Tech level stage effects (TLSE) - Armor and other things
I've pulled the GENERIC line item from various TLSE tables in the T5.09 release, and put it into the table below, as a point of reference. See pages 293, 294, 299, 301, 303, 326, 350, 361, 381, 384, 497, 498 and 521 for tables and partial tables -- some of these may need adjustments.
Tech Level Stage Effects - Generic line items
Page TL Stage TL Tons Cost Mod Eff Fuel Q R E B S Notes
293 Gen Generic +1 /2 -2 +1 0 0 0 0 Ship Armor
497 Gen Generic +1 /2 0 5 0 0 0 0 General table
498 Gen Generic +1 ** /2 0 90 5 0 0 0 0 Variant tonnages
521 Gen Generic +1 /2 0 5 0 0 0 0 General table
** Shipmaker x1, Gunmaker x1, Thingmaker x1.5
TLSE general questions --
What does the MOD column truly represent for each type of item? It is essentially undefined on all of the TLSE tables in the book, although there is a section on page 496 that states
Mods Are Reflected In the Tech Level. A device shows its performance tech level (rather than its base tech level); its Mod is included in the TL (and not added in again).
Page 361, Tech level stage effects -- there is a blank space to the right of the TL table. Since this page is sensor-related, should the sensor QREBS be listed here?
Pg 498, Variant tonnages table, I suggest adding an ARMOR column for mass
QREBS for Prototype, Early, Improved, Modified, Advanced and Ultimate are consistent across that line item. The Experimental Q of -2 does not match the REBS values of 3. Recommend the Experimental Q on all tables be set to -3 for consistency.
Now, on to my armor-specific questions:
For generic line items, Q (quality) is 5 for most items. Should that be the same for armor, for consistency?
Early armor tons are x2, but for drives, weapons, and other items it is only x1. Should it be x1 for armor as well, for consistency?
Generic and Improved armor are both available at TL+1, but generic is HALF THE MASS with only minor QREBS adjustments. Generic tons should probably x1 instead, which would match all other Generic component line entries.
Should the mods for Experimental, Prototype and Early be -3, -2, and -1, which would match the mods for other components?