Scott Martin
Unless T5 now has an agreed on armour and penetration system (even if this is based on FF&S / FF&S-2) then "Combat", "Starships and Smallcraft design" and "Starship combat" are all in the "unknown" bin.
Unless by combat you mean "combat by people who don't believe in personal protection"
I haven't seen any concrete proposal for damage to be applied above the "personal" level either, but then CT largely did without this for years, although it did have starship combat
I agree with Hunter: no way do I see this being able to ship in (checks watch) 45 days (even if I don't including editing as part of that 45 days) and I'd much rather see a polished final product than something pumped out to meet a deadline.
Just so no-one's put off by not having shiny! new! toys! this month, Hunter has some neat stuff in Beta, so folks may want to check out the moot spire. I'd say that it could be pulled into CT (or other versions) without too much effort for those folks who don't already have (for example) a quality system.
Scott Martin
Unless by combat you mean "combat by people who don't believe in personal protection"
I haven't seen any concrete proposal for damage to be applied above the "personal" level either, but then CT largely did without this for years, although it did have starship combat

I agree with Hunter: no way do I see this being able to ship in (checks watch) 45 days (even if I don't including editing as part of that 45 days) and I'd much rather see a polished final product than something pumped out to meet a deadline.
Just so no-one's put off by not having shiny! new! toys! this month, Hunter has some neat stuff in Beta, so folks may want to check out the moot spire. I'd say that it could be pulled into CT (or other versions) without too much effort for those folks who don't already have (for example) a quality system.
Scott Martin