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Striker Book 3 CBM Burst Size?


SOC-14 1K
I've completed going through the ammunition section of Design Sequence 2 and then checked the Sample Vehicle section's Self-Propelled AC to check on how to list the ammunition.

TL 9 3 barrel 8 cm low velocity autocannon
Rounds weigh 14 kg each (28 kg for RAP rounds)

CBM: Price = Cr156; Contact pen/burst size/fragmentation pen/hit DM; 21/8/7/+1

Design sequence 2 L5 CBM parameters

1. Available at TL 7+ for weapons with a bore of 8+ cm
2. TL 7 Contact and Fragmentation penetration = 6
3. TL 8+ Contact penetration = 4 cm HEAP round from a low velocity gun
4. TL 8+ Fragmentation penetration = 4 cm HE round contact penetration of the same tech level
5. Round has a hit DM dependent on bore size

I can't find anything about determining CBM Burst Size but this is how I think the Self-propelled Autocannons Burst Size of 8 was determined.

Using the bore size of 8 cm the burst size is 2 modified by the 1 row down per 2 tech levels above 6 the new burst size is 2 further modified by a multiplier of 4 = 8.

Does the above appear to be on the right rack?
Striker Book 1, Rule 23, Firing Sheaf and Beaten Zone

"A. Burst Area: The data charts indicate the burst size of a shell from each listed weapon, in centimeters. ... Air burst HE missions have a burst size twice that listed, CBM missions four times that listed."

Why they chose to explain that there and not in the design table itself is one of those odd quirks of Traveller.
Morning Carlobrand,

Thank you once again for providing answers to my questions, at least I came up with the right modifier.

Striker Book 1, Rule 23, Firing Sheaf and Beaten Zone

"A. Burst Area: The data charts indicate the burst size of a shell from each listed weapon, in centimeters. ... Air burst HE missions have a burst size twice that listed, CBM missions four times that listed."

Why they chose to explain that there and not in the design table itself is one of those odd quirks of Traveller.