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CT Only: Starter Edition free at drivethru

Thanks for posting - I've sent the link to my gaming group as there are only 2 of us with the rules (not that we are particularly rules-heavy and I do tend to play with the mix-and-match across rule sets).
Excellent edition of the rules, too.

I think "Starter" may turn some people off, thinking it is a lite version of the game.

In a way it is. The movement for starships from the LBBs is greatly simplified (range bands vs vector plotting). There are probably other significant differences.
I've found the range band system actually much more useful for dropping a ship combat into an evening's role playing rather than clearing the table for the full on Mayday/LBB2/Triplanetary/AV:T treatment (I save those occasions for dedicated wargames in space evenings).

I knw the drugs rules are missing from Starter.
In a way it is. The movement for starships from the LBBs is greatly simplified (range bands vs vector plotting). There are probably other significant differences.

Like Mike, below, I agree that the Range Band system is more useful than the LBB 2. Yes, it's simplified, but that's a good thing as LBB2 is difficult to use. Plus, the Range Band system can easily be used with a hex sheet.

I would say that Starter Traveller is at least as complete--maybe more so--than LBB 1-3.

I knw the drugs rules are missing from Starter.

But, the Pulse Laser rule is added to Starter Traveller.

ST is the only place to find Range Band space combat and the Pulse Laser rule.

Like all editions of CT, ST has some differences from the other two rule editions (LBB 1-3 and TTB).
In a way it is. The movement for starships from the LBBs is greatly simplified (range bands vs vector plotting). There are probably other significant differences.

That's the one of two major differences from TTB; the other is that the "Drugs" section is missing.

There are some minor ones in pulse lasers (which is errata for the rest of CT), healing and damage (pretty trivial unless you're reading for rules-lawyering), and a few other hard-to-spot bits. Much of it is literally identical to The Traveller Book.
Both Starter and The Traveller Book have the same problem with laser battery pack charging. Under Laser Carbine they both give a charging time of 8 hours, and under reloading they both give a charging time of one hour. I brought this up to Don, but I do not know if it made it into his Errata Files.
Both Starter and The Traveller Book have the same problem with laser battery pack charging. Under Laser Carbine they both give a charging time of 8 hours, and under reloading they both give a charging time of one hour. I brought this up to Don, but I do not know if it made it into his Errata Files.

The errata for Basic (301) 1981 indicates charging takes one hour.
I missed that as I was looking in Starter and The Traveller Book. Don never put out a correction for those.

I'm inclined to stick with eight hours, unless someone recalls the specific reason one hour was determined to be correct. The errata for Book 1 '81 is for the Special Considerations section, but, doesn't change the Laser Carbine description.

Cracks me up I'm still discovering weird anomalies within Traveller. Geez, it's been going on for forty years now.

What is amazing about this game is that so much creativity and inspiration is generated by this thin rule set that features comparatively few details when compared with other RPGs.

It is lite on art, and what art it has is B&W line drawings.

And yet, it has birthed just under ten editions and remains one of the favored rpgs in history (where uncountable others have been lost to history).

It's like a B movie akin to Casablanca where everything just meshed and a masterpiece was born.
That's the one of two major differences from TTB; the other is that the "Drugs" section is missing.

There are some minor ones in pulse lasers (which is errata for the rest of CT), healing and damage (pretty trivial unless you're reading for rules-lawyering), and a few other hard-to-spot bits. Much of it is literally identical to The Traveller Book.

Experience rules are also missing from Starter Traveller.
