has an unobstructed
sightline to the airlock (he is readying his PGMP-13 to blow down the door). He
then places his two remaining Heavy Team characters in the Intrepid's rear airlock.
Then the Sternmetal Player places his Light Team characters in the Control Room
(Storage Area). Then the Intrepid Player places each of the Beowulf's crew anywhere
on the Intrepid. Finally, the Intrepid Player places each of the Striker characters
either in the Low Passage Berths or the Beowulf's Bridge.

The Intrepid player chooses one of the Striker characters to be carrying data tape.
Represent this character by stacking a second counter under him. If he is
eliminated, the data tape can be picked up by another character by expending one
action point.

Special Rule - Morale: The Strikers and Security Teams are Mercenaries and are subject to the
effects of Morale. They must throw their Morale or less on two dice in the
following conditions or suffer the following effects:
-Wounded: If they fail, they surrender (remove from play). They must roll each
time they are wounded.
-Casualty: If within Line of Sight of a friendly casualty, they must throw their
morale or panic (burn all AP's next turn; treat as evading).
-Move into "Covered" Line of Fire: If they fail, they must choose a different
If a character is within Line of Sight of a friendly Leader or AsstLeader THAT IS
NOT PANICKING, they may add the Leader or AsstLeader's Morale rating to
their own. If the Leader or AsstLeader is PANICKING, everyone within Line of Sight
of that Leader or Assistant Leader makes all Morale Throws with a penalty equal to
the panicking leader/asstleader's Morale rating for the duration of the panic.

COMBAT TRACKER</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">00000 00000 00000 00000 0 StrkerAsstLeader +4ACR/+0RamGL 8 9 12 ML 13-
00000 00000 00000 0000- - Humpback +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 7 12
00000 00000 00000 0000- - HvyRifle -1GaussRifle 7 7 12 ML 3-
00000 00000 00000 000-- - HvyLeader +1GaussRifle 8 8 9 ML 6-
00000 00000 00000 00--- - LightRifle +1GuassRifle 7 9 8 ML 11-
00000 00000 00000 00--- - StrikerLeader +3ACR/+0RamGL 9 8 9 ML 13-
00000 00000 00000 00--- - StrikerSupport +1LAG 5 7 10 ML 2-
00000 00000 00000 0---- - Tex +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 8 8
00000 00000 00000 0---- - HvySupport +1PGMP-13 7 9 7 ML 19-
00000 00000 00000 ----- - HvyTrooper +1GaussRifle 8 9 6 ML 6-
00000 00000 00000 ----- - StrikerPrivate +4ACR/+0RamGL 6 12 4 ML 2-
00000 00000 0000- ----- - StrikerRifleman +1ACR/-2RamGL 9 7 7 ML 6-
00000 00000 0000- ----- - LightTrooper +1GaussRifle 5 7 7 ML 5-
00000 00000 0000- ----- - Tylenol +0SnubPistol/+2AssaultRifle 7 8 6
00000 00000 000-- ----- - Skipjack +0Bayonet/+1Shotgun 6 5 8
00000 00000 0---- ----- - StrikerTrooper +1ACR/-3GL 6 7 4 ML 12-
00000 00000 0---- ----- - LightPrivate -1GaussRifle 8 2 9 ML 8-
00000 0000- ----- ----- - LightLeader -1GaussRifle 8 2 5 ML 11-</pre>[/QUOTE]
Scenario Merchant-4: MIND GAMES
Leaving Regina the Beowulf had the good luck to pick up four high passages --
a Corporate Executive and her two Bodyguards as well as a local Government
beureaucrat. Unfortunately, on their way out of the system, a Zhodani Strike
Cruiser jumped in and began maneuvering toward the Beowulf. The Corporate
Executive suddenly revealed that she wasn't an Executive after all, but rather
a high-ranking member of Regina's Psionic Institute, and the Zhodani are
attempting to capture her. She offers a huge bonus to Captain Jamison if he
manages to fight off the Zhodani boarders; an offer Jamison reluctantly accepts.
As he contines to accelerate to the jump-point, the Government Beureaucrat
reveals he is actually a Zhodani agent, and telepathically guides three
teleporting Zhodani Commandos to his position. Captain Jamison and his crew
must fight off the Zhodani if they hope to jump out of system.

Characters: Use the following characters for the crew of the Free Trader Beowulf:
Owner/Pilot779 16 AP +1Cutlass/+1 SMG, AKA "Captain Jamison"
Engineer575 12 AP +0SnubPistol/+0SMG, AKA "Termite"
Gunner/Steward9C3 15 AP +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle AKA "Cookie"
Medic794 13 AP +1Revolver/+3SMG AKA "Flatline"
They all wear flak jackets.
Additionally, use the following characters for the Corporate Executive and her
bodyguards, who will be controlled by the Beowulf player:
CorpExec867 13 AP -5GunCombat
FirstBodyGuardA96 15 AP +7SMG
SecondBodyGuard778 15AP +1SMG
They are wearing mesh under their clothes.
Use the following characters for the Zhodani Commandos:
ZhoBureaucrat994 13 AP +3BodyPistol
ZhoSergeant797 16 AP +1GaussRifle
ZhoCommando6B6 18 AP +4GaussRifle
ZhoPrivate458 13 AP -2GaussRifle
The ZhoSergeant, ZhoCommando and ZhoPrivate are wearing battledress. The
ZhoBureaucrat is wearing no armor.

Situation: Use the Beowulf's deckplans. All doors are closed. First, the
Beowulf player places each of the crew members anywhere he likes. Then the
Zhodani player places the ZhoBureaucrat anywhere he likes. Next, the Zhodani
player places the CorpExec, Bodyguard1 and Bodyguard2 in any Stateroom, so
long as they are all adjacent to each other. Then play begins. Beginning on
Turn 2, before any characters have expended Action Points, the Zhodani
Commandos teleport aboard. Place them adjacent to the ZhoBureaucrat's current

Special Rules: The CorpExec is a powerful telepath, and once per game can spend
4 Action Points to perform a Psionic Assault. This Assault automatically hits
and incapacitates its victim. The only character immune to this Assault is the
ZhoBureaucrat, for he, too, is a Telepath and has a shielded mind.

Victory: The Beowulf player is victorious if he
incapacitates all the Zhodani. The Zhodani player
is victorious if he incapacitates all the Beowulf's characters except for the CorpExec. If the CorpExec is killed the game ends in a draw.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">00000 00000 00000 000-- ZhoCommando +4GaussRifle 6 12 6
00000 00000 00000 0---- CaptainJamison +1Cutlass/+1SMG 7 7 9
00000 00000 00000 0---- ZhoSergeant +1GaussRifle 7 9 7
00000 00000 00000 ----- Cookie +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle 9 12 3
00000 00000 00000 ----- FirstBodyGuard +7SMG 10 9 6
00000 00000 00000 ----- SecondBodyGuard +1SMG 7 7 8
00000 00000 000-- ----- Flatline +1Revolver/+3SMG 7 9 4
00000 00000 000-- ----- CorpExec -5GunCombat/PsionicAssault 8 7 6
00000 00000 000-- ----- ZhoPrivate -2GaussRifle 4 5 8
00000 00000 000-- ----- ZhoBureaucrat +3BodyPistol 9 9 4
00000 00000 00--- ----- Termite +0SnubPistol/+0SMG 5 7 5</pre>[/QUOTE]

COTI's Recent Topics and Recent Posts listing seem to be kaput, so I missed these when you first posted them. All I gotta say is:


Boy, are they good. I pulled out my copy of Snapshot, blew off a layer of dust, and started pushing chits around a map again. Woo-hoo!

I'll try and goose the old weary wetware into creating and posting a few scenarios of my own too.

Having fun thanks to you,
I'm really glad you're managing to play them and like them! It'll probably be a week or more before I post the next scenario, because I want to base it in the Chamax Plague, which I only just bought on ebay and I have to wait for it to ship.
Just for grins and giggles I have a deck plan of the "Intreped" at my deck plan site. I have also been working on a Snapshot version of "Beowolf" but getting it to match High Guard is not being very simple. I will keep pokeing at it and eventualy I will post it too.
Scenario Scout-4: THE CHAMAX PLAGUE
On their way out of the Alenzar system, the [iIntrepid[/i] discovers a derelict Pinnace on a a Collision Course with the system's old red star. Boarding the scorched and damage vessel, the Intrepid's crew manages to rescue a broken man suffering from extreme post-traumatic stress syndrome. The man is from the crew of the Shaarin Challenger, a Type A Free Trader currently stranded on the uninhabited planet Chamax. The Intrepid's crew travels to Chamax' surface, hoping to rescue any other survivors of the Shaarin Challenger, and to determine whether the vessel is salvagable. They find no survivors, but they do find the free trader swarming with vaguely spiderlike non sentient and extremely aggressive animals. Hardly have they "awoken" a nest of these creatures before they beasts invade the Intrepid, making dust-off extremely dangerous. The crew realizes they have to board the Shaarin Challenger and destroy the "Queen" of the hive-mind animals.

Characters: Use the following characters for the Intrepid's crew:
Owner/Engineer658 13 AP +0Bayonet/+1Shotgun, Callsign SkipJack
Gunner888 16 AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Tex
Medic786 14 AP +0SnubPistol/+AssaultRifle, Callsign Tylenol
Pilot87C 19AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Humpback
They are wearing Cloth Armor.
Use the following Animals:
13xChamax Hunters 12hits 15 AP teeth2d-3 acid1d+1d/round
Chamax Maternal 50/20hits 15 AP teeth2d-3
Whenever a Chamax Hunter is within Close range of an enemy it automatically grabs that enemy. In order for an enemy to move away from a Chamax Hunter, the enemy must throw its strength or less on two dice. If it fails at the beginning of the turn, the enemy may expend no action points on movement. The Chamax Hunter attacks with its teeth on the first round. On subsequent rounds, it may also automatically exude acid at the cost of 10 Action Points, which does 1D damage.

The Chamax Hunters are treated as wearing Cloth Armor. Furthermore, if a Chamax Hunter receives fewer than 12 wounds from a single attack, it is treated as receiving no wounds from that attack. If a Chamax Hunter receives 12 wounds or more, it explodes in a burst of acid. Any non-Chamax within Close range of an exploding Chamax Hunter must throw its dexterity or less on two dice or take 3D acid damage.

The Chamax Maternal is treated as having no armor, and may not move.

Situation: Use the Beowulf deck plans to represent the Shaarin Challenger. All interior doors are closed. First the Chamax player places all twelve Chamax, face down so that the Intrepid does not know which is the Maternal. The Chamax may be placed anywhere in the Beowulf other than the Cargo Hold. The Maternal may be placed in any area with 10 or more open spaces. Then the Intrepid characters are placed anywhere in the Cargo Hold, where they entered via a loading ramp beneath the vessel. The Chamax may not open doors, however at the cost of 10 action points they can exude acid on any wall in Close range, dealing 6D damage to the wall. The Intrepid player wins if the Chamax Maternal is killed.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">COMBAT TRACKER

00000 00000 00000 0000- - Humpback +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 7 12
00000 00000 00000 0---- - Tex +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 8 8
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Hunter +0Teeth2D-3 plus 1DAcid 12 hits
00000 00000 00000 ----- - Chamax Maternal +0Teeth2D-3 50/20 hits
00000 00000 0000- ----- - Tylenol +0SnubPistol/+2AssaultRifle 7 8 6
00000 00000 000-- ----- - Skipjack +0Bayonet/+1Shotgun 6 5 8</pre>[/QUOTE]
Combined Scenario-1: Capture the Transponder
During an illegal trade mission on an interdicted planet, the Beowulf had the misfortune of passing within sensor range of the Intrepid, which had just jumped in-system to perform a survey. Knowing that his transponder data had been automatically recorded by the Intrepid's computer, Captain Jamison ambushed the Scout, scoring a lucky hit and knocking out its Manuever Drives. He matched course and docked with the vessel, intending to board it and manually whipe the databanks clean of any trace of the Beowulf's identity. In preperation for a two-pronged attack, he sends two of his crew members in Vacc Suits to enter the Intrepid's rear airlock.

Skipjack, meanwhile, desperately tried to repare his drives. Unfortunately, a key component was damaged beyond repair -- a small component that he knows is present on a standard Free Trader. As the Beowulf locks up for boarding, Skipjack prepares to turn from prey to hunter, stealing the needed component from the Beowulf's upper drive room. To that effect, he sends two of his crew on a spacewalk to enter the Beowulf's rear airlock.

Characters: Use the following characters for the crew of the Free Trader Beowulf:
Owner/Pilot779 16 AP +1Cutlass/+1 SMG, AKA "Captain Jamison"
Engineer575 12 AP +0SnubPistol/+0SMG, AKA "Termite"
Gunner/Steward9C3 15 AP +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle AKA "Cookie"
Medic794 13 AP +1Revolver/+3SMG AKA "Flatline"
They all wear hardshell vacc suits (in this scenario treat as Cloth).
Use the following characters for the Intrepid's crew:
Owner/Engineer658 13 AP +0Bayonet/+1Shotgun, Callsign SkipJack
Gunner888 16 AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Tex
Medic786 14 AP +2SnubPistol/+2AssaultRifle, Callsign Tylenol
Pilot87C 19AP +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine, Callsign Humpback
They all wear hardshell Vacc Suits (in this scenario treat as Cloth).

The Situation: Using the deck plans of both the Beowulf and the Intrepid, the Beowulf player chooses two characters and places them in the Intrepid's rear airlock. The Intrepid player then chooses two characters and places them in the Beowulf's rear airlock. The Beowulf player than places the remainder of his characters anywhere on board the Beowulf. The Intrepid player places the remainder of his characters anywhere on board the Intrepid. All doors are closed, and the two ships are mated at their side airlocks. All characters have keys to all access plates.

An Intrepid Crew Member that spends its entire allotment of Action Points on the "explative" action in the Beowulf's upper drive room is assumed to have retrieved the key component. That character may then carry it with him as if it were a holstered weapon (and other characters may pick it up in the case of the character being incapacitated).

A Beowulf Crew Member that spends its entire allotment of Action Points on the "explative" action while adjacent to the Intrepid's computer has retrieved the transponder data tape. That character may then carry it with him as if it were a holstered weapon (and other characters may pick it up in the case of the character being incapacitated).

Victory: The Intrepid player receives one point if he successfully carries the key component into the Intrepid's drive room.

The Beowulf player receives one point if he successfully carries the transponder data tape into the Beowulf's computer room.

The player with the most points wins. Equal points results in a draw.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">COMBAT TRACKER
00000 00000 00000 0000- Humpback +2Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 7 12
00000 00000 00000 0---- CaptainJamison +1Cutlass/+1SMG 7 7 9
00000 00000 00000 0---- Tex +0Dagger/+0LaserCarbine 8 8 8
00000 00000 00000 ----- Cookie +2BodyPistol/+3AutoRifle 9 12 3
00000 00000 0000- ----- Tylenol +0SnubPistol/+2AssaultRifle 7 8 6
00000 00000 000-- ----- Flatline +1Revolver/+3SMG 7 9 4
00000 00000 000-- ----- Skipjack +0Bayonet/+1Shotgun 6 5 8
00000 00000 00--- ----- Termite +0SnubPistol/+0SMG 5 7 5</pre>[/QUOTE]
Proposed Campaign Rules

The preceeding nine scenarios can be combined into a sort of campaign, with one player running the crew of the Beowulf, and the other player running the crew of the Intrepid.

Run through each scenario in order. During the Merchant scenarios, the Intrepid player runs the antagonists. During the Scout scenarios, the Beowulf player runs the antagonists. Between scenarios, each player's crew changes based on victory or defeat, as described below. Once all four of each type of scenario has been run, the two players pit their surviving crews head to head in Combined Scenario 5. The victor of the Combined Scenario is the victor of the campaign.

Between Scenarios:
A player's crew can grow more or less powerful between scenarios, depending on victory or defeat.

A player that achieves a victory may create a new character to permanently join his crew. A character is generated as per Traveller Book 1 and, if both players agree, Traveller Supplement 6.

When a game ends in a draw, a player may generate a new character, as above, to temporarily join the crew, but only insofar as the new character replaces a "wounded" character that is forced to sit out the next scenario (see "wounded" below). Note that a player only receives such a "temporary" character if wounding would otherwise force that player to field fewer than four characters in the next scenario.

When a game ends in defeat, a player receives a new character to temporarily replace any wounded characters, as in "Draw", above. However, the player's opponent chooses the replacement character from either Supplement 1: 1001 Characters or Supplement 6: Citizens of the Imperium. Note that players only receive "temporary" characters when wounding would otherwise fource them to field fewer than four characters in the next scenario.

A "light" wound is defined as a wound that reduces no characteristic to "0". When a character receives a "light" wound, that character fully recovers in time for the next scenario.

A "serious" wound is defined as a wound that reduces one characteristic to "0". When a character receives a "serious" wound, that character starts the next scenario with a "light wound" -- the injured statistic is only raised halfway between 0 and its full value.

A "critical" wound is a defined as a wound that reduces two characteristics to "0". When a character receives a "critical" wound, that character misses the next scenario.

"Death" occurs when all three characteristics are reduced to "0". In this instance, the character misses all remaining scenarios.

Each crew is assumed to be working on a starship, and therefore must fulfil a specific skill set. At the bare minimum, a crew must always have the following skills fulfilled:

PILOT: One crew member must be the Starship's pilot. This character must have, at minimum, Pilot-1.

ENGINEER: One crew member must be the Starship's Engineer. This character must have, at minimum, Engineer-1.

MEDIC: One crew member must be the starship's Medic. This character must have, at minimum, Medic-1.

GUNNER: One crew member must be the starship's Gunner. This character must have, at minimum, Gunnery-1.

It is possible for one character to take two of the above positions, but not three. A single character, for example, with the skills Pilot-1, Medic-1 and Gunnery-1 could fill the roles of Pilot and Medic, or Pilot and Gunner, but not all three roles of Pilot, Medic and Gunner. The pre-generated characters' roles are defined in the scenarios, and any characters that "replace" wounded pre-gens need to have the skill set required to replace that character. Continue generating characters until you generate one with the required skill(s).

It's possible to play the campaign with custom-generated crews. In that case, fulfill each of the above skill-sets, but one of th characters must also be the "Owner". In the case of the Beowulf, the "owner" is a Merchant that received a Free Trader as a mustering-out benefit. In the case of the Intrepid, the owner is a Scout that received a Scout as a mustering-out benefit.

What follows are the full Traveller stats for the pre-generated crews used in the scenarios above.

Type A Free Trader Beowulf
"Captain Jamison"
Merchant Captain-779C99-----Age 38-----5 terms----Cr 24,000
Dagger-1 Cutlass-1 Vacc Suit-1 Pilot-2 Type A Free Trader (30 yr)
BodyPistol-1 SMG-1 Electronic-1 Middle Psg
Merchant 3rd Off-575995-----Age 22-----1 term-----Cr 60,000
Med-1 Engnrng-3 Low Psg
Merchant 3rd Off-9C3853-----Age 22-----1 term-----Cr 25,000
Steward-1 BodyPistol-1 Gunnery-1 AutoRifle-1
Merchant 4th Off-794754-----Age30------3 terms----Cr 6,000
SMG-1 Vacc Suit-1 Med-1 Dagger

Type S Scout Intrepid
Scouts-----------658985-----Age 34-----4 terms----Cr10,000
Pilot-1 Engnrng-1 JackoT-2 Computer-1 Shotgun-1 Type S Scout, Shotgun, Low Psg
Scout------------87C6A9-----Age 30-----3 terms----Cr70,000
Pilot-1 Air/Raft-1 JackoT-2 Nav-1
Scout------------888966-----Age 26-----2 terms----Cr 30,000
Pilot-1 Gunnery-1
Scout------------78642B-----Age 22-----1 term-----Cr30,000
Pilot-1 Air/Raft-1 Medical-1
I just picked up a copy of Snapshot, I have a couple of questions about the
Combat Tracker sections at the bottom of each scenario:

1. The format has some (what look like) HTML tags in them, why is that?

2. There are zeroes for each characters Action Points? How or what are they used for?