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Starting a new campaign

I don't think normal gun fire would do it, since most domed cities would have to have very rigid safety standards in place. Something like a stray bullet shouldn't have the whole city in jeopardy. It also would depend on what pleasuredome you're in. You're not going to need weapons in the Gourmet dome, for example, while the domes in the Hunting or Combat domes would be specially reinforced.
Limbo at the moment. I haven't run my game since my last update. My gaming group is small (just three of us) and the other two are married so we basically have just one night a week to play, and when we do we take turns running our games.

I was going to be running next Tuesday, but last nite was cancelled so our schedule was pushed back a bit. I expect I'll be running on the 18th.

it's one of the better recent "mecha" tv series. Far more than just robots running around. Mixes in mostly believeable tech* with a good (if complex) story. Similar to the creator's earlier series Armored Trooper Votoms in some ways (affects of war) but grounded in the modern world.

It focuses a lot on the political, business, and media aspects of war post-Gulf War 1. As well as mixing in Noh Dance. Well worth the rental. I've been meaning to complete my set and watch the whole series since among other things it has the JSDF deploying troops to aid a war similar to current events.

What it has to do with this thread though...
/me shrugs
slyen2 mentioned it before elsewhere and I think in this thread...perhaps he's wanting to use it as an inspiration for his campaign? It would make some good fodder, especially IMO the families behind the scenes ala Megacorporations.


* at least it's drawn and implemented beliveably
[EDIT]minor corrections[/EDIT]
i metioned it earlier and in "Mechs in Traveller?" heading under "In My Traveller Universe"

I was thinking of using the "fakes" in Gasaraki as mechs deployed during the 5th Frontier War in a CT campigen but i could do it in T20.

casy did pretty much sumed up what gasaraki is.
Ok...Latest update

I ran my game last night and so far so good. Since they're trudging across the wilderness I'm basically running through the MAROONED double adventure, altering it to fit my purposes. They got across the grasslands ok and now they've made it to jungle.

On the way I wanted them to bond and such so I went around the table having them tell war stories. One told of a boarding action he had as a marine vs some pirates (which I told him that reminded him of an older commanding officer having a similar encounter with an infamous pirate of the region who disappeared decades ago (a hook I intend to exploit later). Another told about being the only survivor of his unit when they froze to death. The best was a character who was forced to muster out due to wounds (I gave him a prosthetic leg). He explained the reason why he has now 'one sock too many' is one night while drunk he confused a munitions round with a rations cannister

The group got to the Jungle prepared to hack through with machetes at a snail's pace. They've been carrying their extra equipment and such with the modified forklift vehicle, but the terrain is such that they'll have to leave it behind. Deciding what exquipment can be left behind they shoulder their packs and set off on foot. (they were walking up to this point but now they don't have the vehicle to carry their stuff). As they venture on they discovered a path thirty yards wide cut through the forest, like it had been harvested recently. Even the ground foliage was gone. Taking the path of least resistence they followed it. Several kilometers in they discover a herd of massive animals. For scale I told them if we put a loaf of bread by the 25mm (ORIGINAL) Traveller miniatures we were using, that would be the size of the critters. They were big rhino like things with insect like mouths. There were 6-8 of the big ones and about two dozen 'normal' rhino sized young. The huge ones would chew through the trees, and the young would swarm them and eat the wood. All around were flying creatures and smaller herbivores and such eating up whatever plant or small animals were disturbed by the herd. Unfortunately for the players also following the herd were large things like a cross between a hyena and an ape....carnivores. These spot the players and decide they'd make a better meal. A firefight ensues and the players make it out ok, but one had to be dealt with claw vs. blade.

The animals are simply too big to be threatened by most anything so the players actually discover the safest place to be is right in the middle of the herd. The animals pay them no mind and the predators won't venture past the fringes. Safe for once the players have a decent sleep...until morning that is. When they wake up the discover a very unsavory bit about the herd's biology. All the time they were with them they didn't see any animal expell any waste from all this wood they were eating. They discovered that the animals will eat and let their food digest overnight, then get rid of everything all at once...the whole herd. Mountains of excretia are bad enough, but the the vast quantities of methane gas released was creating a suffocating layer at ground level. In order to escape a rather unusual end the party had to climb....and the only things high enough were the large animals themselves. Using grappel hooks and rope they climb up one (the animal is too big to really notice and/or care). Later they have to double back for their gear though.

Since the critters paid them no mind they decided to ride and had a leisurely excursion through the jungle as these beasts cut a highway for them. As the game ended the herd reached the edge of a huge lake. Not stopping, one by one (adults and calves alike) waded into the the lake and disappeared under the surface. From their perch the players saw a river on the far side of the lake heading off in the direction they're needing to go, so the next time we play they'll be building a raft and we begin the water portion of this little adventure
Now that is cool. I have honestly never thought of including giant loaves of bread that way.

Hope you dont mind if I sort of blatantly steal your animals.
Ah those were quite good werent they. Interesting to see how little we have changed it that Walking with Apes one too.

Did you see the Sea Monsters one? Some of those beasts were pretty awesome.

Might make an interesting adition to a world with a high hydrographic percentage. Certainly that suit of battledress wont help too much when your stuck in some huge monstrosities gullet...

Haven't seen the Walking with Cavemen one. I have Walking With Dinosaurs, Allosaurus, Walking with Prehistoric Beasts, and Chased By Dinosaurs (which does have a lot of ocean footage in it).

Yeah those are very useful for animal ideas as for all intensive purposes they're alien to us. The ones from Prehistoric Beasts could very well be used in fact, considering Ancients collected humans 300,000 years ago when most of these species were still prevalent. It could be quite conceivable that on some worlds Travellers could come across Megatherium or herds of Indracatheres.
Yes Cavemen not Apes... Though the difference seemed moot at the time.

Never saw Chased by Dinosaurs. Perhaps I should watch Walking with Beasts for fresh ideas I taped it somewhere but I never watched the last episode.
Well it is what killed the dinosaurs. (or thats what they say)

It was a series with computer generated prehistoric animals "filmed" in a documentary style. It was all informed speculation of course but It was still very interesting.
Walking with Dinosaurs (Amazon.com)

Here's a look at it at Amazon.com

It's a wonderful series, very insightful. Yes it is speculation, but it is science's 'best guess' to date as to how things lived and acted. The effects and animatronics used makes Jurassic Park and the like look like South Park in terms of realism.

"Chased by Dinosaurs" is the newest in the series. The premise is they send one of those "Crocodile Hunter" nature show type guys back in time and he teaches you about the animals face to face. VERY cool.