I was sort of suggesting a new short adventure with my son and one of his friends and got back to looking at the tender design above, and it is driving me crazy. So many questions bother me about this
Why build a small ship to do maintenance on other small ships, and then waste all the space you have available to carry spares, or raw materials on a huge bay that accepts only a small number of other smaller ships?
Why not have external couplings, and several ten ton "pods" with locks for letting workers move in and around the ships under repair?
How much machinery is required to evacuate that huge bay of atmosphere (pump it into tanks) and then pump it back in each time you want to move a type "S" in or out?
Then I thought about those maintenance pods some more, and came up with an idea for a short scenario where the tender (redesigned) is boarded while a small tech crew is outside the ship in one of those pods (a party of three or maybe four Player characters) and they have to sneak back into the tender and overcome the pirates
I was sort of suggesting a new short adventure with my son and one of his friends and got back to looking at the tender design above, and it is driving me crazy. So many questions bother me about this
Why build a small ship to do maintenance on other small ships, and then waste all the space you have available to carry spares, or raw materials on a huge bay that accepts only a small number of other smaller ships?
Why not have external couplings, and several ten ton "pods" with locks for letting workers move in and around the ships under repair?
How much machinery is required to evacuate that huge bay of atmosphere (pump it into tanks) and then pump it back in each time you want to move a type "S" in or out?
Then I thought about those maintenance pods some more, and came up with an idea for a short scenario where the tender (redesigned) is boarded while a small tech crew is outside the ship in one of those pods (a party of three or maybe four Player characters) and they have to sneak back into the tender and overcome the pirates