Yes, the whole SL issue is one of those flame-bait subjects...
In general, though,
CT: max G rating is 6G, Typ Merchant is 1G, with a few at 2G. Streamlining is Yes or No. Thrust not defined as gravitic, but can be inferred
CT+HG: Still max 6G. Most merchants still bk2 designs... 3 levels of SL: SL, PSL, and non. SL can land; PSL can enter atmosphere and scoop GG's, but can't land. Non-SL can't enter atmosphere nor land. (Funny, the Lunar Lander was USL...) Thrust not gravitic explicitly, but thrust behavior implies that.
MT: Max 6G except when using the One Small Step (Challenge Mag or MT:HT) rules. Streamlining is Airframe, Streamlined, or Unstreamlined; landing capability not tied to it.
MT+SSOM: Gravitics can hit 400% thrust for periods up to an hour... and can provide 33% thrust at 90 degrees from primary thrust plane.... SO it basically looks much like star wars for take off. A 1G ship can thus hit 1.33G straight up when designed for "Forward" thrust, rather than upward. Oh, and the reverse thrust limit is 10%.
MT+OSS: Some designs up to 9G doable, but mostly kept down to 2-3G due to lack of compensation and AG.
TNE: No hard limit besides compensation. Compensation limits table is in FF&S. warcraft often break IC limit by 2-3 G's, and merchantmen seldom even run equal. Real-world style fuel issues. Launch/land changed severely by introduction of new technology to the Traveller architecture: Contragrav, which disconnects the ship from local gravity (or about 95-99% of it), so a ship will almost always float gently down... landings and launches very very different... since they use a reaction drive, you've got blast pads, etc, and they need to bring the mains on-thrust axis right quick. Airframe separate from streamlining; very few ships designed as AF types (Since you have to use the aircraft sequences). Multiple levels of SL.
T4: Almost identical tech to TNE, but also has grav thrust. (Contragrav +3G Gravitic thrust is 3 maneuver G's; no CG puts Maneuver G's down by local G's)
T20: Defines as a gravitic system; limits at 6G. Makes AF a better form of Streamlining, thus AF. SL, PSL, and USL. Similar limits as with HG. Non-AF hulls limited to 2G in atmosphere...