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Sword worlds in 1202

Ok, a couple of questions. The Regency Source book lists the 151st fleet as defending the Sword worlds subsector. They're HQ is listed as Sacnoth and that's also listed as the capital.
1. Any thoughts on the make up of the 151st? How many Batrons (if any) Crurons, etc..
2. If Sacnoth is the capital, is there a subsector duke now? The duke of Sacnoth? Before the FFW (1105) I thought I read somewhere about the Imperial worlds in that subsector being under the count (or was it countess?) of Caladbolg
Ok, a couple of questions. The Regency Source book lists the 151st fleet as defending the Sword worlds subsector. They're HQ is listed as Sacnoth and that's also listed as the capital.
1. Any thoughts on the make up of the 151st? How many Batrons (if any) Crurons, etc..
2. If Sacnoth is the capital, is there a subsector duke now? The duke of Sacnoth? Before the FFW (1105) I thought I read somewhere about the Imperial worlds in that subsector being under the count (or was it countess?) of Caladbolg
I'm not familiar with the Swordys, but you might want to check the GT Sword Worlds supp. Otherwise, I don't think there's ever been a write up of the Sword Worlds, has there?
I'm not familiar with the Swordys, but you might want to check the GT Sword Worlds supp. Otherwise, I don't think there's ever been a write up of the Sword Worlds, has there?
Mongoose did one as well. But it only goes up to 1105. The gurps one goes to 1110, I think. I'm looking for speculation on what's going on after that.
As Marquis Smoug (Lunion 1729), consider me very interested. I need to get my hands on a copy of GT: Sword Worlds, but it's now out of print and the CD isn't out yet. Anyone feel like PMing me anything relevant about Smoug?
I can't find anything in published materials that states who runs the Imperial portion of the Sword worlds subsector. And I was hoping for suggestions (thoughts,inspiration, WAGs, ect...) on the size and make up of the Imperial 151st fleet. There is plenty of stuff about the Sword Worlds Confederation. Not so much on the Imperial occupation.
Giving this a little more thought, I came up with some ideas. Since Sacnoth is centrally located it makes a good spot for a fleet HQ. At Sacnoth itself, I would imagine the main striking and reaction arm of the fleet would be stationed. My WAG for that would be 2 Batrons, 1 Assaultron (to land re-enforcements against insurrections) at least 2 Crurons (one to screen the carriers and one to scout for the battleships) plus escorts and auxiliaries. How does that sound?

As for the other 5 naval bases, those I'm not sure about.

The 5 military bases the Imperials put back in service, I would imagine they support large units of ground troops and offer support for visiting naval ships. But I doubt they would have any ships permanently stationed there. SDB yes, ships no.

Comments ?
I have a different view.

If the 1248 collapse occurs, the Regency never had the strength to invade Sword Worlds. And Sword Worlds would be more of an aggressor.

I also believe that the Imperium should have been the highest TL star empire in known space to survive.
From what I recall of the Sword Worlds, their obsession with redundancy and KISS would make them the most likely to retain their technology and industrial base, and may have closed the technology gap with the Imperium.
Are not SDBs by definition ships? Sure, they're not big navy units, but they're still ACS that are used by navies.
I have a different view.

If the 1248 collapse occurs, the Regency never had the strength to invade Sword Worlds. And Sword Worlds would be more of an aggressor.

I also believe that the Imperium should have been the highest TL star empire in known space to survive.
1248 collapse? The regency invaded in 1132. Or was it 1133? And as far as I know the Imperium is at least tied for highest tech. At least in charted space. :confused:
From what I recall of the Sword Worlds, their obsession with redundancy and KISS would make them the most likely to retain their technology and industrial base, and may have closed the technology gap with the Imperium.

According to the Regency source book Narsil went from TL10 in 1117 to TL13 in 1202. The 1248 material implies that they didn't get TL13 till later, when the darrians helped them. (don't agree with the 1248 material about that) But yeah, Swordy stuff should be very virus resistant.
1248 collapse? The regency invaded in 1132. Or was it 1133? And as far as I know the Imperium is at least tied for highest tech. At least in charted space. :confused:

If we read through 1248 material the Regency falls into Civil War. They rocket ahead in technology in the mean time. They are attacked by Vargr, Virus, Aslan, Vland, on top of themselves (military and economy) throughout a 100+ year history. And they do a coreward expedition or two.
They go to war with Vland vs the Awaken in 1248.

Zho are very effective until 1200-/+, so the decision of 1248 writers that the SW should be overrun is a bit silly.

When do they have time to take out SW. And the Zho should stop them up to 1200.
If we read through 1248 material the Regency falls into Civil War. They rocket ahead in technology in the mean time. They are attacked by Vargr, Virus, Aslan, Vland, on top of themselves (military and economy) throughout a 100+ year history. And they do a coreward expedition or two.
They go to war with Vland vs the Awaken in 1248.

Zho are very effective until 1200-/+, so the decision of 1248 writers that the SW should be overrun is a bit silly.

When do they have time to take out SW. And the Zho should stop them up to 1200.
I agree with you, but this is how they wrote it. In 1133 the Regency is fighting a desperate battle against Vampire fleets. The Aslan, Vargr and Sword worlds are attacking and taking systems. Yet for some reason the Regency lets the Aslan and Vargr get away with it. But punishes the swordies? It doesn't make much sense to me either. I think the reasoning behind the Zho's not helping the Swordies out is that they don't see the Regency as a threat anymore and just don't care what happens anymore. Whatever. :confused:
A heads up on the future of the polity known as the Sword Worlds from 1202 in the OTU. IYTU the future might not happen this way of course.

My summarization of what happens to the Sword Worlds Traveller 1248 SOURCEBOOK 3: THE SPINWARD STATES:

1208 The Darrian Confederation wanted a trade agreement with the occupied Sword Worlds. The Swordies would have nothing of it. The Darrians were sincere, forgive the history, don't forget it if you can't, let's trade. They pursued this for over 10 years before SW would listen. After even more talking a trade agreement is signed on the hosting world of Arden forming the League of Spinward States. It is more than a loose grouping and less than a confederation of Confederations. Arden likes it so much they sign up too. The Regency is still occupying the Sword World. The Regency DOES NOT like this turn of events. But

1209-1212 Regency Civil War
The Regency as a whole begins fighting the resurrected Vilani Imperium. No choice in the matter, the Vilani want territory. Fears at home of the spring up that Regency is going to become one unified government to combat the Vilani. The Zhodani had formed the Cronor Consulate 1208 and are starting to recontact Zhodani spinward. Then the Reformation Coalition shows up! It seems Virus is done and the reasons for a "Regency". Relatively bloodless because not enough ships are home to fight a full war. The Sword Worlds cannot free themselves though not for trying.

1229: The Imperial Regency, as it is now known goes off the deep end. The attempted recapture of Capital is called the Capital Bid. The Vilani and the Usdiki Trade Federation tried and failed. Capital is Viral Hell run by uploaded Lucan or uploaded Kkree depending on year. They should have learned.

1234: By the time Regency ruler Ciencia returns in 1234, Gram succeeds in independence (with full Darrian support!) and joins the SW. The SW finally gives full support to the League of Spinward States (remember them?). The Regency collapses due to the failed Capital bid The SW is fully free of Regency influence. Regina declares indepence and forms the Republic of Regina declares independence, joins the League of Spinward States as do other groups.

1235: The Metal Worlds free themselves of the Regency Remnant and become their own polity. Completely independent of the SW, they join the LSS. By the end, the LSS has enough strength in systems fleets. The Regency has more systems, but lost much of its fleets in the Capital Bid.
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1248: The Sword Worlds consists of 14 systems. They are part of a group called the League of Spinward States which is more than official grouping of worlds, but far less than a Confederation of Confederations. The capitial for the Confederation is at Narsil not Gram. Gram has recognized the shift of power, culture and politics. This is mentioned several times.
1248 UWP

Hex Name UWP TC and Remarks B Z PBG Al Stellar
921 Hrunting B463756-A M 413 Ls M2 V
922 Tizon A386885-B F 523 Ls K2 IV M3 V
927 Narsil A574A57-D M 224 Ls G6 IV M0 V
1020 Isenfang B575756-8 M 510 Ls K4 V M7 V
1022 Colada B364657-B M 711 Ls K2 V M8 V
1026 Anduril A985855-D M A 422 Ls F2 V
1121 Mjolnir B530577-9 M 822 Ls A5 V G0 V
1123 Joyeuse C4747BA-9 M A 601 Ls M3 V M9 V
1126 Orcrist B8A6733-C M 801 Ls K7 V M7 V
1130 Enos C2506AA-8 M 110 Ls M1 V
1221 Gungnir B444788-9 M 732 Ls G3 IV M4 V
1223 Gram B895957-A M 803 Ls F2 V M2 V
1225 Excalibur B324755-C M 702 Ls K5 V
1522 Dyrnwyn B958518-9 M A 101 Ls K4 V M8 V
A heads up on the future of the polity known as the Sword Worlds from 1202 in the OTU. IYTU the future might not happen this way of course.

My summarization of what happens to the Sword Worlds Traveller 1248 SOURCEBOOK 3: THE SPINWARD STATES:

1208 The Darrian Confederation wanted a trade agreement with the occupied Sword Worlds. The Swordies would have nothing of it. The Darrians were sincere, forgive the history, don't forget it if you can't, let's trade. They pursued this for over 10 years before SW would listen. After even more talking a trade agreement is signed on the hosting world of Arden forming the League of Spinward States. It is more than a loose grouping and less than a confederation of Confederations. Arden likes it so much they sign up too. The Regency is still occupying the Sword World. The Regency DOES NOT like this turn of events. But

1209-1212 Regency Civil War
The Regency as a whole begins fighting the resurrected Vilani Imperium. No choice in the matter, the Vilani want territory. Fears at home of the spring up that Regency is going to become one unified government to combat the Vilani. The Zhodani had formed the Cronor Consulate 1208 and are starting to recontact Zhodani spinward. Then the Reformation Coalition shows up! It seems Virus is done and the reasons for a "Regency". Relatively bloodless because not enough ships are home to fight a full war. The Sword Worlds cannot free themselves though not for trying.

1229: The Imperial Regency, as it is now known goes off the deep end. The attempted recapture of Capital is called the Capital Bid. The Vilani and the Usdiki Trade Federation tried and failed. Capital is Viral Hell run by uploaded Lucan or uploaded Kkree depending on year. They should have learned.

1234: By the time Regency ruler Ciencia returns in 1234, Gram succeeds in independence (with full Darrian support!) and joins the SW. The SW finally gives full support to the League of Spinward States (remember them?). The Regency collapses due to the failed Capital bid The SW is fully free of Regency influence. Regina declares indepence and forms the Republic of Regina declares independence, joins the League of Spinward States as do other groups.

1235: The Metal Worlds free themselves of the Regency Remnant and become their own polity. Completely independent of the SW, they join the LSS. By the end, the LSS has enough strength in systems fleets. The Regency has more systems, but lost much of its fleets in the Capital Bid.

I'm not buying what 1248 was selling. SW would prefer the Darrians to the Regency any day of the week. Freeing themselves would've been easy at the point of the civil war. Never bought into the CW. It would have been like the US having a 2nd civil war right after the cold war. :rofl: If anything the Regency might have had a few assassinations.