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Striker Combat System in CT Redux


SOC-14 1K
My Striker-derived combat system below. Weapon and Armor Charts at http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=15981

Combat Turn Sequence:

1. Initiative Roll. 2d6 per side. Add tactics skill of each side's *leader*. (If the character does not generally act as leader, the referee may deny the bonus).

2. Declare Cover, if necessary (initiative loser goes first).

3. Suppressive Fire. Side with initiative goes first, and results are applied immediately.

4. Movement & Snapshots. Side with initiative chooses which side goes first. Nonmoving side may make snapshots

5. Normal Fire. Initiative loser declares attacks first, but all results are applied simultaneously at the end of the phase. Figures who made snapshots, sprinted, or made suppression attacks cannot fire.

To Hit Rolls

Roll 8+ on 2D to hit a target. Add the modifiers below. A natural "2" always misses, a natural "12" always hits.

+ weapon skill
+ autofire bonus if firing ½ clip
+1 if autoweapon firing 5 shot burst (+2 for SMGs; +4 autoshotguns)
+0 semiautoweapon firing 5 shot burst (+2 for shotguns)
+ DEX bonus with weapon
-2 firer evading
-2 firer making a snapshot
+1 using laser designator at 25m or less
+2 if suppressive fire

-2 Long Range (n/a if scope or electronic sights)
-4 Extreme Range (-2 if scope; n/a if electronic sights)
-2 If target is evading
-1 Target is partially covered or prone
-2 Target is fully covered
+4 Target is Running

For every 2 points the roll exceeds 8, you score an extra hit.


Roll penetration for each hit on 2d6, Add weapon penetration. The referee will subtract the armor value of the target. The maximum penetration bonus (after armor has been taken into account) is usually +3 (see Blowthrough below). The modified roll causes the following effects:

3-..........No effect
4-7.........Light Wound
8-11........Serious Wound

Note: Weapons that fire HE, (but *not* HEAP) rounds increase the damage level by one (no effect remains no effect).


Penetration rolls against people have a maximum penetration bonus, depending on the calibre of the weapon:

Laser sm arms...+4
Plasma sm arms..+5
Fusion sm arms..+6

So, a TL13 laser rifle (pen 20) firing at an unarmored man adds 4 to its penetration roll. If that same man is wearing cloth, the roll is 2d6 + pen (20) - armor (5) = 15, which is reduced to the maximum of 4.

Special Rules

Automatic Weapons

Automatic weapons are weapons that have an autofire modifier (except non-auto shotguns). Each shot fires half a clip. If the weapon is fired on single shot, there is no autofire modifier. If the weapon fires a 5 shot burst, the autofire modifier is +1 (+2 for SMGs).

Semiautomatic Weapons
Semiautomatic weapons with a magazine of 5+ rounds can fire a 5 shot burst instead of a single shot. There's no bonus to hit, but multiple hits can be scored.

Extra Hits
If you score extra hits, you can choose to apply them either to the target or to adjacent targets.

Each burst is 5 shots. If there are at least 2 bullets remaining in the magazine, you may fire a burst.

Suppressive Fire
A figure may use suppressive fire instead of normal aimed fire. Suppressive fire occurs before all other fire and movement in the combat phase and is primarily intended to cause the target to duck for cover. A figure making a suppressive fire attack may not move during the rest of the turn. Automatic weapons making suppressive attacks must fire at least half a clip (or ammo belt). Semiautomatic weapons must fire a 5 shot burst. Suppresive fire attacks are +2 to hit.

A figure making a suppressive fire attack rolls to hit normally. If he hits the target, the target takes a -2 to hit penalty on his next shot during this turn. Additional suppression hits add -1 to the to hit penalty. If a firing figure scores multiple hits, he can apply them to other targets per the normal rules.

A suppressed figure immediately may go prone if he wishes. Green troops will automatically go prone if suppressed.

Suppressive fire will score an actual hit on a target only on a to hit roll of natural 12 (and even then, only 1 hit will be scored).

Notes: Games seldom model suppressive fire well. This system attempts to address the problem. Combined with the sequence of play, these rules allow standard infantry tactics (bounding overwatch, cover fire, etc.).

A figure making a snapshot is -2 to hit and can fire a normal shot -- 1 shot, 1 half clip or 1 full clip. A figure making a snapshot cannot have moved this turn nor may he fire or move in the rest of this turn. Weapons capable of engaging multiple targets (machineguns, typically) can make multiple snapshot attacks, as targets appear. The firing figure stops target figures during their move and resolves the attack.

Critical Hits
If you roll a natural 12 on a penetration roll, the target’s armor is halved, round down. This includes armor bonuses that large creatures get due to size.

Melee Combat

Roll to hit on 2d6. Add your attack and skill, subtract his defense and skill. An 8+ hits. +1 to hit if your melee weapon is longer than his.

Roll damage on 2d6. Add penetration and referee subtracts target's armor. Use the damage chart above. Damage is applied simultaneously.

Damage Effects

A light wound causes you to take a -1 penalty to all rolls. The modifiers are cumulative with other light wounds. You can take an unlimited number of light wounds.

A serious wound causes you to fall unconscious, unless you can roll 8+ (DM +1 if END 10+; +2 if END 12+). If you stay conscious, you're considered to have taken 2 light wounds and can only move ½. You will require Treatment (below).

A dead result will kill you, unless you make a Not Dead Yet Roll. The target number depends on what the final adjusted penetration roll was:

Roll NDY Roll

DM +1 if END 10+
DM +2 if END 12+

If you're "Not Dead Yet", you'll still die in 3D-5 minutes. If a medic treats you for a round, you may stabilize for 15 minutes (roll 8+; medic cannot do anything else, DM+Medical skill, -1 if no first aid kit).


If you suffered one or more serious wounds, you will die with a serious wound in 3d6 hours, unless you make a saving throw – 6+ (DM +1 if END 10+; +medical skill of any doctor treating you). Make the saving throw at the end of the 3d6 hour period. Only 1 roll is required, no matter how many serious wounds you've suffered.

If you survived one or more Dead results, you'll still die unless treated. A medic must treat you for d6x6 minutes and roll 8+ (DM + medical skill; -1 if no first aid kit; +1 if decent sick bay). If he misses his roll, you die.

Only 1 treatment roll is required, no matter how many wounds you've suffered (use the worst applicable roll).

Movement and Grids

This system is designed for fast play (believe it or not), so there will be no tactical movement system. The referee will be responsible for describing location. In complex situations, sketch maps and markers may be used. Figures can move 10 meters per turn and still fire. Figures can "sprint" and cover 30 meters. Sprinting figures can't fire or execute an action, but they are considered evading (-2 to hit). A figure can ignore all cover and run as far as reasonably necessary -- but they will be very easy to hit -- +4 to hit, no snapshot penalty and can perform no other actions.

Notes -- I have preferred tactical systems like GURPS and the Fantasy Trip, but recently discarding them because combats took too long. In my experience, fiddling with movement is the single biggest time waster, so I started there.


Traveller starship grids are an inconvenient 1.5 meters. Due to poor lighting, close quarters, etc., count each square as being 2 meters (3m diagonal) for combat and movement. Turns last (1D x 10) seconds. A figure will not typically know how long the combat has lasted until the combat is over.

Notes -- Real life combats typically take far longer than they take in games. The more tactical the system, the worse the distortion usually is. This system attempts to correct for that distortion. Also, combat veterans often report that they have a hard time keeping track of time. The variable turn length takes that into account as well.


Figures in cover must declare if they are going to be *completely* in cover. If so, then the cover will block any line of sight traced through it for all figures who declared themselves to be completely in cover. Otherwise, the cover will not block line of sight, but will instead give a defensive bonus (usually -1 or -2 to the attacker's to hit roll).

So...a figure behind a 3 foot wall declares that he's completely behind the wall. For tracing line of sight, he's assumed to be crouched behind the wall. He cannot be shot at by an enemy who has to trace a line of sight through the wall (and vice versa). He can shoot a guy who's on the same side of the wall and vice versa.

But if he doesn't declare that he's completely behind the wall, the wall will not block line of sight. Instead, he'll get a defensive benefit (usually -1 or -2 to the attacker's to hit roll).

Notes: This system prevents a clever player from exploiting the non-simultaneous sequence of play by requiring him to expose himself to fire if he intends to fire past his cover. It also requires the cowards to declare their cowardice...

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Creatures will usually be treated as regular troops, with vicious predators being treated as veterans or elites. Bigger creatures get an armor bonus for their size (in addition to what they get for their natural armor), reflecting the fact that they are harder to kill.


When calculating Blowthrough for creatures, add the above armor bonus to the maximum penetration. So a weapon of 11mm or less will have a maximum Pen of (3+3) = 6 when fired at a 400 kg animal.

A creature's weapons will usually have a penetration equal its wounds divided by 4, rounded down.

Note that this system will make really big animals much harder to take down. A seriously wounded dinosaur will eventually bleed to death; but that won't help you much in the meantime.

Most creatures have a skill of 0 with their melee weapons. Nasty predators may have a skill as high as 3.


EDIT: Weapon and Armor Charts at http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=15981
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So, you weren't looking for a 2-roll quickie solution, then?
Originally posted by Fritz88:
So, you weren't looking for a 2-roll quickie solution, then?
Well, I guess not. Actually, this stuff works quickly in play and I like the drama of letting characters roll to stay conscious or alive. I also like the drama of having the medics give aid during firefights.
Good stuff. Personally, I've always liked the Striker and AHL concept of the separate roll to hit and then roll for penetration of the target armor.

At first pass, I like how you've tried to be thorough -- I've never found thoroughness to be a detriment to play, and if an odd situation comes up (especially one the ref may not have expected -- hey, nobody's perfect :rolleyes: ) you've got an idea on where to start to adjudicate it.

Will digest a little bit more and letchya know, but, overall, it looks good to me.
Good stuff. Personally, I've always liked the Striker and AHL concept of the separate roll to hit and then roll for penetration of the target armor.

At first pass, I like how you've tried to be thorough -- I've never found thoroughness to be a detriment to play, and if an odd situation comes up (especially one the ref may not have expected -- hey, nobody's perfect :rolleyes: ) you've got an idea on where to start to adjudicate it.

Will digest a little bit more and letchya know, but, overall, it looks good to me.
I really liked the "Blowthrough" idea...

I am trying to figure out how to work it into Striker III, but have had little luck so far, as some weapons have different methods of penetration, and as such would not cause "Blowthough" in the traditional sense.

For instance, Winchester Silvertip +P+ ammo has a really high penetration ability when compared to regular jacketed bullets. Its penetration is comperable to many armor piercing rounds; however they have a really dramatic difference. Armor Piercing Rounds will go straight through a target if they penetrate not deviating to terribly much, and if they fail to hit something vital they may be survived.

A Winchester Silvertip though will fragment and spin all over the place once it penetrates (as it is a high penetration form of fragmenting hollow-point) casuing much more damage to a target that your standard Armor Piercing Round...

Energy Weapons are similar in this respect. Lasers create a peircing impact, whereas Plasma and Fusion weapons create a large degree of damage due to the conductive nature of the energy. Plasma and Fusion weapons basically fire the equivalent of lightning which carries with it an electrical charge in the plasma in addition to its heat energy. So, they would have more of a dissapating damage to their target than a Laser, which would just punch a hole through a target...

It has turned out to be a LOT more complex than I would have liked it to be...

Still, the Mechanic that you have come up with (Providing a Maximum Pen value) could work out. I would just need to calculate all of the possible Max values for each weapon (I think that I will keep this as something that I will include as an optional rule instead of a main rule)...
I really liked the "Blowthrough" idea...

I am trying to figure out how to work it into Striker III, but have had little luck so far, as some weapons have different methods of penetration, and as such would not cause "Blowthough" in the traditional sense.

For instance, Winchester Silvertip +P+ ammo has a really high penetration ability when compared to regular jacketed bullets. Its penetration is comperable to many armor piercing rounds; however they have a really dramatic difference. Armor Piercing Rounds will go straight through a target if they penetrate not deviating to terribly much, and if they fail to hit something vital they may be survived.

A Winchester Silvertip though will fragment and spin all over the place once it penetrates (as it is a high penetration form of fragmenting hollow-point) casuing much more damage to a target that your standard Armor Piercing Round...

Energy Weapons are similar in this respect. Lasers create a peircing impact, whereas Plasma and Fusion weapons create a large degree of damage due to the conductive nature of the energy. Plasma and Fusion weapons basically fire the equivalent of lightning which carries with it an electrical charge in the plasma in addition to its heat energy. So, they would have more of a dissapating damage to their target than a Laser, which would just punch a hole through a target...

It has turned out to be a LOT more complex than I would have liked it to be...

Still, the Mechanic that you have come up with (Providing a Maximum Pen value) could work out. I would just need to calculate all of the possible Max values for each weapon (I think that I will keep this as something that I will include as an optional rule instead of a main rule)...
Originally posted by Judas:
I really liked the "Blowthrough" idea...

I am trying to figure out how to work it into Striker III, but have had little luck so far, as some weapons have different methods of penetration, and as such would not cause "Blowthough" in the traditional sense.

For instance, Winchester Silvertip +P+ ammo has a really high penetration ability when compared to regular jacketed bullets. Its penetration is comperable to many armor piercing rounds; however they have a really dramatic difference. Armor Piercing Rounds will go straight through a target if they penetrate not deviating to terribly much, and if they fail to hit something vital they may be survived.

A Winchester Silvertip though will fragment and spin all over the place once it penetrates (as it is a high penetration form of fragmenting hollow-point) casuing much more damage to a target that your standard Armor Piercing Round...

Energy Weapons are similar in this respect. Lasers create a peircing impact, whereas Plasma and Fusion weapons create a large degree of damage due to the conductive nature of the energy. Plasma and Fusion weapons basically fire the equivalent of lightning which carries with it an electrical charge in the plasma in addition to its heat energy. So, they would have more of a dissapating damage to their target than a Laser, which would just punch a hole through a target...

It has turned out to be a LOT more complex than I would have liked it to be...

Still, the Mechanic that you have come up with (Providing a Maximum Pen value) could work out. I would just need to calculate all of the possible Max values for each weapon (I think that I will keep this as something that I will include as an optional rule instead of a main rule)...
Thanks for the compliments.

"Blowthrough" is just the term I chose to describe a mechanic that models the fact that penetration does not enhance the likelihood of killing the target, beyond a certain point. In my modern miniature rules "A Fistful of TOWs 2", a similar rule is called the "It's Dead Jim" rule.

So the mechanic may be modelling a number of different physical effects.

One of Striker's problems (as an RPG combat system) was that high penetration weapons were unreasonably deadly against lightly armored opponents. My rule attempts to address that point with a relatively simple mechanic.

I'd encourage you to paint broad strokes with your rules and avoid having a different maximum Pen value for every discrete weapon. As a longtime miniature gamer, I can attest that I would not enjoy that degree of detail. Hence my attempt to classify the rounds in categories -- though I think that more detail is appropriate in an RPG than in a miniature wargame.

And I think that the mechanic is actually pretty robust.

For instance, most high tech armor piercing rounds will not be any more lethal against an unarmored man than a standard lead bullet. So you could give them all a maximum Pen of whatever the equivalent caliber lead bullet has. If they are really good at penetrating armor, but worse at killing the target, then a maximum Pen *lower* than the standard bullet's Pen might be in order. Maybe a blanket rule -- "Armor piercing rounds have a maximum Pen of 1 less than normal rounds of the same caliber." Or somesuch.
Originally posted by tbeard1999:

-2 Long Range (n/a if scope or electronic sights)
-4 Extreme Range (-2 if scope; n/a if electronic sights)
What about LBB2-style Close (i.e. in personal physical contact) ) range DMs? Most longarms are quite uncomfortable to fire at someone who's only a meter or less away from you.
Originally posted by tbeard1999:

-2 Long Range (n/a if scope or electronic sights)
-4 Extreme Range (-2 if scope; n/a if electronic sights)
What about LBB2-style Close (i.e. in personal physical contact) ) range DMs? Most longarms are quite uncomfortable to fire at someone who's only a meter or less away from you.
What about LBB2-style Close (i.e. in personal physical contact) ) range DMs? Most longarms are quite uncomfortable to fire at someone who's only a meter or less away from you.

Yes, that makes sense. I'd probably impose a -2 modifier for rifles and shotguns at 3m or less.

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I don't know about 3m. Ten foot gives 7 foot between the muzzle and the target. Lots of room to swing a rifle or shotgun.
You could have a 3m penalty, say -1, for heavy weapons like MGs, assault guns, PGMPw, etc, that swing slowly

I would skip that, though. IIRC we used a close-combat modifier (< 1m) to account for getting tangled up with your oppponent, and being unable to point a meter long rifle at someone 50 cm away.
Heavy wesapon -5
Rifle/shotgun -4
Carbine -3
SMG/bullpups -2
Pistols -1
Body pistol 0

Also, for "blow-through" we set the maximum + on the damage roll to be the same as the number of dice damage in Book 2/4. I.e., a rifle is limited to +3, a gauss rifle to +4

Otherwise, we used the book rules pretty straight up.

Judas Winchester Silvertips hold together pretty well, but they are not armor piercing rounds. They penetrate barriers almost as well as standard military full jacketed "ball" ammo. Say 1/2-2/3 a steel-cored true AP round.
I don't know about 3m. Ten foot gives 7 foot between the muzzle and the target. Lots of room to swing a rifle or shotgun.
You could have a 3m penalty, say -1, for heavy weapons like MGs, assault guns, PGMPw, etc, that swing slowly

I would skip that, though. IIRC we used a close-combat modifier (< 1m) to account for getting tangled up with your oppponent, and being unable to point a meter long rifle at someone 50 cm away.
Heavy wesapon -5
Rifle/shotgun -4
Carbine -3
SMG/bullpups -2
Pistols -1
Body pistol 0

Also, for "blow-through" we set the maximum + on the damage roll to be the same as the number of dice damage in Book 2/4. I.e., a rifle is limited to +3, a gauss rifle to +4

Otherwise, we used the book rules pretty straight up.

Judas Winchester Silvertips hold together pretty well, but they are not armor piercing rounds. They penetrate barriers almost as well as standard military full jacketed "ball" ammo. Say 1/2-2/3 a steel-cored true AP round.
I know, they were just all I had on hand for a higher penetrating round than a simple jacketed lead bullet... It is very difficult these days to get any ammo that I could run better tests on (Like real AP rounds... I used to have a box or two, but they got used up back in the early 90s)...

Oh, and the reason that the silvertips that I had penetrated better than most was not due to the silvertip, but due to the +P+ loading...Hellofa recoil though..
I know, they were just all I had on hand for a higher penetrating round than a simple jacketed lead bullet... It is very difficult these days to get any ammo that I could run better tests on (Like real AP rounds... I used to have a box or two, but they got used up back in the early 90s)...

Oh, and the reason that the silvertips that I had penetrated better than most was not due to the silvertip, but due to the +P+ loading...Hellofa recoil though..
Originally posted by tbeard1999:
Note – Weapons with a superscript S (usually weapons firing HE, but *not* HEAP) increase the damage level by one (no effect remains no effect).
Subscript "S"? I don't recall finding this subscript on the Striker weapon tables when looking up such things as LAG HE rounds, rifle grenades or even ATGLs.
Originally posted by tbeard1999:
Note – Weapons with a superscript S (usually weapons firing HE, but *not* HEAP) increase the damage level by one (no effect remains no effect).
Subscript "S"? I don't recall finding this subscript on the Striker weapon tables when looking up such things as LAG HE rounds, rifle grenades or even ATGLs.