At current ticket prices, I never walk in.At current ticket prices, I never walk out.
At current ticket prices, I never walk in.At current ticket prices, I never walk out.
At current ticket prices, I never walk in.
... and stormtroopers who can actually shoot straight.
"Hell is other people." ... the vast majority of films today attract people who I want nothing to do with, let alone spend a couple hours in a dark room with.
GF: Then it is another evening wasted on character generation.
It made me realize the importance of the on board scene in the first Star Wars where they are hanging out together in the Falcon's crew lounge. Everyone essentially bonded then
I just didn't see why the transition from strangers to such a tight knit group that would have explained why everyone would unequivocally give their life for Jyn.
My wife and I enjoyed the film a lot.
I could tell the end hit the theater audience pretty hard. People aren't used to classic tragedy these days. I think that's the thing most likely to dampen the box office take for this film.
I saw it. I loved it.
And I agree that they did an awesome job of keeping things in sync with ANH. From Grand Moff Tarkin and Mon Mothma to the details of the starships to even having the same people as certain pilots (like Gold Leader). They really paid attention to the details.
And it is nice to see that between this and Rebels they are actually bringing back some of my favorite stuff from the Extended Universe (Thrawn!!!!)