^ I would contend that a Type S or A2 is no match for a grav tank; in fact, it shouldn't even be a contest. My thoughts:
ARMOR - Winner: Tank
Civilian starships are thin skinned and minimally armed by design, the added mass of armor or elaborate weapon systems only reduces crew space and cargo or fuel capacity and reduces drive efficiency. Tanks, by design, willingly sacrifice crew space, cargo capacity, and fuel stores in favor of more armor and weapon space. Just like aircraft today (even military aircraft), you shouldn't need a very sophisticated weapon (birds are still very effective) to knock a commercial spacecraft out of the sky; main battle tanks on the other hand do require significant effort to exact a kill, just ask an Iraqi soldier.
WEAPONS - Winner: Tank
A civilian shipboard laser is nominally only useful in a vacuum. Range and punch would be reduced significantly in an atmosphere; add smoke, chaff, and defensive aerosols and it gets even worse for the laser. Tank armor would be designed to repel or absorb the best an enemy could throw at it, whether high power direct energy weapons or explosive projectiles. Realistically, a ship would have to get well within a tank's effective weapon range for its dinky laser to do much damage, making this a suicide mission. An anti-starship missile would probably only be a little more effective, if 1) it could lock on the tank (ECM), 2) it could fly in an atmosphere (fins?), and 3) there was significant kinetic energy transfer. Still, it may not prevent the tank from firing back.
In a TU where rail guns and mass drivers are the norm, a civilian starship may have a better chance of damaging an armored vehicle, but then again, the tank designers would probably anticipate this and compensate accordingly.
TARGETTING - Winner: Tank
Tank targetting systems would be matched to track and engage high speed grav tanks and low flying, tank killing aircraft making a bulky commercial starship nothing more than a big fat target with little or no armor, ECM, or other defenses. Read: BOOM!
IMTU, your solo ground pounder would be going quickly from rescuee to rescuer, if the crew were lucky enough to survive the crash and subsequent explosion! Might make for a more interesting game, no?