the slow pinnances are thier because i think any capital sized craft should have some shuttles, for all those admin tasks that need doing (crew rotation, minor cargo movements, boarding and customs, etc), for which trying to use the whole ship would be impractical or even flat out impossible.
true, but on the other hand, the terrans are the new power, working out of whatever improvised colony bases they have been able to set up, and this ship is quite likey to be the only navy ship present in a backwater system. It's too big to land (at least i've never heard of somthing this big landing), so if it wants to take on stores form a frontier planet, going to need those utility shuttles.
bear in mind, i wasn't thinking of a full turn around, or even a re-fuel. i was thinking litrally just slap another piar of torps in the tubes and go, F1 pit stop style.
Shes got fuel for a week, so she ain't running out anytime soon, her systems are all still running, so thiers no need for more than a quick diagnostic, and if she's damaged? well shes either still flyable, in which case she goes out agian, or she's ain't, in which case shove her in a corner and forget about her until after those dudes have stopped trying to kill us.