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Spinal mounts in MgT HG

*genuine question, by the way. Is the turn around time for re-arming a smallcraft mentioned anywhere? I'd just houserule it at, say, 1d3+2 rounds (18-30 minutes.) each, personally. Short enough to happen in a combat, long enough that they are out of play for a meaningful time


sorry I can't find any rules on re-arming, I would say 30 minutes minimum
as you would need to refuel and conduct basic maintenance checks on the craft, before launching again, I'd go with d6 +4, but that's just my interpretation, alternatively you could treat it as a difficult task with a 10 -60 minute time frame.



Found another error there should be 13 Armouries: 7.2 for the Marines and 5.2
remaining crew.

Another minor quibble is the torpedo reloads don't add up precisely (between 3 and 4 loads worth), I'd go for 96 torpedos (4 reloads).

I'm also wondering about the 4 slow Pinnaces? Would it be better to take a couple of spare TB's in storage hangers to replace casualties?

Appreciate that this would add to cost, but from a Terran point of view when you're fighting for your life you don't count the cost.

I'm trying to work out what sort of ship(s) to try it against

Kind Regards

the slow pinnances are thier because i think any capital sized craft should have some shuttles, for all those admin tasks that need doing (crew rotation, minor cargo movements, boarding and customs, etc), for which trying to use the whole ship would be impractical or even flat out impossible.

I can't remember why i didn't give more torps, but its easy enough t fix (just re-purpose some more cargo bays)

Appreciate that this would add to cost, but from a Terran point of view when you're fighting for your life you don't count the cost.

true, but on the other hand, the terrans are the new power, working out of whatever improvised colony bases they have been able to set up, and this ship is quite likey to be the only navy ship present in a backwater system. It's too big to land (at least i've never heard of somthing this big landing), so if it wants to take on stores form a frontier planet, going to need those utility shuttles.

sorry I can't find any rules on re-arming, I would say 30 minutes minimum
as you would need to refuel and conduct basic maintenance checks on the craft, before launching again, I'd go with d6 +4, but that's just my interpretation, alternatively you could treat it as a difficult task with a 10 -60 minute time frame.

bear in mind, i wasn't thinking of a full turn around, or even a re-fuel. i was thinking litrally just slap another piar of torps in the tubes and go, F1 pit stop style.

Shes got fuel for a week, so she ain't running out anytime soon, her systems are all still running, so thiers no need for more than a quick diagnostic, and if she's damaged? well shes either still flyable, in which case she goes out agian, or she's ain't, in which case shove her in a corner and forget about her until after those dudes have stopped trying to kill us.
the slow pinnances are thier because i think any capital sized craft should have some shuttles, for all those admin tasks that need doing (crew rotation, minor cargo movements, boarding and customs, etc), for which trying to use the whole ship would be impractical or even flat out impossible.

true, but on the other hand, the terrans are the new power, working out of whatever improvised colony bases they have been able to set up, and this ship is quite likey to be the only navy ship present in a backwater system. It's too big to land (at least i've never heard of somthing this big landing), so if it wants to take on stores form a frontier planet, going to need those utility shuttles.

bear in mind, i wasn't thinking of a full turn around, or even a re-fuel. i was thinking litrally just slap another piar of torps in the tubes and go, F1 pit stop style.

Shes got fuel for a week, so she ain't running out anytime soon, her systems are all still running, so thiers no need for more than a quick diagnostic, and if she's damaged? well shes either still flyable, in which case she goes out agian, or she's ain't, in which case shove her in a corner and forget about her until after those dudes have stopped trying to kill us.

Thanks, I only skim read the background earlier, but it's great reading.

Forgot about the amount of fuel carried by those TB's. attaching and prepping a couple of Torps to outside clamps, I'd say 5-15 mins, probably crews trained to turn around in a single round and relaunch, (assuming no probs).


Thanks, I only skim read the background earlier, but it's great reading.

Forgot about the amount of fuel carried by those TB's. attaching and prepping a couple of Torps to outside clamps, I'd say 5-15 mins, probably crews trained to turn around in a single round and relaunch, (assuming no probs).



your welcome (:o). I do like writing background, but every time i do it, I expect Rancke or someone to point out that i've stepped on canon's toes in six different places. :D.

I'd say it would have to be a minimum of one round in the ship, just for gameplay purposes. so round one land, round two re-arm, round three launch.
*genuine question, by the way. Is the turn around time for re-arming a smallcraft mentioned anywhere? I'd just houserule it at, say, 1d3+2 rounds (18-30 minutes.) each, personally. Short enough to happen in a combat, long enough that they are out of play for a meaningful time

sorry I can't find any rules on re-arming, I would say 30 minutes minimum
as you would need to refuel and conduct basic maintenance checks on the craft, before launching again, I'd go with d6 +4, but that's just my interpretation, alternatively you could treat it as a difficult task with a 10 -60 minute time frame.

I would find it fine with both cases, if only rearming is needed, but I'd subtract the crew modifier (halved if Xerxes formula is used), reflecting the importance of well trained crews in carrier opperations (as Xerxes said, akin of a F1 pit stop crew, where its training may be worth the whole race).
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I do like writing background, but every time i do it, I expect Rancke or someone to point out that i've stepped on canon's toes in six different places. :D.
Only with the best intentions. It allows you to revise your text (should you care enough about being canon-compatible to bother) and it prevents others from assuming that non-canonical facts are canonical and basing their own stuff on the assumption that they are.

If you are indifferent to the official background, just ignore any such corrections.

I had forgotten about this thread.

I'm going to revise this upwards to a twenty eight hundred tonne particle accelerator or railgun spinal mount in a fifty six hundred tonne hull.

For Mongoose Second.
Not done the maths all the way though, but i'm pretty sure I can make a 6,000 Dton vessel, that could carry a tl-14 particle spinal. the Railgun would need a smaller power plant, but when the rounds are 20 Dtons each, the P-spinal is actually going to a smaller system if you want more than 5 shots.

On a bigger ship, the extra space shots need would not count for so much and the lower cost of railguns would increase their attractiveness. However, the railguns top out before the particle spinals, so you can get an extra 2DD of damage out of P-spinals.

interestingly, both the Rail and Particle guns are smaller than a meason for a given DD rating, by 500 tons per 2DD. obviously, the measons have the whole ignore armour thing going on, which is sweet, but still, I that extra space could be useful for other systems that would "round out" a ship more.

could we make a 5,000 Dton spinal armed monitor? such a ship would be able to claim the -8DM to spinal fire, which would make it exceedingly hard to hit, and be able to sit at range and snipe away with a system that can hurt pretty much any capital ship.
could we make a 5,000 Dton spinal armed monitor? such a ship would be able to claim the -8DM to spinal fire, which would make it exceedingly hard to hit, and be able to sit at range and snipe away with a system that can hurt pretty much any capital ship.

Using just the rules for improving spinal mounts (page29), the smallest you can make a spinal mount is 2800 tons for a particle or railgun spinal, or 6000 tons for a meson spinal. Sing a spinal mount can be no more than half the ships total tonnage, that gives minimum ship sizes of 5600 tons (particle/railgun) and 12000 tons (meson).

If you allow the Advanced/Primitive technology rules (page 49), which says Referees may want to restrict due to spinal mounts already having their own method, you could potentially get a 50% reduction in size. 20% from the normal advanced spinal mount rules, and 30% for taking Reduced Size 3 times from the Primitive/Advanced rules. That would reduce the minimum size for a particle/railgun spinal to 1750 tons (3500 ton ship minimum) and the minimum size for a meson spinal to 3750 tons (7500 ton ship minimum).

So you could potential get a 5000 ton ship with a spinal mount, but you must allow both the normal spinal mount advancement rules, and also allow the Primitive/Advanced tech rules at the same time. And even then, you are limited to a particle or railgun spinal.

If you instead ignore the normal spinal mount advancement rules, and just the the Advanced/Primitive rules for all weapons (spinals included), you could get a particle or railgun spinal mount down to 2450 tons, with a minimum ship size of 4900 tons.

So you can (potentially) get a spinal mount to fit in a 5000 ton ship. Whether or not you can get everything else is a different story.
Just to be sure, I understand you've switched to MgT 2nd edition, right?

It started with First, and rummaging through past threads, I rediscovered this one, and thought it was time to update it in line with current thinking at Mongoose.
ah, balls I missed that line about no more than half the ship can be spinal.

So, scratch the 5,000 Dton spinal ship. still, a 7-10kdton design is perfectly viable, and that would still get a -4DM to incoming spinal fire, as well as having enough space for a secondary battery to deal with similar sized ships.