As I posted yesterday, in CT LBB4 the "grav tank" ceases to exist at TL11. By TL12 they are referred to as gunships.
The TL15 Trepida in CT terms should be a gunship - not a grav tank
1. How much attentuation occurs in starship energy weapons (lasers) when fired in an atmosphere? with smoke, aerosols, and chaff floating in the atmosphere? with smoke, aerosols, and chaff designed to attentuate battlefield laser floating around?
There's an interesting graph in FF&S that shows atmospheric absorbtion of light of different wavelengths, and you can find similar by googling. Visible has the greatest penetration, but would be too easily defeated by smoke etc, so IR or microwave frequencies would be better.
2. Do grav tanks carry ablative or reflec style armor to contend with battlefield lasers (mounted or man portable) or do they just ignore this obvious threat?
TL11 grav tanks, or TL12+ gunships?
They could do, but I would imagine that they have neither, it's too easily scrubbed off using a machine gun or high explosive round before the lasers start flying about.
They would instead rely on their armour thickness for protection, plus their sand/anti laser aerosol dispensers.
Besides, ships don't appear to make use of ablat or reflec armour in CT
Note that an anti laser aerosol isn't going to be much use to a maneuvering grav tank/gunship, unless you hold it next to the hull with an EM or gravitic field - or there's always plasma armour
3. In addition to physical countermeasures, do grav tanks carry sensor decoys and ECM packages to prevent missile and targetting sensor lock on?
ECM, definitely I would say. And point defence.
CT doesn't really handle EW, decoys etc. very well. Where are they in ship combat?
4. What is the maximum elevation for a Trepida fusion cannon? Can the Trepida engage low flying air or spacecraft? What about those attempting to use the terrain to mask their approach to a downed crewman?
This is where the OTU and the CT rules diverge, just for a change. The Trepida should be a gunship. It shouldn't even look like a tank IMHO

- but anyway.
The Trepida is a fully 3d maneuverable gravcraft. Its fusion gun could be a fixed mount and it could be brought to bear at any taget just by maneuvering itself.
Think of the angles of attack demonstrated by vectored thrust experimental fighters today.
5. What is the maximum agility attributed to a Type S or A1 in a standard, Terra norm, atmosphere? Can a Trepida engage such a high performance aircraft? With only civilian grade sensors to defeat military grade targetting sensors?
The Trepida is itself such a high performance aircraft - in MT it has ~ 2.5g rating on an Earth sized world. Its sensors etc. are military grade but tuned to fighting on a planetary scale, rather than the light second scale of ship combat.
6. If a shipboard laser is basically a horizon to horizon weapon, what is the max range of a Trepida's main gun? What is the damage at maximum range? Is it enough to punch a fist sized hole in a Type S, burn thru to the cockpit, and flash fry the pilot? What about the 10th time it's hit?
You have to look to Striker, MT, TNE etc. for the answer to this one - since CT doesn't have a vehicle combat system. In all of those the fusion gun can get through the scout's hull and kill the pilot - after ten such hits there wouldn't be much of a scout ship left
Since I have MT closest to hand - the range of the Trepida's main gun is up to 500km.
7. How big a target does a hull down Trepida present? Is it detectable from orbit or during an extremely high speed pass on the way to save a stranded crewman? Is it possible the wide-eyed gunner, looking for more obvious targets, may not even detect a hull down Trepida?
If it has its power plant turned down, its grav drive idling, if it is partially burried then I would make it difficult to detect. If the sensor operator is rushed then it may even be a very difficult task - depending on how well the Trepida crew did on their "digging in" task
8. Is the Trepida ever escorted by anti-aircraft artillery or missile launchers? Nah
Not needed.
It will be escorted by nuclear damper sleds, and will itself be escorting meson artillery.
Now if you really want to spoil the scout or merchant's day, target them with a battlefield meson gun