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Space Cowboy ("Hang On, Traveller")


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
(Note to Boomslang: I know, you're thinking of an anime by Sunrise. This is not that. This is related to a space western from 2002. Suggest a different title if you can.)

A multi-star system, far from Terra, several hundred years in the future. Home to around 40 billion people on terraformed planets and satellites of gas giants or giant planets.

Adventures take place some years after a civil war, which pitted the industrial and rich worlds against the agricultural and poor worlds. Naturally, the industrial and rich coalition won.

Traveller chargen is modified as follows:

1. Prodigies. INT 10+ may begin at age 14, and may pursue psionic training.

2. The Reenlist roll. When a character fails the reenlistment roll, the Civil War has begun. The character musters out and then attempts to enlist in a second career.

Second Career

This "second career" lasts for a maximum of 6 years, or 1.5 terms. The half-term is played out as being 2 years long, with half the skill awards.

If enlisting in a military career, the player declares whether he is on the Industrial side or the Agricultural side.

If enlisting on the Ag side, he gets +2 to his commission roll. On mustering out, he loses 2 from SOC, and cannot roll on the cash table.

Surface-to-Orbit (up to 10 diameters) is handled by efficient Gravitic drives, which require no fuel. However, the key to interplanetary travel is Overdrive -- a thing that coincidentally has the same volume and fuel requirements as the jump drive, but it operates in interplanetary real-space instead of interstellar jump-space.

"Subsector" maps are re-purposed to interplanetary scales. Thus, overdrive-2 travels 2 hexes per week. NOTE: this is a very low resolution map, but it lets us play using Traveller mechanics unmodified.

ACS fall into the 100-to-1000 ton range, with BCS easily climbing into the tens of thousands of tons, plus a handful of administrative super-carriers that are in the tens of millions of tons.
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I love the concept, but I think Rich worlds belong on the AG side against the IND side. That would give you the “Southern Gentleman” background and I believe that a world can be AG and RICH but not IND and RICH.
I love the concept, but I think Rich worlds belong on the AG side against the IND side. That would give you the “Southern Gentleman” background and I believe that a world can be AG and RICH but not IND and RICH.

I see what you mean, but I'm angling at Firefly, where the Ri + In certainly do seem to be the Alliance.
I like it.

Mature gravitics plus arcologies and paraterraforming would allow colonization of many otherwise uninhabitable or inhospitable planets and moons.

I like this concept. I'll have to work with the map to see how the travel part works out, but the chargen seems spot on. I like the idea that a failed re-enlistment roll doesn't reflect on the character, but rather shows where they were in their career when the civil war erupted.

Thank you for putting this together.

(Note to Boomslang: I know, you're thinking of an anime by Sunrise. This is not that. This is related to a space western from 2002. Suggest a different title if you can.)

Frankly, I don't think Josh Whedon did any better a job when it came to finding a good title for his project.

I might suggest "The Brown and the Gray."

I do think it's very clever how you've reworked the Traveller rules to accommodate this setting.

But I'd still like to see Spike, if you could work him into the setting, somehow. (Or Ed... Or Ein...)

See you space cowboy... :cool:
I see what you mean, but I'm angling at Firefly, where the Ri + In certainly do seem to be the Alliance.

Perhaps the RI worlds started on the AG side, and at sometime during the war switched sides. Be up to you if it was a willing switch or conquest.
Very well done, but you realize you've sacrificed the opportunity to develop a whole new rule book and charge folks for it, right? Possibly twice. :rofl:
One possibility is, unlike the 2002 TV series, to have the Agricultural side retreat to the outmost planets and wage a guerrilla was from there; officially the war is over, but a protracted partisan struggle is still going on. This will add conflict to the setting and allow plots such as smuggling weapons to the insurgents, or, alternatively, becoming a merc hired by the State to root them out.
One possibility is, unlike the 2002 TV series, to have the Agricultural side retreat to the outmost planets and wage a guerrilla was from there; officially the war is over, but a protracted partisan struggle is still going on. This will add conflict to the setting and allow plots such as smuggling weapons to the insurgents, or, alternatively, becoming a merc hired by the State to root them out.

You could certainly see this as a possibility if you set your game post-Serenity events. The bits of canon that have come out since the film have all included elements of just this sort of thing going on.
(Note to Boomslang: I know, you're thinking of an anime by Sunrise. This is not that. This is related to a space western from 2002. Suggest a different title if you can.)

"A Completely Different And Legally-Distinct Space Cowboy"

See also this mashup for further discussion.

Plus, of course, you have the Prior Art of the entire Tarsus module, which features PCs participating in actual livestock drives back and forth across a T-prime planet.

My main issue with the Firefly setting for an RPG is that you have too many planets and moons to deal with -- although kudos for the "Overdrive" concept, there -- surely, you only need a handful of carefully-crafted worlds to create the similar political/technological/cultural conflicts?

Compare Killjoys, for example...

Other than that, Firefly is Traveller straight out of the box, to my mind, so your goal here is not at all farfetched.

"Hand-fed by beautiful women."