Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
This gets a little tricky...
Bare with me. I'll explain and cite my sources as I go.
What's the minimum TL of a starship? From what I can tell, it's is TL 9. Where'd I get that? The TL table on page 87 TTB. A Jump Drive or PP-A or M-Drive A require TL 9.
So, in order to build a starship, you need a Class A starport on a TL 9+ world. Class A, of course, is required to build starships.
Book 5, pg. 20 says that a ship has the same TL as the world where the ship was manufactured.
There are canon examples of TL 9 starships, but I can't find any references to a starship lower than TL 9. Supp 7 shows a TL 9 Type S, a TL 9 Type A2, a TL 9 Type J Seeker.
DGP's Grand Census/Survey set proposes that Class A starports cannot be lower than TL A, regardless of the world TL. It's debatable, though, if those books (as excellent as they are) are Canon sources.
POINT #1: Given this information, I surmise that the lowest TL for a starship in the CT Canon universe is TL 9.
From what can tell, the minimum world TL for a Class A starport is TL 5. Looking at pg. 85 TTB, a Class A starport has a minimum TL 7, but there's a -2 penalty if the world government code is D.
Point #2: This means that not all Class A starports are capable of building starships. A starport must have local logistical support in the form of the world's resources. That means:
Class A starport on a Gov't D world, the minimum wild TL is TL 5.
Class A starport on a TL 8- world (TL 5-8) cannot build starships even though the starport is Class A in other respects. The world doesn't meet the TL 9 minimum for building drives.
Point #3: Class A starports are TL 5+, but starships cannont be built unless TL 9 is reached locally. Not all Class A starports are capable of starship construction.
There are starport class TL minimums provided in DGP excellent Grand Census/Survey books (I believe the minimum for a Class A starport is TL A, but it is debatable issue if those books are canon, so we'll ignore them for this discussion).
Point #4: If what I say here isn't true (that some Class A starports cannot build starships), then it is possible to have TL 5 starships--which breaks all sorts of prior established rules (minimum tech for the creation of drives, for example).
COMMENT: Maybe worlds with Class A starports at TL 5-8 can assemble starships from modular parts imported from other worlds? If so, then this changes what kind of starship is available from Class A starports on these worlds--it limits them to standard designs. Custom building must take place on TL 9+ worlds with Class A starports.
Adherence to this detail may change the face of a subsector. The Rigina subsector is blessed with five worlds that have Class A starports.
TL D Efate
TL D Pixie
TL D Boughene
TL A Regina
TL 5 Kinorb
What I've said above would mean that custom starships cannot be manufactured on Kinorb, but standard designs can be built from imported modular sections.
My guess would be a major export from Pixie and Boughene to Kinorb are TL D starship components.
Speculation: A character couldn't hire an architect to build a custom ship on Kinorb, but he could get the standard designs.
Looking at the Aramis subsector, there are no changes as there are only two worlds where starships can be manufactured.
TL 9 Paya
TL B Aramis
Speculation #2: Refs should look at the subsector to determine what TL of vessels are generally present. With only two shipyards in the entire Aramis subsector capable off creating starships, one is TL 9 and the other is TL B. That should mean that a majority of the vessels encountered in the Aramis subsector are TL 9 and TL B vessels (except for Captial ship military craft, which tends to buy from TL F facilities and then have the fleet moved to where it is needed.
There is only one world in the entire subsector of District 268 capable of creating starships.
TL A Binges.
So, shouldn't the majority of the ships encountered in that subsector be of the TL A variety? And, what's the backlog on building a starship a that world?
It is said (and Supp 9 would certainly have us believe) that military capital ships are almost TL 15.
COMMENT: If this is true, then there are only 4 worlds in the entire Spinward Marches sector that hold Imperial Naval contracts for capital ships.
TL F Glisten - Glisten subsector
TL F Rhylanor - Rhylanor subsector
TL F Mora - Mora subsector
TL F Trin - Trin's Veil subsector
Speculation #3: The four worlds above must be flush with Imperial Naval contracts. TL 15 ships are probably dense in these subsectors, from current postings, to those coming or going, to surplus vessels no longer in use by the Navy.
Book 5, pg. 20. It says there that the Navy will procure ships in the TL A to TL E range, and from looking at created designs in the supplements, lower tech seems to be reserved for smaller Imperial Naval vessels.
Bare with me. I'll explain and cite my sources as I go.
What's the minimum TL of a starship? From what I can tell, it's is TL 9. Where'd I get that? The TL table on page 87 TTB. A Jump Drive or PP-A or M-Drive A require TL 9.
So, in order to build a starship, you need a Class A starport on a TL 9+ world. Class A, of course, is required to build starships.
Book 5, pg. 20 says that a ship has the same TL as the world where the ship was manufactured.
There are canon examples of TL 9 starships, but I can't find any references to a starship lower than TL 9. Supp 7 shows a TL 9 Type S, a TL 9 Type A2, a TL 9 Type J Seeker.
DGP's Grand Census/Survey set proposes that Class A starports cannot be lower than TL A, regardless of the world TL. It's debatable, though, if those books (as excellent as they are) are Canon sources.
POINT #1: Given this information, I surmise that the lowest TL for a starship in the CT Canon universe is TL 9.
From what can tell, the minimum world TL for a Class A starport is TL 5. Looking at pg. 85 TTB, a Class A starport has a minimum TL 7, but there's a -2 penalty if the world government code is D.
Point #2: This means that not all Class A starports are capable of building starships. A starport must have local logistical support in the form of the world's resources. That means:
Class A starport on a Gov't D world, the minimum wild TL is TL 5.
Class A starport on a TL 8- world (TL 5-8) cannot build starships even though the starport is Class A in other respects. The world doesn't meet the TL 9 minimum for building drives.
Point #3: Class A starports are TL 5+, but starships cannont be built unless TL 9 is reached locally. Not all Class A starports are capable of starship construction.
There are starport class TL minimums provided in DGP excellent Grand Census/Survey books (I believe the minimum for a Class A starport is TL A, but it is debatable issue if those books are canon, so we'll ignore them for this discussion).
Point #4: If what I say here isn't true (that some Class A starports cannot build starships), then it is possible to have TL 5 starships--which breaks all sorts of prior established rules (minimum tech for the creation of drives, for example).
COMMENT: Maybe worlds with Class A starports at TL 5-8 can assemble starships from modular parts imported from other worlds? If so, then this changes what kind of starship is available from Class A starports on these worlds--it limits them to standard designs. Custom building must take place on TL 9+ worlds with Class A starports.
Adherence to this detail may change the face of a subsector. The Rigina subsector is blessed with five worlds that have Class A starports.
TL D Efate
TL D Pixie
TL D Boughene
TL A Regina
TL 5 Kinorb
What I've said above would mean that custom starships cannot be manufactured on Kinorb, but standard designs can be built from imported modular sections.
My guess would be a major export from Pixie and Boughene to Kinorb are TL D starship components.
Speculation: A character couldn't hire an architect to build a custom ship on Kinorb, but he could get the standard designs.
Looking at the Aramis subsector, there are no changes as there are only two worlds where starships can be manufactured.
TL 9 Paya
TL B Aramis
Speculation #2: Refs should look at the subsector to determine what TL of vessels are generally present. With only two shipyards in the entire Aramis subsector capable off creating starships, one is TL 9 and the other is TL B. That should mean that a majority of the vessels encountered in the Aramis subsector are TL 9 and TL B vessels (except for Captial ship military craft, which tends to buy from TL F facilities and then have the fleet moved to where it is needed.
There is only one world in the entire subsector of District 268 capable of creating starships.
TL A Binges.
So, shouldn't the majority of the ships encountered in that subsector be of the TL A variety? And, what's the backlog on building a starship a that world?
It is said (and Supp 9 would certainly have us believe) that military capital ships are almost TL 15.
COMMENT: If this is true, then there are only 4 worlds in the entire Spinward Marches sector that hold Imperial Naval contracts for capital ships.
TL F Glisten - Glisten subsector
TL F Rhylanor - Rhylanor subsector
TL F Mora - Mora subsector
TL F Trin - Trin's Veil subsector
Speculation #3: The four worlds above must be flush with Imperial Naval contracts. TL 15 ships are probably dense in these subsectors, from current postings, to those coming or going, to surplus vessels no longer in use by the Navy.
Book 5, pg. 20. It says there that the Navy will procure ships in the TL A to TL E range, and from looking at created designs in the supplements, lower tech seems to be reserved for smaller Imperial Naval vessels.