There are several sites that have fossils which show some Neanderthal features in what is now eastern Turkey as recently as 18 kYA; unfortunately, due to location and politics... the digs from the 90's haven't been continued in those tells, nor have more expensive but accurate datings been obtained. (Smithsonian lists 15 kYA as the nearest end of the extinction window for all other humans, with the end of Denisovans as a species.)
And if one goes back to 65 KYA, there are at least three human species... as we add H. luzonensis and H. floresiensis.
There's interesting dicussion that H. sapiens may be only 250 kYA and in that time frame, we know of at least 4 species in Homo... it's the near end of H. heidelbergensis, well into H. neandertalensis, the earliest H. sapiens sapiens, and H. erectus... plus possibly some H. antecessor, and H. longi. Also, H. floresiensis and H. luzonensis appear to be derived from H. erectus... evidence only shows them to 150 kYA, but that means erectus or an intermediary was present.