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[Snapshot] Scenarios: Merchants versus Scouts

In a previous version of the boards the HTML codes formatted the combat tracker properly. Something happened to the boards and the HTML codes stopped working.

I made the zeroes in the combat tracker so that if you print it out you can fill them in to track them. I don't recall if they're action points or they're STR/DEX/END to track damage.
I just picked up a copy of Snapshot, I have a couple of questions about the
Combat Tracker sections at the bottom of each scenario:

1. The format has some (what look like) HTML tags in them, why is that?
It's because of a board upgrade and improper handling thereof.

The original poster could go in and remove the
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">

and replace it with [code] then put the [/code] at the end, and make it pretty again. I could, as could any mod, as well, but that's a time issue.
The original poster could go in and remove the
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">

and replace it with [code] then put the [/code] at the end, and make it pretty again.

Thanks for the explanation, Aramis. I'm the original poster and I would like to do this, however there is no "edit" button on my old posts.