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T20 Handheld Robot Killers (was Heavy Snub SMG)


SOC-14 1K
[EDIT]: I'm moving the weapon design stuff to the Weapon's Locker here since that seems more appropriate. However I'm open to more suggestions for "Robot Killer" weapons. Hence the change in Subject.

I've been toying with adapting the Heavy Snub SMG from T4 Emperor's Arsenal for T20 with a co-gm for an online game.

It's really more of a 25mm auto snub grenade launcher. :cool: :eek: :D

Questions and comments(I don't have the main T4 book currently):

What set of distances is V. Short (and thus what would be a good range for it for T20) in T4?

T4 has it as being 1.1 kg (1.5kg loaded). Even allowing for only 12 rounds and being TL 13 that seems a bit light*. Would 2.1kb (2.5kb loaded) make more sense esp. if it's more of a prototype/limited production run weapon?

The Emperor's Arsenal book doesn't seem to specifiy the number of shots per burst but since it has 12 rounds I'm assuming 4 per burst. The Snub SMG uses a 4 round burst and the T20 rules have 4 round bursts.

It only has HEAP or gel rounds. HEAP would be say 3d8 damage, effects ala the HEAP grenade, gel 3d8 stamina only damage.

Now for the specific use for the gun in game is anti robot/AI. A special round could come in very handy, such as HESH (though I understand 25mm is too small for this) or Electrostatic.

Since I'm looking for something to disable or "wipe out" robot/AIs Gurps Electrolasers and Electromagnetic Pulse Guns are also possible candidates. However any electro stuff would have problems in certain atmosphereic conditions (including space).

A gauss smg is another candidate. However for now I like the idea of a big snubbie.


* granted T4 Emperor's Arsenal used a modified BTRC design system from what I remember
Sounds like a fun toy. Lets see what I can come up with for T20 stats.

First, HEAP greandes do 4d6 and have a AP rate of 5. Since these grenades are a bit smaller than average(40mm?), I'd give them a 3d6. Reduce the burst radius from 6m to 4m as well.

Range for this thing should be about the same as the Snub SMG from TA#1, 24m.

Rate of Fire: 1/4. +2to hit or +2dice of damage (5d6 w/ AP5, not bad!)

Weight: 2kg for the weapon and 1kg for the loaded magazine.

I've recently re-created a Zhodani Warbot and done an adventure where the bot wrecks havock in a local bar. :eek: Small arms did nothing to it. That -5 dice to damage a vehicle rule is nasty! The only thing we found that would hurt it (besides a lucky critical roll) was gauss weapons on full tilt auto (VRF Guass chews them up nicely!), energy weapons(duh!)
, and a shotgun with 'special' ammo. The players had to duck behind the bar to find what the bartender (who got wasted earlier, by the bot, not alcahol.) had under the counter.

The round I came up with was the TL14 HEAP Shotgun Slug. Normal Slug will do 2d6 with a range of 9m. HE adds another dice (3d6) and the AP max at TL14 is 7. The warbot had AR of 6 so this shot totaly negated that, but that -5dice to vehicles still played. 1d6-3 or a 3SI hit considering highest dice would be 6. Still enough to give it an internal damage roll.

Cost of the round? Shotgun round is 10cr. HE x10, AP7 is x7 so 10cr x70 is 700cr. Yes, expensive! Also it's milspec ammo so depending on local law level...(yeah right

I'll see what other bot killers I can think of. Till then, have you seen the weapons PDFs done by Lord Rhys?(Ship's Locker board) Some may be able to solve your bot problem. :D
Whoops, I think I got the price wrong for that HEAP shotgun round.

HE is x10 or 100cr add the AP7 to that (x70 or 700cr) so that should be 800cr.
Originally posted by cmdrx:

First, HEAP greandes do 4d6 and have a AP rate of 5. Since these grenades are a bit smaller than average(40mm?), I'd give them a 3d6. Reduce the burst radius from 6m to 4m as well.
Well these are 25mm snub rounds. Not RAM grenades. T4 has it doing more damage than a TL13 Gauss ACR or Laser etc.

Weight: 2kg for the weapon and 1kg for the loaded magazine.
Perhaps. I already have it a kg heavier except for the ammo. (1.1/.4 in T4]

Till then, have you seen the weapons PDFs done by Lord Rhys?(Ship's Locker board) Some may be able to solve your bot problem. :D
Looking... (and at yer shotgun as well; shotguns in general are very handy)
