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The Silurian hypothesis

I could see limiting Edu to TL, but then TL becomes a stat in itself, something avoided outside MT and MgT.
Going by character creation, Education seems tied to high technology, or advanced knowledge.

It's simplistic, but stuff like Philosophy could be tied to Intelligence, as with most art subjects.
I don't see what limiting Edu to TL really does in game, except maybe work against a player; basically to me it is a score to know something, do an edu check.
Pure opinion here: a cap on ED based on TL just feels like a solution looking for a problem. It is an added complexity that is not needed in my opinion. I will pass on the idea myself. :unsure:
Edu represents schooling based on the TL of the ruling polity.

In the Third Imperium knowledge of up to TL15, so Edu represents schooling within a TL15 paradigm.
How do you deal with extremes?

Such as EDU 12, INT 2? INT 12, EDU 2 is much easier.
I was in a class once and the professor pointed out that a passing grade was a c-. So, you could have a degree and still be on the dim side. With that in mind, I think of people who were pulled from school at grade school level to work because of the family situations. They did not even pass High School and get a diploma. That did not mean they were stupid.

So what is my point? I treat EDU more like training and Intelligence as the ability to absorb and use training if received. An EDU 12, INT 2 would be one of those people with lots of knowledge but lack the ability to use it wisely.
I've been thinking about this a lot. In T20 Sydites are a Character Race that have -2 mod to Int, but no mod to Edu, so a little lacking in the thinking department compared to Humans. Using 3d6, the average Int for Humans is 9-12 while for Sydites it's 7-10.

The way I see it, Sydites comprehension and ability to analyze might be a little lower, but Education shows where their interests are focused. So while the average Human could be either a generalist or specialist, the average Sydite tend to specialize where their interests and/or talents are.

Going the other way with low Edu & average to high Int, you could think of that as someone with no formal Education who has 'Street Smarts' as it were.
How do you deal with extremes?

Such as EDU 12, INT 2? INT 12, EDU 2 is much easier.
A robot is low int, high edu, it knows a lot, except thinks little. Maybe with high int, low edu someone might have a learning disability, though it is not something I'd lean into.
Pure opinion here: a cap on ED based on TL just feels like a solution looking for a problem. It is an added complexity that is not needed in my opinion. I will pass on the idea myself. :unsure:
I think many versions have a mod to lower Edu based on TL which seems reasonable. (mandatory high school wouldn’t be a thing pre industrial)…but no reason for a cap
With most of the Traveller players (and Refs) I've gamed with in the last 40 years there was a tendency to list at what TL a skill (or EDU increase) was gained - which affects how that is used.
A PC who learned Electronics at TL 10 MIGHT be able to troubleshoot and repair TL 8 stuff - but any lower and he would know nothing about what those large funny-looking things in there are or what they do (vacuum tubes to a guy who has only learned about integrated circuits). The same goes for TL12 (you put a full PC board's circuits into that little 2mm x 2mm box?) - in either case any success would depend more on the availability of textbooks as well as of repair manuals for the equipment (and also availability of TL-appropriate test equipment) than on the skill level itself.

Personally, I had a "birth - to - becoming an adult" TL assigned to the PC and another for what TL their career was - I have a PC whose base TL was 7 - she grew up on a 1970s-80s TL planet, then managed to get hired aboard a TL-11 small merchant ship where she learned various repair/operation skills for that ship. I didn't break "TL skill was acquired" down to individual skills, just to a general rating for "pre-career" skills/edu and another for "career" skills/edu.
With most of the Traveller players (and Refs) I've gamed with in the last 40 years there was a tendency to list at what TL a skill (or EDU increase) was gained - which affects how that is used.
Wow, that is interesting. I played Traveller for that same length of time and do not remember ever a worry or need for such bookkeeping. Guess ti just depends on the local group(s) and how they approach the game. Very interesting.
Did you have lot of folks circa Ancient Greece learning Computer-1 or Gunnery?
While I find the question a little silly and disingenuous, I will still answer it. :confused:

I have never, ever had a player ask to play an Ancient Greek in Traveller, ever. Nor have I ever had a GM run a Traveller game set in Ancient Greece. Interesting game you play sir. Glad you had fun playing your way. :) (y)