Planning for this second stage of the defense operation has already foreseen supply and repair problems. Caches of fuel, supplies, repair parts, simple but well-built repair boys, and even standby crews are secretly stationed in out of the way locations*3).
*3) John Lewis: "SDB", The Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society, War Issue, No.9, pp.32-33, 1981
This painting was drawn in reference to the work of William Keith, Jr. *4)
*4)Mega Traveller, Imperial Encyclopedia, Game Designers’ Workshop, pp.85,1987.
At the direction of the president of my company, I had to go on a business trip to the UK in early March. It will be a forced march of 5 days and 2 nights. I have to prepare and I'm not good at English, so this trip is very daunting.