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Starting a new campaign

ahhhhhhh Steve beat Cathulu! ahhhhhhhhhh its the end of the world hes killed him 3 times over! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh cool looking series AHHHHHHHAAHAHHAHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
Actually I thought Jurassic Park was slightly more realistic looking as far as larger animals were concerned. Due to the use of models for close up details on the large animals which they didn't do for Walking With.

But anyway its impressive to watch.
yes i did. my biology teacher also liked them when i asked if he had heard of them and he liked them so they sound pretty good.
Firstly after looking around i'll like to say why on Earth are people living on Dawnworld (Mainly the Scientists) When The Planet is basically Has a Biological thing which is supposedly unKnown which affects Young Males to give Birth.
Wouldn't the Scientists be working on that. And any other lifeform on it will need to be Extraterrestrial as the Virus only affects Terrestrial beings.

Secondly Whom the Scientists are working for The Sword Worlds the Imperium would Make different affects agaisnt the PCs, If The Pc are from the Sworld Worlds than they would get a warm welcome from the Scientists (without saying which parts they come from, which may make it a little uneasy but they'll still welcome them),If the pcs are from the imperium and the Scientist again Sworld worlders they'll welcome them but may not help most of the time. Same for a reverse situation, but the Imperium Scientists may call upon and armed ship to take them away as fast as posibly and may be Questioned
I have no idea what virus you're talking about.

After some delays I ran my game again. I realized that even though we only play a couple times a month the group had been marooned on the planet since March real time (about a month game time). Therefore this last bit I decided to speed things up. At the end of this session's journey I allowed the group to get within 500km of the research station, which meant that their emergency beacon could be picked up (as far as they knew). Of course the scientists there knew about them the whole time but as part of the experiment the players are unwittingly participating it, they wanted the group to make it on their own.

From the lake the group made a raft and floated down river. Considering the hardships they had faced so far, I made this rather uneventful and also set up the rescue.

The scientists are hivers, though none of the group has made the connection that the hiver on a grav bike they saw weeks ago wasn't a hallucination
After the players recouperated, the Hiver doing the manipulation offered them a job as working passage to the next destination, namely crewing a research vessel.

The Hiver made the pretense that it was now going to be starting a wandering phase of it's research...going from place to place to study whatever catches it's interest. If the group stays on as the crew they would have the freedom to go where they will and take whatever jobs they like as long as it didn't interfere with the Hiver's curiosity. Of course the Hiver will be quietly directing to the group to go just where it wants them to go, but they won't need to know that just yet. ;)
Well....I left clues for them... the scientists are hivers... there were grav bikes at the station, etc... Anyway, they don't come to this board so they won't be reading this soon. Of course they'll know at the end when the Hiver reveals it's manipulation.
I run classic Traveller and in those materials there is nothing other than the UPP about Dawnworld. I don't have D20 and I don't agree with the cheap tactics that G.U.R.P.S. uses to give info on worlds, so what's happening on Dawnworld is of my own design.

There are four PC characters:

SCOUT 99AA79- 6 Terms - Pilot-1, Navigation-1, Winged Craft-1, Gunnery-1, Mechanical-1, JoT-1

ARMY 9C58A6 - 4 Terms Army, 2 Terms 'Other' - Rifle-1, SMG-1, Sword-3, Laser Rifle-1, Admin-2, Medical-1, Electronics-1, Brawling-1

ARMY 8786A8 - 4 Terms Army, 3 Terms 'Other' - Rifle-3, SMG-1, Tactics-2, Fwd. Observer-1, Leader-2, Computer-1, Electronics-1, JoT-1

MARINE C757765 - 7 Terms - Cutlass-5, Revolver-1, Shotgun-2, Brawling-1, Ground Vehicle-1, Mechanical-1, Electronic-2
How did the Scout end up with only 6 skill ranks? It looks wrong to me, but then I didn't generate it so what do I know
The Scout could have been either Book 1 or Book 6. (The "Winged Craft" suggests that a "Vehicle" cascade skill was being used, but still...).

You would expect a Book 1 Scout of that age to have Pilot-1, plus 7 other skill ranks. If some of those wound up going into characteristic increases, the character could have wound up like this easily enough.

This is one of the reasons I rarely roll on "Table 1" when generating Book 1 characters - I prefer the extra skills to the characteristic increases, especially with a character that has no obvious deficiencies in his characteristics.

If the character was generated with Book 6, he rolled very badly, and has my sympathy.
He was rolled up with book 1, and some of his skills indeed did go to upping characteristics. Granted he doesn't have as many skills as the others, but one thing our group is blessed with is creativity. We've found it's not what you have, it's how you use it. The person playing him is a fantastic player and could hold his own with even half those skills.
Quite right, it's not what you have but how you use it ;)

With those stats he's the toughest nut of the bunch imo.

It actually reminds me a lot of my first Book 1 PC, I rolled badly and the way we were playing at the time was you took what you rolled and went with it. Of course the out was that since we were playing failed survival meant death and you rolled again, well let's just say a lot of losers enlisted in the Scouts and were never seen again ;)

So I cycled the loser through term after term and never failed survival. In the end his stats were much improved, he had a few handy skills, and of course a Type S on Detached Duty. Turned out to be a favorite character and was long played
Just for the heck of it I thought I'd share
This is a very cool miniature put out by Reaper. It's what I used to represent the predators the group had to deal with... They're about man-height.
