Or do you mean objectively?
What we are looking at is a dedicated high-performance, military weapon system going up against a foe that is outside it's element and design area. Grav tanks do not seem designed for 3D combat despite that being the description of the role.
As well the Scout is not psuedo-civilian, it is paramilitary. It is not a utility craft armed with a low end weapon, it is a non-combative hardened deep space ship armed with standard military grade weapons of the smallest size, which are still comparitive to those on your military vehicle in both size and performance. Think more naval submarine vessel and less aircraft for a better comparison.
It is in no way comparitive to a civilian aircraft going toe-to-toe with an Abrams and surviving. No it is not a dedicated tank killer attacking a tank either though, but a Scout is not a freaking airliner in comparison.
I don't think the Scout would have any problem detecting and sorting out a battlefield from orbit. It's the ground elements that are going to be hard pressed in my books to detect the Scout, and even when or if they do it's well outside their range. They'll have to call on their own close orbit and air support elements if they have any to have any shot at the Scout.
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
All sarcasm aside
Oh... Now I'm not sure what was sarcasm

I took you literally, oh well, onwards
The Millenium Falcon comparison is also off, or am I looking at it backwards? No I don't think so. The correct comparison would have the Falcon in the place of the Scout so it should be measured against what it could do to an Imperial Walker. It'd mash it is what and maybe come away with a few scars, and the hyperdrive would be offline of course
I would agree with the bit about the lightsaber, except that it's magic, hokey religion, force be with you, and all that ya know
I don't think anybody said anything about turning the tide of global war with a single Scout turret, though a shot in the right place at the right time, beat of a butterfly wing and all that, could very well do just that. No the scenario I thought I saw developing was a desperate rescue of one man and a chance encounter with a limited (one or two) patrol of tanks to add some danger to it. I don't even recall if they
were grav tanks at this point
Besides, the refs job is not to kill the PCs, it's just to make life interesting. He doesn't need to throw the whole of a global war theatre's assests against a lone Scout to do that