It's been a long while since I played 4reelz, but three names come to mind:
* False Profit -- a free? far? trader crewed by a mix of ex-believers and chronic depressives. Naturally they always seem to come out slightly ahead of the PCs...
* Empress Marilyn -- a far trader crewed by, and accepting passengers only among, Marilyn Monroe impersonators. All male, including the Vargr navigator. (For awkward working passage/paid passage interludes.)
* Rainbow Starlake Wonderwheel -- an old big K'Kree disk-shaped merchant, refitted for the comfort of the tweaky, trip trip triptrippy hippie-raver-pervo human crew who now operate it as a tramp merchant. Or rather, in the interest of accuracy, as a mercantile tramp. Its hydroponics are of course totally macrobiotic Kirillian-certified organic and... diverse. Its workshops can tune zuchai crystals and build nuclear-damper-boosted grav-propelled power bongs at the same time. There are twenty hot tubs and five different chill rooms. At the very center of the ship is a pool in which lives a dolphin (a Star Dolphin!!!) that may or may not be powerfully psionic. The ship's L/S system is so ▮▮▮▮ed up that its waste products are 0.5% MDMA by mass. With relatively negligible operating costs, they tend to show up to screw PCs out of profitable trade deals, and of course try just to screw them as well. Why so uptight, brother? You don't "want" to??? Oh crazy man. Take a pill and you will! Etc.
Perhaps the reason I don't actually play Traveller much any more is the glee I took in making the average/typical/stereotypical Traveller player feel uncomfortable...
EDIT: And I just remembered -- though I never used it, I was a big fan of Gerald Durrell's My Family And Other Animals, and have always wanted to work into a Traveller game (perhaps as a ship's boat of some sort) the unwieldy, garish, and dutiful vessel under the name of the Boodle-Bumtrinket.