Viirdana class 100ton Type LB Lab Boat - Journeyman Design Bureau - Trin Yards
Using a 100ton unstreamlined dispersed hull the Viirdana operates as a self sufficient research platform. Capable of only 1G maneuver but with 4E of power the boat sports a powerful computer and sensor array.
Accommodations for the crew of Pilot and Engineer and four (or more in double occupancy) scientists are comfortable and fuel is sufficient for 8 weeks endurance.
Two full laboratories, fitted to the required specifications, allow a wide range of on site investigation and study, or remote research away from distractions.
A single launcher is fitted to handle remote probes for sampling, recon, or discrete sensor scans.
The design of the boat allows three modes of gravity simulation to enable eliminating or adding influences on materials. First is the standard artificial gravity of 1G throughout. Second the AG can be shut off and up to 1G simulated by constant thrust. Third the whole can be set spinning about it's center of gravity allowing up to 2G of simulated spin gravity on the lab level and drive level, with half that on the habitat level and zero g in the rest. The sections are connected by a single sealed 1ton lift that rides in an exposed frame between the sections. Alternatively EVA will allow moving between sections, with a small airlock in each section allowing 1 person to enter or leave without depressurizing the section.
A fast airframe Research Launch (detailed below) rounds out the facilities available and doubles as a lifeboat.
While the base model is built at TL9 the labs may be easily upgraded to higher TL. However the primary usage is in developing systems so the lower tech level is easier to maintain and repair.
The Lab Boat costs MCr67.85 before discounts and not including the launch and expendables.
[B]Viirdana [/B][FONT=Fixedsys]class 100ton Type LB Lab Boat TL9
[/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]+100tons Hull - Dispersed - Unstreamlined MCr5.000
-2tons Maneuver Drive 1g -1EP 3.000
Agility +0
-6tons Fusion 9 Powerplant +4EP 18.000
-8tons Fuel x8 weeks
-20tons Bridge [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys] 0.500
-3tons Computer model/5 rs -3EP 27.000
avionics 1
sensors 5
maser commo 2
radio commo 3
-1tons Hardpoint x1 0.100
Single Missile Launcher 1.250
-24tons Staterooms x6 [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]3.000
-16tons Laboratories x2 10.000
-20tons Research Launch extra
20ton Research Launch - Journeyman Design Bureau - Trin Yards
The Research Launch sports an airframe flattened sphere design and is capable of up to 4G with an agility of 4 but is limited to only 1 week of operation before refueling.
It seats 2 on it's spacious bridge and includes a model/2 computer. The bridge seating includes built in lowberth capability for each. Additional comfortable seating for 4 is just aft of the bridge and includes an emergency lowberth function.
There are 4tons of cargo space for collected samples or baggage. Optionally it may also be used for a weapon mount or fib upgrade for the computer.
Total cost of the Research Launch is MCr18.56 before discounts and without extras.
[B]2[/B][FONT=Fixedsys]0ton Research Launch TL9
[/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]+20.0tons Hull - Flattened Sphere - Streamlined MCr1.600
-1.0tons Airframe upgrade 0.160
-2.2tons Maneuver Drive 4g -0.8EP 1.100
Agility +4 -0.8EP
-2.4tons Fusion 9 Powerplant +1.6EP 7.200
-0.4tons Fuel x1 week
-4.0tons Helm - Seats 2 [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys] 0.100
-1.0tons Lowberths x2 0.100
-2.0tons Computer model/2 8.000
avionics 2
sensors 2
maser commo 1
radio commo 2
Hardpoint x1 0.100
-2.0tons Passenger Seats x4[/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys] 0.100
-1.0tons Emergency Lowberth x1 0.100
-4.0tons Cargo space
Crew is usually cross trained Pilot/Engineer and Engineer/Pilot. One will operate the launch as needed while the other stays aboard the boat.
EDIT: I'm picturing the Lab Boat as a long structure with the labs at one end and the drives at the other (each being equal with fuel included). The helm, computer, hardpoint, and launch are closer to the drives and at the center of mass (and when in spin gravity it's at zero) The staterooms are closer to the labs (and when in spin gravity at half that of the drives and labs).
More details may follow* but that's the basics.
* like more adventure seeds...
Adventure Seed One - One of our scientists is missing!
The PCs are approached by a worried individual. He introduces himself as Doctor Fiiring (that's like in "ear" not like in "ire") a local researcher who has lost contact with a colleague. His colleague's name is Doctor Stiin (that's like in "eye") and he was last in contact about 3 weeks ago, by long range radio from the lab boat Pentry in orbit of the local gas giant. The PC's are the first to come along with a ship and the researcher is desperate to know what happened. He fears the worst.
This can be run all sorts of different ways. Use your imagination (mines overflowing at the moment and I can't type it out fast enough
I kind of knocked this out fast so there may be some errata. Please point it out if you spot it before I do