Insurance considerations shouldn't overwhelm the game, but should be part of the reward/backstory. If you're being invited all legit-like to the Amber Zone/Red Zone, maybe the Scouts cover the cost?
If they don't, part of the pay does cover it.
If you're ship is filing a flight plan, and it nearly always should, going to an Amber Zone is going to raise your rates for the time you are there. A Red Zone is going to cancel your policy, but you can refile once you're out. But if you are invited, again the Scouts take on the liability.
Thanks kilemall, I forgot about the loan cost of the ship. I've forgotten what that repayment is - its like 300% or something. So triple the costs I mentioned, which are way too low to begin with.
As to the age of a ship I recall that 80 to 120 year number as well. I agree, you can't over-engineer the ship. You can build it to last forever, but that isn't cost effective. I've had droyne ships that are hundreds to thousands of years old, just because they are hand-made AND built for use by the family group, not individuals, so the economics are skewed.
So age, maintenance, flight plans, past experience of the pilot/crew, area of space, type of missions. Everything would go into an insurance underwriters consideration.
If they don't, part of the pay does cover it.
If you're ship is filing a flight plan, and it nearly always should, going to an Amber Zone is going to raise your rates for the time you are there. A Red Zone is going to cancel your policy, but you can refile once you're out. But if you are invited, again the Scouts take on the liability.
Thanks kilemall, I forgot about the loan cost of the ship. I've forgotten what that repayment is - its like 300% or something. So triple the costs I mentioned, which are way too low to begin with.
As to the age of a ship I recall that 80 to 120 year number as well. I agree, you can't over-engineer the ship. You can build it to last forever, but that isn't cost effective. I've had droyne ships that are hundreds to thousands of years old, just because they are hand-made AND built for use by the family group, not individuals, so the economics are skewed.
So age, maintenance, flight plans, past experience of the pilot/crew, area of space, type of missions. Everything would go into an insurance underwriters consideration.