Okay, I've completed the supermen, and would appreciate some feedback regarding them. What do people think? My main concern is having given them enough alien levels to compensate for their abilities.
Keluin Supermen are a genetically modified Solomani. The Rule of Man saw a need for humans that were better adapted to combat. To that end, the government tendered the Solomani corporation GenAssit, to began a secret experimental program on a number of human fetuses. The research showed promising results, but news of the experimentation was leaked to the public, causing an outcry. Fearful that a race of “better” humans would make base-line humaniti obsolete and eventually extinct, the public pressured the Rule of Man to end the program. Concerned with the potential backlash further research would receive from the general public caused the government to shut the program down and have all of the subjects destroyed. At least that’s the story the Government provided.
The truth of the matter though, was that research was continued by a black-op government division known simply as the “Department” on the remote planet of Keluin in the Canopus. The results that were later achieved were astounding, so much so that even the government department responsible for the research grew fearful of what these new “supermen” were capable of. By this time, there were too many to quietly exterminate, so the Department cancelled the project’s funding and placed Keluin under quarantine, preventing the supermen from leaving the planet.
With the coming of the Long Night, the blockade around Keluin faltered, and then failed altogether, but the Keluins had no way of maintaining their technological level, and quickly fell to barbarism and then to a Stone Age existence. Slowly, they rebuilt their society, and by the time contact was reestablished, they had achieved Tech Level 1.
Most humans, particularly those of strong Solomani background, are fearful of the Keluin Supermen, and see them as both a threat to their continued existence and not much above any of the other genetically altered races that GenAssist were responsible for. Pressure exists for the Solomani Confederation to sterilize Keluin, but so far the Government has been unwilling to destroy a potential source of tremendously capable troops. The Confederation does maintain a blockade around Keluin, and prevents all outside contact with the natives. Despite these precautions, some Keluins have managed to leave their homeworld.
Keluin Racial Traits
• +4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha, -6 Soc
• Keluin base speed is 9 meters.
• All Keluins begin as 3 rd level characters with 3000XP (2 Alien Levels + their first level)
• Medium-size: Keluins receive no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Lowlight Vision: Koluins possess the Lowlight Vision special ability referred to under section 6, Special Attacks, on page 397 of the Traveller's Handbook
• Keluins are naturally tough and resistant individuals. They begin the game with the feats Great Fortitude and Toughness.
• Keluins do not receive the normal human skill point bonus at 1st level.
• Keluins do not automatically receive the extra starting bonus feat that normal humans do.
• All Keluins are able to breathe Thin, Tainted, Standard, and Dense atmospheres unaided.
• Keluins only need as much as half the food, fluids, and sleep as other humans.
• +2 to all Listen and Spot checks due to sharp senses.
• +2 to all Hide checks made in natural environments.
• Keluins are impressive individuals. When determining height and weight as Human, with a base height at 145 and base weight at 56 for males and base height at 135 and base weight at 51 for females.
• Keluins age at an accelerated rate. They reach middle age at 25, old age at 35, venerable age at 50 and maximum age at 50+1d10 year.
• Automatic Languages: Keluins all speak their native language of Kelu, which has evolved from Galanglic.
Personality: Keluins are proud and arrogant, fully aware that they are physically and mentally superior to their parent race. They are very tribal in nature, and want to be given a chance to advance and progress just like any other branch of Humaniti.
Among non-Keluins, they are seen as bold and willing to take greater risks than what would be considered safe, or even sane. This is just an expression of their self-confidence and belief in their personal abilities.
Physical Description: Tall and muscular, all Keluins strike an imposing figure. Naturally tones, the men have broad shoulders, barrel chests, and narrow waists, while the women are shapely yet obviously athletic. Through the irregular expression of melanin, their skin is multi-colored which acts as camouflage in natural surroundings.
Status: Minor Race, human
Homeworld: Keluin X586000-0
Languages: All Keluins speak their native language of Kelu, which has evolved from Galanglic. Those that leave their homeworld find Galanglic relatively easy to learn.
Adventures: Most Keluins venture from their homeworld as elite soldiers or marines in the employ of the Solomani Confederation, jobs that they are supremely adapted for. Others act as bodyguards and mercenaries, though they find the prejudice towards them to be almost constant, leading some of them to become criminals and pirates.