Then this campaign outline may interest you: The Rise and Fall of Cleon III.A high noble game, full of politics, set on Capital ... in the time leading up to The Assassination.
I was going to go with "En Guarde" on Capital, but this works too.
Then this campaign outline may interest you: The Rise and Fall of Cleon III.A high noble game, full of politics, set on Capital ... in the time leading up to The Assassination.
And the abortive conspiracy to turn the Duchy of Regina into a "neutral" Zhodani-backed border state between the Imperium and the Consulate, with the conspirators running the new republic. Several high-ranking Duchy leaders are very anxious to bury all evidence and keep it buried.
Those are the settings I would most like to GM or play in; how about you? What setting would you like your next campaign to be in?
I'd like to play in a really cool Regina subsector campaign similar in structure to The Traveller Adventure. Less corporate and more exploration. Pirates. An artifact. Lots of aliens. A chance to be Knighted at the end.
A campaign at the height of Imperial Psionics just before the Psionic Suppressions.
I'd like to play in a really cool Regina subsector campaign similar in structure to The Traveller Adventure. Less corporate and more exploration. Pirates. An artifact. Lots of aliens. A chance to be Knighted at the end.
A campaign at the height of Imperial Psionics just before the Psionic Suppressions.
So, what is keeping you from designing it? Or are you hoping someone else will develop it so that you can play in it?
So, what is keeping you from designing it? Or are you hoping someone else will develop it so that you can play in it?
Nothing is keeping anyone from designing it. However, I would rather play!![]()
I'd like to play in a really cool Regina subsector campaign similar in structure to The Traveller Adventure. Less corporate and more exploration. Pirates. An artifact. Lots of aliens. A chance to be Knighted at the end.
If no one designs adventures or campaigns, then there is nothing to play.
I'm from the old days when each GM wrote their own adventures. Yes, there were adventures available, but they didn't make sense since each GM had also created their own world or universe.
I still do this.
If no one designs adventures or campaigns, then there is nothing to play.
Very true! As I am the usual Referee for games in my group of players, I tend to find that if I do not develop it, we don't play. Getting one of them to step up to the plate is rare these days.
I still would rather play it than develop it.
A campaign at the height of Imperial Psionics just before the Psionic Suppressions.
So, what is keeping you from designing it? Or are you hoping someone else will develop it so that you can play in it?
Ah, you've just reminded me of another campaign idea I've thought about before: not 'just before the Psionic Suppressions', but during.
H. Beam Piper's Terro-Human Future History, around the time of Space Viking, after the System States War and subsequent fall of the Terran Federation, but before the first Empire. Scale would probably be different, as instead of small potatoes adventurers I think it would be most fun for characters to be emissaries and traders and Navy commanders from civilized worlds, trying to spread civilization and fend off the Space Vikings. Or be somewhat like Lucas Trask, the Viking with a conscience, trading and civilizing where possible, but still raiding where he feels it necessary for his overall plan.
Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium/Empire future history, either around the breakup of the CD or during the formation of the Second Empire. Or during the Secession Wars. Lots of interesting periods to play in, just avoiding the ones where everything is too stable and boring.
Those are the settings I would most like to GM or play in; how about you? What setting would you like your next campaign to be in?