I'm thinking I might use these "action shots"
@magmagmag is posting as photo props, snapshots framed on desks or walls around the ship, to contrast with the state the PCs find it in...
@AlHazred wants to do is to take the interior images you have made,
@magmagmag ... clip them ... and put the images into different contexts.
So instead of using the images directly as you have made them, use your images as artwork to be seen framed on walls inside a different ship.
Or crop the interior images you made and frame them as photographs to be placed on desks, making a memento of a previous time for someone.
Your interior view artworks can be cropped and pasted into other contexts on other ships. This then creates an extended backstory and history, improving immersion into the game world.
Or to put it another way,
@AlHazred wants to "doujinshi" use your interior artwork images on different ships.
That way, if the Player Characters encounter an abandoned or derelict ship, your pictures can be used to show what it looked like when it was inhabited, before it was abandoned. What is now an abandoned ruin/haunted house was once a "home" for people to live and work in, as you can see from the pictures on the walls and the framed photographs found on desks.
Hope that helps.