SOC-14 1K
Does anyone know how the Bonded Superdense is supposed to work as part of a structure? I know how it has that charge running through it to pull the collapsed atomic structure even tighter, but what about when it has the power cut off?
Does it turn back into regular superdense? Does it have to have a continuous current of how much? Can it only be used on vehicles and ships because it needs a lot of power?
It's a small thing, but this is the place for debating small things into big ones.
I would assume bonded super-dense uses carbon nanotube technology and requires only a small current that causes the these to contract or expand like a Chinese finger puzzle. This would give the super-dense a structure like rebar within it that strengthens the whole. If the power goes off, you still have a very strong structure, stronger than super-dense alone, but not as strong as the variety with charge applied.
Or, maybe you apply the charge during manufacture, and it remains in the proper state afterwards sort of like how you do with a post tension concrete slab. Then a charge isn't needed in use.