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T5 and Pocket Empires


It's probably buried way down on page 54 of this forum and I haven't found it.

Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone tried to integrate Pocket Empires with T5? I see Marc brought some elements from the supplement to T5. Not sure if there would be publication issues between the two editions. I always considered PE as the 3rd dimension to Traveller empire building. Not so much to redo the Milieu 0 campaign but a system for creating empires from scratch or filling out existing empires.
I don't recall much being done on that score. It shouldn't be very hard to use as is, tho'; the extensions in T5 are comparable with those in PE.
That's what I was wondering. I need to do a detailed comparison of the terms and measurements used in each an maybe if it could extend to Imperial Squadrons too.
Count me interested - I too noted the overlaps between T5 and the earlier work in this area. I'm wondering if T5 adds anything new or different.
And Pocket Empires is relatively self-contained. The differences would lie in the two economic extensions given to worlds.

I note that "Labor" is calculated exactly the same between the two rulesets: POP-1.
This sounds better all the time. I'll be away and unable to analyze for a bit but it will give me something to do this week.
They're more compatible than I thought. PE could easily be adapted to work with T5.

T4 Economic Extension

1. Resources = 2D-2. +Belts and GGs if TL 8+.
2. Labor = Pop-1.
3. Infrastructure = 2D-2 +DMs based on Trade Codes and Starport.
4. Culture (Market Efficiency) = 2D.

T5 Economic Extension

1. Resources = 2D. +Belts and GGs if TL 8+.
2. Labor = Pop-1.
3. Infrastructure = 2D + World Importance (0 to 6).
4. (Market) Efficiencies = Flux (2D-7).

Without reading Pocket Empires' process, I'd be tempted to run straight with T5's values and PE's formulas and see if it just works (even with the negative efficiencies in T5). If that broke down, I'd try adjusting T4's use of Culture to [Efficiencies + 7].

Resources are roughly equivalent. T5's +2 boost is mitigated by T4's Trade Code DMs (= the resolution may not be worth the bother).

Labor is equal.

Infrastructure may be different by +/-1 ... in other words, I don't think Infra is off enough to change the game.

Culture / Efficiencies are different by exactly 7. Formula adjustments are trivial.
Alright, time to take a subsector or two based on T5 generation and start plugging Pocket Empire stats to the worlds and the 'empire' as a whole and see how it flows. PE is meant to be for OTU but there's where we see how to work around the system though my old PE attempts were for OTU-like generation.

The relationships system is my fancy seeing how worlds within (and maybe when viewing another empire) interact together. That's some hefty dynamics.
One more thought: RU is calculated differently between T4 and T5. If you use T5's numbers, use T5's RU calculations. That above all else may cause a seismic shift in PE... although it will probably be a clean shift.