Yup, plenty of stuff is usually overlooked in Traveller ship designs and deckplans. Some of it can be handwaved away as relatively small details that only need to be included by a GM; things like every compartment having fire fighting equipment, rescue balls or comm panels. (Although *I* would still like to know they are there!) However, some of the missing stuff is downright weird; like no sickbays, food and parts storage, etc.
I'm a small craft crank. Every time I see the design of some 100k dTon super-dreadnaught posted without a SINGLE BOAT aboard I need to take my pills. Sheesh! No small craft? The admiral doesn't need a launch to make that date for cocktails with Miss Mora 1114? No one wants fresh food brought aboard? All maintenance done on the hull and other 'outside equipment' is done in suits? No SAR assets for the poor suited SOBs who were crawling over the hull? Ooooog... where are my pills...
My cruiser; 600 feet long and ~600 men, had a gaggle of boats aboard. There were 2 or 3 launches for the 'ossifers', a couple of small whalers, three 50 foot liberty launches, plus a few punts and zodiacs tucked away. While all of those acted as lifeboats too, most of our lifeboats were the inflatable raft type.
You've seen them on every USN ship; they're the 55-gallon drum looking things hanging in groups along the superstructure and upper hull. Those puppies supposedly self-deployed. The ship would sink and at a certain water pressure they inflated to pop to the surface. You could deploy them manually too. Because they're small and will most likely be damaged by the same things that sink the ship, many more of them are carried than are actually needed.
IMTU, most 'lifeboats' aboard larger vessels are like that; big, self-deploying, inflated, multi-man rescue balls that the real small craft can round up and support after launch. These lifeboats contain a sort range radio, radar reflector, and EMS screamer plus CO2 scrubbing and water.
My designs have plenty of small craft aboard. One mini-campaign of mine featured an 1800 dTon patrol corvette with ten 10dTon recon-fighters, two 50 dTon cutters, and a 10dTon launch aboard. Large combatents IMTU; say 3K dTon and up, also hangar a navalized version* of the classic 100 dTon scout/courier. Just like all the recon float planes carried aboard CAs and BBs saving space on the CVs for attack planes, I figure the more couriers carried with the fleet the better.
Ship's stores are another sore point with me. Walt Smith has some nifty rules on his website dealing with CT and HG2 warship supply requirements. Basically, it boils down to 1% of dsiplacement in stores for every one month of unsupplied operations. (He freely admits that may still be too low.)