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T5 0.9 Errata Thread

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Page 402, Mainworld: "Over time, the MainWorld in a system may change. At some point in history, the MainWorld may be a Size 8 world with its associated atmosphere, hydrographics, and popula- tion. At some later point, there may be a shift to a different world with different Size, and associated infiormation."

"information" in the last sentence is spelled incorrectly.

Ob - Obsolete

chart 213 Obsolete
pg 221 +4 TL

no other mentions of what it modifies

suggest it works like armormaker
= to modified for most of the stat block changes
but .5 cost modifier
and .7 mass modifier
many spray designators, exotic designators, and darts have what I assume is a power setting that map to p1 p2 p3 settings from p184

Unfortunately the rules do not explicitly state that power maps directly to the number of dice but the image on p220 does this mapping.
powersetting => 1-2-3

this is an errata issue.
Text: Alternative Drives. A ship may be equipped with more than one of any specific type of drive. For example, both a Power Plant and an Anti-Matter Plant.

Issue: power plants are not generally considered drives, should reference Manoeuvre drives or other drive types such as jump etc. Power plants are allowed to have alternates as well but confusing how the text is.
stasis globe pg379

Text: ' STASIS GLOBE Stasis option establishes a barrier which cannot be penetrated by any force from the outside universe. Activity within the Globe is stopped until the globe is deactivated. Theoretically, a Stasis Globe can withstand anything, even the end of time. When the field is collapsed, activity resumes. A Stasis Globe is silver and externally indistinguishable from a Silver Globe. A Stasis Globe can be created with a duration: it automatically deactivates after a specific elapsed period of time. A Stasis Globe can also be created with a deactivation trigger: a sensitivity to a coded gravitic, magnetic, electromagnetic, or even mechanical pulses which cause its deactivation.

Issue: all activity stops inside globe and the globe reflects all energy perfectly. This means it cannot have an internal clock to turn off from (time h ceased for the generator) and external stimuli cannot be detected even if the generator ran outside of time in the globe. Logic issue.
T5.09, page 293, under the Armor Tech Level Stage Effects (TLSE) table:

There is a column labeled MODS, which is not defined anywhere in the armor section. It does not match to expected mods -- one item is /2 (divided by two?) which does not make sense as a MOD.

It also doesn't seem to correspond to the MODS column from any of the other TLSE tables found, for example the sensor TLSE MODS on page 299.
T5.09 page 357, Standard Sensor Packages Table

entry for TL-17, LR Surf Visor-17

Based on the other progressions, appears this one should be

Std LR Surf Visor-17 or possibly Imp LR Surf Visor-17
T5 minimum drive sizes

The Drive-A maneuver drive is 2 tons per T5.09 page 295.

Per the T5.09 errata document, page 12, regarding T5.09 page 295, drive tons, it indicates an omission -- drive tonnages cannot be less than the Drive-A tonnage.

T5.09 page 326 gives an example of a Maneuver Drive-B; the tonnage in that example goes down to 1 ton -- below the minimum of the Drive-A.

The errata document DOES NOT include anything for the table on page 326.

Which of the two is correct, the errata document minimum entry, or the table on 326, in which case there is no (apparent) minimum size?

Either the minimum entry needs to be removed from the errata, or the table on page 326 needs to be added to the errata list.
On page 357 of the T5.09 release there is a list of standard sensor prices.

The numbers appear to be way off as you get into the higher tech levels, once you get beyond standard and attack range.

For example, at TL-14 it lists the cost of an Ult DS Surf Comm-14 as 3 MCr.

I come up with a different number, based on the info on page 299:

Base cost is MCr 1 per table A.
Ultimate multiplies the cost by 3 per table B, tech level stage effects (TLSE)
DS (deep space) multiplies the cost by 5 per table D, space range effects.

This gives a total of MCr 1 x 3 x 5, or MCr15. This calculation is more in line with the sensor creation example on page 355, in the right column.
Pg 357 - sensor packages table

Regarding sensor prices on page 357, if you ignore the RANGE multiplier it appears prices are correct.

If we should ignore the range factor in price calculations for surface mounts, I'd suggest adding a blurb to that effect.

For example --

"Surface-mounted sensor costs are calculated without the range costs. If the sensor or package is mounted in a turret, barbette, or bay the cost multiplier for the range will apply"
Pg 293, Starship Armor, table B

Type A, plate is listed as allowed on Cluster, Braced, Unstreamlined and Streamlined hulls.

This conflicts with page 290, Table D - Hull structure, which allows Plate on Airframe hulls, in addition to those named above.
Pg 292, Armor

The formulae for Anti-armor layers do not appear to be correct. Some anti-armor has a multiplier of 10, and some a multiplier of 100. This conflicts with Table B on page 293, which lists the anti-armor multipliers at 10.

For example, the formula for EMP for Armor Plate is TL x 10. The formula for Anti-rad is TL x 100.

If the anti-armor multiplier is truly 10 then it would appear that the formula for all the anti-armors should read "<type> x 10" where <type> is BF, EMP, RAD or Kinetic. This will then correctly apply a multiplier of 10 to the original armor value of the type.

For example, the calculation for Anti-blast would read BF x 10 instead of TL x 10.

It would also make sense to have a footnote similar to "The anti-armor multiplier applies to the original protection for that armor type and category. For example, the BF calculation for Armor Plate is TL x 10. The BF calculation for anti-blast Armor Plate would be TL x 10 x 10."
Pages 292 and 293 - Planetoid hulls and anti-armor

Request for clarification:

Since a planetoid hull is made from a hollowed-out planetoid, it seems to be logical that you could have multiple layers of armor - you are simply removing less material, and have a smaller "core" available for use.

It seems illogical that the planetoid could have anti-armor layers. Does it mean that material was removed, modified to become an anti-layer, and then replaced?
Pg 290 and 327 - lifters

Pg 290, under starship hull fittings, lifters are listed as TL-8. This also corresponds to the TL table on page 494.

Pg 327, 100% standard lifters are listed as TL-9.

What is the correct Standard TL for lifters?
Pg. 355

Pg 355, under the Deployable Sensors section, states deployable are installed under weapons, but are not in the list of available items in table A, weapons, on page 301.

Instead, it appears that starship sensors2 page 299 has been updated to include the deployable mount modifier.

Should the reference on page 355 actually point to the sensor installation?
Pos 281 and 355

For review:

pg 281: Sensors section, under Modify Stage Effects: Cost and Mod apply to the Mount.

pg 355: The Process: TL Stage Effects apply to the Sensor but not the Mount.

Which is correct?
Tech level stage effects (TLSE) - Armor and other things

I've pulled the GENERIC line item from various TLSE tables in the T5.09 release, and put it into the table below, as a point of reference. See pages 293, 294, 299, 301, 303, 326, 350, 361, 381, 384, 497, 498 and 521 for tables and partial tables -- some of these may need adjustments.

Tech Level Stage Effects - Generic line items
Page  TL   Stage    TL  Tons  Cost  Mod  Eff  Fuel  Q  R  E  B  S  Notes
293   Gen  Generic  +1    /2         -2            +1  0  0  0  0  Ship Armor
497   Gen  Generic  +1          /2    0             5  0  0  0  0  General table
498   Gen  Generic  +1    **    /2    0   90        5  0  0  0  0  Variant tonnages
521   Gen  Generic  +1          /2    0             5  0  0  0  0  General table

** Shipmaker x1, Gunmaker x1, Thingmaker x1.5

TLSE general questions --

What does the MOD column truly represent for each type of item? It is essentially undefined on all of the TLSE tables in the book, although there is a section on page 496 that states Mods Are Reflected In the Tech Level. A device shows its performance tech level (rather than its base tech level); its Mod is included in the TL (and not added in again).

Page 361, Tech level stage effects -- there is a blank space to the right of the TL table. Since this page is sensor-related, should the sensor QREBS be listed here?

Pg 498, Variant tonnages table, I suggest adding an ARMOR column for mass

QREBS for Prototype, Early, Improved, Modified, Advanced and Ultimate are consistent across that line item. The Experimental Q of -2 does not match the REBS values of 3. Recommend the Experimental Q on all tables be set to -3 for consistency.

Now, on to my armor-specific questions:

For generic line items, Q (quality) is 5 for most items. Should that be the same for armor, for consistency?

Early armor tons are x2, but for drives, weapons, and other items it is only x1. Should it be x1 for armor as well, for consistency?

Generic and Improved armor are both available at TL+1, but generic is HALF THE MASS with only minor QREBS adjustments. Generic tons should probably x1 instead, which would match all other Generic component line entries.

Should the mods for Experimental, Prototype and Early be -3, -2, and -1, which would match the mods for other components?
Last edited:
Pg 282, the section on defenses

The following should should probably be added to the end of the Defenses section:

Modify Stage Effects. Tech Level Stage Effects can alter the capabilities of the installation. Cost and Mod apply to the Mount.

This would keep the defense section consistent with the Stage Effects portion of the preceding and following sections.
Page 306, Starship controls

Under table D, Standard Ships Computers, the cost calculation in the table notes appears to be incorrect.

For all models except Model/0 and Model/0 bis, it looks like the cost should be calculated as MCr = Cells * (Model + 0.5), and several entries appear to be rounded down in error.

Tons formula in the footnote s/b TONS = Model number, minimum 0.5

The updated table and costs would look like this:

[U]Model/  Tons  Sq    MCr  TL  Cells[/U]
0        0.5   1    0.1   8    0
0 bis    0.5   1    0.5   8    1
1        1     2    1.5   9    1
1 bis    1     2    3.0   9    2
2        2     4    5.0  10    2
2 bis    2     4    7.5  10    3
3        3     6   10.5  11    3
3 bis    3     6   14.0  11    4
4        4     8   18.0  12    4
4 bis    4     8   22.5  12    5
5        5    10   27.5  13    5
5 bis    5    10   33.0  13    6
6        6    12   39.0  14    6
6 bis    6    12   45.5  14    7
7        7    14   52.5  15    7
7 bis    7    14   60.0  15    8
8        8    16   68.0  16    8
8 bis    8    16   76.5  16    8
9        9    18   85.5  16    9
Pages 627-650

Pg 627: Right side, there is extraneous text -- Iu rea stu N? ing Aie -- on the right side of the page. Looks like a misplaced quote or author note.

Multiple pages:

The TL indicators are inconsistent in many items -- some items use numeric TLs and some use EHex.

For example, Battledress is listed as TL 13, but Boarding Armor uses TL B.

TL format should be the same throughout the listings.
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