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General Sourcebooks for Post-5th Frontier War Spinward Marches


SOC-14 1K
I'm contemplating another campaign setting. Not quite as open for interpretation and wholesale invention of prehistory of established space as SBRD (SpaceBadger's Reavers' Deep) was, but with enough wiggle room to keep me happy. But I like to know what established setting and history I am working around, so I'm gonna have some reading to do to get up to speed on all that.

The setting I'm looking at is the Spinward Marches immediately following the Fifth Frontier War, maybe spilling over into Gvurrdon Sector. I avidly followed the progress of the FFW in JTAS, but there were limits and spins on news releases. After the war I had a vague notion of a Neutral Zone being established between the Imperium and the Consulate. I would really appreciate some guidance as to the best publications (preferably still in print or reprint!) regarding postwar political concessions and rearrangement of borders, including whether the populations were on board for such forced changes of "allegiance"/control.

All suggestions for publications, wiki articles, and other materials detailing the aftermath of the 5thFW in the border sectors would be greatly appreciated!!! :D

I guess the main source for post FFW Spinwward Marches is the CT:SMC (Spinward Marches Campaign). It is set just at the aftermath of the war.
Post 5th Frontier War

There are also some short stories set in that time/space featuring a Swords Worlder ensign named Myra (IIRC) in the Freelance Traveller webzine.

I guess the main source for post FFW Spinwward Marches is the CT:SMC (Spinward Marches Campaign). It is set just at the aftermath of the war.
All suggestions for publications, wiki articles, and other materials detailing the aftermath of the 5thFW in the border sectors would be greatly appreciated!!! :D

GT: Behind the Claw and GT:Swords Worlds are both set post-war period. They include maps and descriptions. They would be my starting point for such a project.

TNE: The Regency Sourcebook has more data, but further along.

A full set of potential, published references in the wiki .
Muchas gracias for the suggestions, gentlemen. I don't have SMC (will look into fixing that!) but am pretty sure I have both of those GT books, just need to undertake a strenuous journey to an upstairs closet to find them and bring them back to my regular habitat downstairs. :eek:
Traveller Wiki references were very helpful, especially the pages on the Fifth Frontier War and the Spinward Marches Campaign. I clearly need to look into acquiring a copy of SMC, that is, if it is not already included on one of my FFE CDs; will need to dig up laptop to check on that, don't have access from tablet (another reason to look at attaching local data storage to WiFi router!).

Saw note that BTC is considered non-canon due to errors from previous established history; guess I'll need to look into that as well, no doubt well-discussed pro/con here on CotI. At least SMC credits Marc Miller as author and is presumably reliable.

EDIT: O Frabjous Day! I checked the table of contents for my Classic Traveller CD on the FFE website, and it does include SMC! So now I just need to pull out my laptop, charge it up, and find the CD or its HD backup so I can start reading! And then see if one of my boys can go upstairs and find BTC for me.

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The first two or three issues of DGP's Traveller's Digest are in the Domain of Deneb, but IIRC only the first is in or really close to the Marches. Those will be harder to find, since DGP materials are out of license. The actual magazines for that period were also very short production runs, so they later reprinted the material and gave it a MegaTrav update in "The Early Adventures", which may be easier to find.

The T5 campaign "Cirque" by Greylock (aka Greg Lee) is set after and deals with the repercussions of the 5FW in the Marches.

You won't find comprehensive Canon coverage because that wasn't GDW's approach to their setting. Nor will you find a lot of time stamped material for Gvurrdon, as CT only ever had a snapshot of it in the Vargr book. The CT view of Gvurrdon, and Vargr space in general, was of a far more wild and wooly frontier full of space wolves than Imperials were used to. We find out of Traveller Adventure and Azhanti High Lightning that a retired Imperial *cruiser* is being used to protect Imperial commercial interests in Vargr space, with the implication that this is the necessary level of intimidation required.

The set up materials for MegaTraveller, specifically the Rebellion Sourcebook, Imperial Encyclopedia, and DGP's Vilani & Vargr, will also provide a sense for Vargr space between the 5FW and the Rebellion, but will not have much in the way of time stamped news bits.