SOC-14 5K
Nope. A horseman's kite shield is usually NARROWER than 2'6" by a notable margin. The later (and more common) Heater is about as wide as it gets to be used as a shield instead of a carried pavis, and they become pretty hard to handle at about 2'6", too. Note that the heater is a general purpose shield.
Any shield more than tip of elbow to tip of fingers across is biomechanically problematic. If there is too much past the elbow, you can wind up bound on the upper arm, and break it way too easily. (I've had friends discover this the hard way.) If too much comes off the finger side, it interferes with the swordarm.
Riot shields, by the way, are wider, but seriously impair the ability to use the baton/tonfa/firearm in the other hand. They're literally intended for pushing crowds, not for melee.
Note also, the smallest commonly used shields were in the 8" - 12" range. In melee, a 12-14" Buckler is almost as good as a full heater; what it lacks in surface it makes up for in mobility and vision.
A 39" wide shield (and yes, I've used a 38" round) is worthless as a shield; it's both too heavy to actively use, and blocks one's vision and one's sword. Total waste of wood and leather. And too awkward to raise overhead, even.
I'm well aware that kite shields were narrower, I am looking for a standard area value to hang the materials tech/armor/weight calc to, which would then be morphed into whatever shape for specialized purposes like the real things were.