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Starting a new campaign

yah, very much like that.

Glad you're injoying it and it's giving you inspiration. Only fair considering the inspiration you all have given me on this subject ^_^
if you like this you should see the debate i have going on in "In My traveller universe" about mechs its got more attention than anything else ive started, mostly because some people like while others dont.
Nail mission, Cymbeline Chips

The date 260 1116
The location, Solomani Rim sector
The situation, Scouts have reported that the solomani are preparing for a war to "liberate" Terra/Sol/Solomani Rim.

The group is assigned to aquire by any means required experimental computer chips from Solomani research station at Caprice/Kukulcan/Solomani Rim sector.
These ships are to be installed in the CIC of all Battle ships of the fleet at the Imperial Naval Depot at Depot/Vega/solomani Rim.
The chipseach contain the evasion and predict data used by the Solomani Naval ships so will give the Imperial fleet a great advantage.
It is imperative that these ships be aquired immediately as Solomani appear to be ready to move within threee months.
If we can prevail in the first engaements, the war will be over immediately with minimal loss of life.
You will have the use of a modified Subsidized Merchant. It is Jump 3, Manuever 2, armed with 2 turrets, beam/missile/sand caster.

The chips are copies from Cymbeline/Arcturus/solomani Rim chips in Adventure 13, Signal GK.
The chips have been productive and replicated gaining access to computer databases throughout the Solomani Naval base. The have gained control over the computers in several smaller ships, but have ben unable to gain acess to ships larger than light cruisers due to deployments. They are trying to precipitate a large scale war to gain control of heavy ships from both sides. The group may find it advantageous to hook up a chip to thier computer to evade Solomani patrols. If they do, the ship will comunicate with any Solomani patrol ships they encounter and convince the infected ship that they must get past to infect the Imperial fleet. the ships will fire at each other, but will not be able to cause damage. This ability to get past solomani ships while under fire of the usefullness of the chips to the Imperial Navy.

The date is after the assasination, but prior to local notification. If the players are successful, the Imp fleet at depot will turn vampire, just in time for the shattering of the Imperium. They will be able to figure out thier part in the spread of the vampire fleets, if they survive.
From Vegascat:
The chips have been productive and replicated gaining access to computer databases throughout the Solomani Naval base. The have gained control over the computers in several smaller ships, but have ben unable to gain acess to ships larger than light cruisers due to deployments. They are trying to precipitate a large scale war to gain control of heavy ships from both sides.
Ha yes. Visions of Terminator 3. Just add blonde homicidal pseudo-bio warbot.
to early for that phase of the rebellion though. that should come around 1130 when virus was being realsed. that way it gives a nice intro too the spread of Virus.
Disease is always a fun obstacle to throw at PC's, especially if one of 'em is a medic.... give the doc a chance to earn his keep. If your into theatrics and drama, make them the targets in a manhunt, just be sure that they live through it - no PC should be killed off unless they do something truly stupid, but shooting them up and putting fear into them is order of the day!!!
Perhaps the nuke is a random shot in a local war???
hehe yah our group had a lot of that in the previous campaign. One of our players' characters was named "Chance McDermont" True to form with a name like Chance, his luck was usually poor. If someone in the group got shot it usually ended up being him. It got to the point that we couldn't end an adventure without Chance getting shot in the leg or something
Our doctor was usually pretty busy

The nuke wouldn't be part of a local war...the planet has no more than a couple dozen people on it...Including the characters.
Ok... Played my Traveller game Monday nite and so far it's going well
Some of your ideas with the fermented fruit were most successful.

Some higlights:

Having the characters draw randomly from a pile of notes I'd prepared gave them their 'encounters' One person saw the naked girl on th grav bike while another saw a grav bike with a hiver on it (the hiver sighting was real but he doesn't think it was). One NPC started flashbacking a battle and another decided the desert heat required gratuitous nudity on their part. Still another character was trying to wrangle boulders thinking to ride rock-tortoises. By the time there were beginning to suspect things were getting weird, I had them average their INT and END to give a value to roll to see what sort of things they'd do or if they'd realize what was going on. Two people failed their rolls majorly so I had them roll some random numbers and secretly told them that the corresponding items in their survival gear/provisions were gone. One was convinced they were useless and threw them away (the group's spare respirators) and the other was paranoid and 'hid' an item so the others couldn't get it (their Inertial Locator).

In the middle of this a sandstorm hit and one robust character (10 End/10 Int) was able to keep his wits and get everyone into shelter and by the time the storm was over, most of the drug-effects had gone out of their system. The storm also blew away about half their provisions and some other equipment, but they've made it to the grasslands, so now their epic journey can continue.

So far it's been well enjoyed...I thank you all for the help!
Well, they weren't caught in the blast...they'd be fried if they had. It was an atmospheric burst so the fallout would be carried by the winds, which fortunately led away from the crash site. Still, the group didn't hang around more than necessary.
from the best starports and city names thread;
N.I.C.E. Labs wrote:
Another is an interpretation of an existing planet name in the Marches. There is a world near Darrian called Stellatio. I may be perverse, but that name sounds a bit too close to a certain risque 'latin' term not to be used. So, on that planet we have the domed pleasure cities of Stellatio 7...the ultimate hedonistic resort in all the marches
From the Spinward Marches campaign:
Stellatio/Sp March 1216
D5A4420->(4!)< Ni Fl 210Im M9 III
One of these days your gonna have to tell us about this idea you have...
Well, it's just a neat backdrop for adventures and a unique port of call for those lucky enough to make it. I have it that there's really one major city and it's made up of these domed clusters, with each dome catering to a specific pleasure. Of course there are the sex domes of varying interests, but there's also combat domes, domes with the best in food and drink, hunting domes, and domes that cater to fulfilling fantasies via simulators like being a warship captain or perhaps a sword-n-sorceror fantasy quest (a la Dream Park). There are others to be sure...whatever pleasures that will produce a draw are exploited there. Each dome has it's own rules and laws specific to the pleasure housed within, and there are governing rules that reach over the whole system, but for the most part, if it brings a body pleasure then go for it.

It's a neat place that has been great fun in my campaigns. In some instances being given tickets to Stellatio has been a worthy reward for doing a job.
N.I.C.E. Labs writes:
(snippage) It's a neat place that has been great fun in my campaigns. In some instances being given tickets to Stellatio has been a worthy reward for doing a job.
Sorta like Westworld mixed with Logans Run. I can go along with it, assuming that the tech for the domes is off-world. Vilis is close, you could do TL10 domes from there. Have a megacorp in charge of the thing. Or not, but some kinda corporation anyway.