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MGT Only: Starships: Confederation Cutter Cutrate Class


SOC-14 5K
Starships: Confederation Cutter Cutrate Class

Ninety nine point five tonne technological level nine self sealing, unstreamlined, naturally armoured and gravitated light ferrous nickel planetoid [note one] hull with forty four point seven seven five hull points, costing 298'500 bux.

Two and a half tonne dual cockpit acts as primary bridge [note two] at fifteen kilobux, with free basic sensors, and a technological level seven factor five onboard computer at thirty kilobux; total 45 kilobux.

Software package includes a library, jump one, and manoeuvre zero; total 100 kilobux

The option exists for three separate firmpoints, to which can be attached either a fixedly mounted virtual weapon system, or a technological level seven single turret [note three], at respectively one hundred kilobux and two hundred kilobux each; the default has a single mounted fixture, for but not with a [presumably] sandcaster weapon system; can be retrofitted, plus labour and yard time.

Nine factored one budgeted gravitic based energy inefficient manoeuvre drive modules, constructed at technological level nine; each module weighing one hundred kilogrammes and rated at a ten tonne thrust, costing 150 kilobux and requiring one point three power points; for a total weight of nine hundred kilogrammes, with a ninety tonne thrust performance requiring eleven point seven power points, at a cost of 1.35 megabux.

Combined with a modular nine pack anti-gravity factored one lifters [note four], constructed at technological level nine; each module weighing eighty kilogrammes and rated at a ten tonne lift, costing 160 kilobux and requiring one power point each; for a total weight of seven hundred twenty kilogrammes, with a ninety tonne lift performance requiring nine power points, at a costing of 1.44 megabux.

The power plant consists of three budgeted early fusion reactor modules, constructed at technological level eight; weighing in at one tonne each, costing 375 kilobux, and producing eight power points per round [note five]; for a total weight of three tonnes, with an output of twenty four power points, and costing 1.125 megabux.

The power plant is connected to a half a tonne of solar panelling [note six], whose output can either be shunted to the power plant, and/or the onboard [high efficiency] batteries, costing 50 kilobux.

One factored one budgeted increased size jump drive, constructed at technological level nine rated at two hundred parsec tonnes; totaling ten point five five tonnes costing 9.675 megabux [note seven].

You can tow along an interplanetary cargo net with a default volume of fourteen hundred cubic metres [note eight], available at technological level eight, costing 100 kilobux, which would basically half the engineering performance if completely full.

Jump bubble diameter is 223.737 metres, based on a fourteen hundred cubic metre volume.

For landing gear, half a tonne ferrous nickel lump is divided into three equal cones, distributed equally around the base of the sphere and welded to it, acting as a de facto landing tripod. If that's not an option, adding a half tonne hump anywhere on the hull would create enough ballast. Or attaching it to a rope and trailing it along.

There are four fuel tanks, the first two specifically meant to feed the power plant, are one tonne each. The other two, are hybrid cargo fuel containers, sized at ten and a half tonnes for a net total volume of ten tonnes each, costing a premium of 50 kilobux each, totalling 100 kilobux.

One tonne fuel processor, capable of processing twenty tonnes per day, costing 50 kilobux.

There are two ingresses, the freebie [note nine] two tonne airlock, and a cargo hatch [note ten].

Accomodations are a ten tonne stable, with suitable light partitions to separate the added in bunks, and fixtures such as a seat toilet toilet, wash basin, and shower attached to the plumbing, sufficient for twenty human sized [note eleven] crew, costing 25 kilobux; with a self contained life support system that costs a net 2.5 kilobux per month [note twelve].

Cargo can be squeezed into the remaining 24.93 tonnes.

Total cost is 14.3585 megabux [note thirteen].


one hollowed out equally (if you didn't just pour liquid nickel iron in a mold], and laser polished to a spherical shaped brilliant billiard ball.

two though it's unclear if two pilots would be mandatory; in any event, being a cockpit, it can be sealed off from the rest of the vessel, with a default life support for the two crewmembers for twenty four hours.

three at a nominal 200 kilobux per turret; upto three different weapon systems can be attached without additional cost; in theory, if firmpointed turrets are limited to single weapon systems, they don't require so much volume, nor cost as much.

four two disadvantages [orbital range] plus two technological advantages [size reduction, size reduction] cancel each other out and translate into eighty percent size reduction; combined, this ensures that the cutrater can leave any planetary object with a gravitational pull of less than one ppoint eight standard gravities; technological level limitations still apply at a hard factor one per, two if combined while within one and a quarter megametres from the surface, and possibly 0.909 gees further afield, if you think the additional nine energy points expenditure is worth it.

five budgeted increased size; regardless how you crunch the numbers, there's no cheaper technological level nine alternative.

six power plantless hulls have solar panels calculated on basic systems and thrust factor one energy requirements, which is basically thirty power points per hundred tonnes, so at technological level eight based early fusion reactors, that would three hundred kilogrammes, short of the minimum five hundred kilogrammes minimum.

seven five tonne increased size overhead costing 843.75 kilobux requiring one power point per ten parsec tonnes, five tonne increased size core costing 843.75 kilobux, five hundred fifty kilogrammes increased size capacitors costing 1.2375 megabux; totaling ten point five five tonnes costing 9.675 megabux.

eight it has a default diameter of thirteen point eight eight metres, so it's well within the jump bubble, so it gets dragged down the rabbit hole, despite High Guard saying that a ship cannot perform a jump while this net is deployed, as no discernible difference is mentioned between it and the jump net, and the characteristics of the jump net is a legacy of a pre bubble time.

nine seems inconsistently applied in Traveller, so the additional two tonnes and 100 kilobux is accounted for as you couldn't make it part of the overhead of any other ship component.

ten should be large enough for whatever expected cargo sized pallets or containers are the norm.

eleven you could subdivide it into three three tonne staterooms, with a shared one tonne fresher; panelling, fittings and furnishings are calculated separately.

twelve that's about one person per square.

thirteen not accounting for additional fittings and furnishings, nor the ten percent discount for mass production.