The war with the Solee was basically one of those embarrassing "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" situations for the RC. The way I saw it, the Soleean Navy was a joke. The first few battles that the RC had, the RCN hardly had to get involved. Freelancers and the RCES basically swatted the Soleean Navy out of space in a few skirmishes.
To make things interesting though, I decided that Overtak was quite popular in the Empire and wasn't just your typical "TED waiting to be toppled" situation. Even at this early point, I decided that a certain self-righteous complacency was already beginning to settle into the RC, in particular the RC's belief that all beings in the universe cry out for a representative government. So the RC's intel basically mistakenly tags Solee as a TED situation ripe to be toppled and that the people, once shaking off the terror of their oppressive TED government would rejoice or at least be tractable.
The Empress Solee herself isn't stupid. The RC spies on her, and she knows this. What the RC hasn't really had experience with is the possibility the Soleeans may be spying on them - after all, the universal constant to the RC up to now is that all worlds around them are basically "navel gazers." Using the exact same tactics the RC does (Free Traders) Soleean spies have sneak into the RC. Counter-Intelligence is something the RC hasn't even considered up to this point - Soleean spies find out all sorts of fascinating facts just by attending Auction. RC governmental openess means that it's easy to gauge RC operational strengths. She realized that the RC would attempt a decapitation raid. She very quietly has herself replaced by a double in the palace. In addition, she has her elite troops rotated out of the palace as well, to be replaced by "dignity battalion" types and troops of questionable political reliability who basically wear overdone uniforms and spend their time polishing their boots and learning to look good marching. The RC advance teams see all of this after it's already happened and it plays into the increasing complacency of the RC who figure that all these TEDs are arrogant and bloated and their militaries not up to RC levels of professionalism.
The RC slips their assault teams into the system, imagining themselves to be undetected, but Soleean Navy elements that monitor the system security sensors know their jobs a lot better than their ship crews (and have relic TL14+ equipment). The world gets warning of the raiders in advance and a day before the raiders are expected to arrive the Empress declares a "Day of Silence" to commemorate the defeat of the Soleean Navy. During this day, no telecommunications are allowed on the planet for 24 hours and lights are to be dimmed. The RC moves into orbit and drops, the locations of AA and sensor marked for easy elimination by their advance teams.
RC advance teams are lulled by seeing the expected patterns: Refurbished TL12 grav tanks refitted with TL9 weaponry as the "Imperial Guard" - obviously the TEDs can't maintain their TL12 weaponry so have replaced it with lower-tech versions. Static AA sites involve a lot of TL6-7 AA missiles and some close orbital atomic weapons, including (supposed) pride of the Soleean Navy, the "Flamebird" orbital defence missile (think of some H2O2 moon rocket with atomic warheads). There's a lot of them (as expected of an "Empire") but they seem pretty par for the course. As usual of TEDs, they find Soleean radio, TV, and telecom hubs to be totally unguarded. "Hammer" is already talking about how this operation will be a great way to test RC operations without major losses.
The RC drops using their standard tactics, meteoric assault. The RC drops in expecting show troops and that's exactly what they find. Meteoric assault seizes communication hubs to enforce a blackout. The most elite troops drop on the planet to seize the Empress. They expect to find ineffective show-troops, and that's exactly what they find - fanatical, decently equipped (for a bunch of Teddy troops) but unskilled and badly coordinated they fall like wheat.
Very quickly, however, the RC discovers their serious mistake. The radio and TV stations are empty - the actual broadcast equipment having been moved out the places that were tagged are just rebroadcasting and administrative offices. The Empress they seize is a double. The relic TL15 COACC defense sensors and TL15 Deep Meson guns are swatting RC ships out of space. The local equivalent of the "Girl/Boy Scouts" or "Young Pioneers" were driven out for a tour and an exciting "night in the barracks" around the Imperial Palace and to play around with the "Victory" grav tanks at the palace. Of course, these tanks are thrashed by RC close air support, killing hundreds of children (the "Day of Silence" of course, worked in favor of the Soleeans, not the RC as the RC advance teams, with the lack of telecommunications on the planet couldn't "wave off" the incoming missions without giving away their positions so had to either give away their positions or watch in mute horror). Photos of the children (and parts of children) are widely disseminated by the Soleeans to their own people and anyone else who wants them (the Guild) as well as leaked to the RC itself. With their avenues of retreat cut off, the RC troops are stuck on the ground and quickly wiped out or taken prisoner.
It's a terrible defeat for the RC, both operationally and morally. Meanwhile, the Guild and Soleeans come to an "understanding" (more like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend") and the Guild starts training Soleean starship crews. While that won't be effective for at least a year, it's going to take at least that long for the RC to sort itself out and come at the Soleeans again.
Meanwhile in the RC itself, the political fallout is nothing short of a disaster. The RC vets of the operation feel betrayed at the horror of the RC public at the "truth of what's been happening all these years" (as spread by the Guild and Soleeans). Likewise, the "liberal" bloc of the RC is disgusted with the Oriflammen bloc's callous shrugging over the airstrikes on children and their attitude of "Well, it's obviously a Soleean trick and even it weren't, life is hard. Kids die. Deal with it." A lot of disaffected idealists leave RC service forever, leaving the "dehumanized" cabal to call the shots.