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Starship design sheet for T20


Hello all,
Does anyone have an excel spreadsheet to do T20 starship design? Something like "Fire, Fusion & Steel 2 Design Worksheet" by Andrew Akins. He did a real good job on this one.
What kind of file extension does it have? I guess I need to know if I can import it into excel or Numbers (Mac spreadsheet program).
OpenOffice2 is .ods (or the template .ots). I don't think Excel is going to read it. OpenOffice is free software though, and it will convert to Excel (.xls) format. Sometimes the formatting can mess up a bit though, so I don't know whether it's worth trying it. I don't have Excel to test the converted file with. Link to OpenOffice From the website, it looks like OpenOffice runs on Mac, Windows, or Linux
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I must be an idiot. For some reason I thought that was a different system. Thanks for setting me straight. Sorry to have bothered everyone.