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T5 Sophont Review update


The T5 Sophont Review exists to note the materials so Marc can make decisions about what gets kept and what becomes non-canonical. Marc specifically said to ignore all previous number limits, and just list all such materials for consideration. The Notes tab is where we keep notes about items Marc has to make decisions about. Some decisions have been made, for example, the Mongoose Luriani book specifically replaces some T20 material; the Mongoose Human/Dolphin chimera was errated, etc.

The T5SS has identified, as part of the Sophont review, the following:

3 non-canon Human minors (so they don't count)

7 uplifts (non-Humans geneered post-Ancients as sophonts)

4 dieback Human minors (meaning they survived the Final War but not to 1105)

2 human majors (meaning they survived the Final War, developed jump independently and are active in 1105)

56 human minors (geneeered by the Ancients, survived and are active in 1105)

12 human chimera (see T5; except the geneering was done post-Ancients, and generally since the first Human major gained jump drive)

11 human cultures (generally no genetic changes, but the classification exists to remove those identifications from the chimera, major or minor lists)

1 human infection (just to note it for Marc for a canon decision)

1 uplifted major (geneered by the Ancients, developed jump independently and are active in 1105) with 5 subspecies

4 non-human majors (survived the Final War, developed jump independently and are active in 1105)

6 non-canon minors (so they don't count)

1 misclassification (the Tktk are Chirpers)

274 minors (survived the Final War to 1105)

3 minor chimera (geneering done post-Ancients)

1 rumor

So at the moment the T5SS recognizes 75 human subspecies. There's also the case of the Gashiini from JTAS Online, which would classified as an uplifted minor (geneered by the Ancients, survived and are active in 1105) if they gain canon status. A full review of JTAS Online is ongoing as part of the Lorenverse review.

Note: Yaskoydri moved to dieback Human minor; they did not develop jump themselves, Grandfather gave it to them.


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14 human chimera (see T5; except the geneering was done post-Ancients, and generally since the first Human major gained jump drive)

Wait wait wait. They were geneered post-Ancients, but pre-human-Jump?

Who did the geneering?
Wait wait wait. They were geneered post-Ancients, but pre-human-Jump?

Who did the geneering?

Hey Robject, why did this thread get resurrected? Do you know?


Oh. I see that it looks like Don did it to update it.

Wait wait wait. They were geneered post-Ancients, but pre-human-Jump?

Who did the geneering?

You need to re-read the description:

"14 human chimera (see T5; except the geneering was done post-Ancients, and generally since the first Human major gained jump drive)"

Now, I read that, and see "...SINCE the first Human major gained jump..."

Where do you see anything "pre-human-Jump"?
Hey Robject, why did this thread get resurrected? Do you know?


Oh. I see that it looks like Don did it to update it.


I didn't resurrect any thread. I started a new one on purpose.

The intent is to start building around the Sophont Review, as it seems to get updated and affected whenever the T5SS or the Timeline is updated. So the two efforts need to be more in sync.
I didn't resurrect any thread. I started a new one on purpose.

The intent is to start building around the Sophont Review, as it seems to get updated and affected whenever the T5SS or the Timeline is updated. So the two efforts need to be more in sync.

Cool. I have notes for you, Don, when I remember to share them.


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Toss me the notes. I'm walking through a massively updated timeline at the moment, noting issues between the updated Timeline, the T5SS and the T5SR.
Don, the Mandanin Co-Dominion entry in JG's GR references multiple, only naming the Danin.
In the JG Glimmerdrift Reaches book
Mandanin Co-Dominion
Information concerning the precise internal structure of the Co-Dominion is scanty and nebulous at best. Previous organizations in this area appear to be clan/commercial structures of no great extent or permanence. Several non-human intelligence were also known to inhabit this region, at least one in the early stages of starflight.
Page 4.

The danin and zari (already on the list) are two; several implies more than 3.
So at least one, probably 2 unspecified additionals in the area. Given that the book notes ancients influence, we can probably write off one as chirpers... but that wouldn't match the Droyne module.

JG's Crucis Margin
The Hv'ika Kamlin is "composed primarily of the members of an Alien Minor Race and a minor Race of Humaniti." (page 3).

"Union Crucis also began during the end of the First Imperium as a combination of refugees for self defense purposes. In this area, though, two other factors came into play, the presence of several Minor Races of Aliens on the planets and the proximity of two separate Major Races of Aliens." The majors are specified to be Hiver and K'Kree. The danin are mentioned, the other minors are unspecified.

Chuung Ko Encounter 6: "A large furry sapient six limbed Alien nearby is hit by debris fatling from a building being demolished. Both front legs are injured to such an extent that he cannot walk."

JG Maranatha-AlkaHest
"The Krmyia are a minor race of humanoid aspect, originally native to Vama"
Krmyia minor race (Humanoid but not human).

"When first encountered by humans in -2208 Imperial, the T'tnaree, a sapient Gatherer, in cooperation with several other nearby sapient races, wm colonizing their adjacent Jtan with genedon ships and cold sleep. With the introduction of the jumpdrive, ships of the T'tnaree soon visited all systems in range and started settlements. They only settled where there were no rival sentients or where arrangements could be maid to take local sapients to other colonies in exchange. Supraherd T'tnaree is a confederation of six sapient races of various stocks. Humans who wish to settle are admitted as full citizens." (page 4) T'tnaree - minor non-human. 5 other unspecified. We can probably include some danin, making it 4 unspecified.

"Though Humaniti of Vilani extraction predominate, this am contains a large number of non-human sapient races which are heavily influenced by the K'Kree Culture." (page 4) - large number implies more than 5.
we can write off this as potentially overlapping with the other states.
Also missing: the human-uplifted Chimps and gorillas - "apes" is a problem term, as it includes chimps, gorillas, banoboes, gibbons, and orangs; it should be replaced with chimps and gorillas in the list. (Sources: S&A, AM Solomani)
Also missing: the human-uplifted Chimps and gorillas - "apes" is a problem term, as it includes chimps, gorillas, banoboes, gibbons, and orangs; it should be replaced with chimps and gorillas in the list. (Sources: S&A, AM Solomani)

The section that talks about them has a picture of an Orang, and I think the appropriate section in the Mongoose Solomani book casts the net pretty wide as well.
Don, the Mandanin Co-Dominion entry in JG's GR references multiple, only naming the Danin.
In the JG Glimmerdrift Reaches book
Mandanin Co-Dominion
Information concerning the precise internal structure of the Co-Dominion is scanty and nebulous at best. Previous organizations in this area appear to be clan/commercial structures of no great extent or permanence. Several non-human intelligence were also known to inhabit this region, at least one in the early stages of starflight.
Page 4.

The danin and zari (already on the list) are two; several implies more than 3.
So at least one, probably 2 unspecified additionals in the area. Given that the book notes ancients influence, we can probably write off one as chirpers... but that wouldn't match the Droyne module.

JG's Crucis Margin
The Hv'ika Kamlin is "composed primarily of the members of an Alien Minor Race and a minor Race of Humaniti." (page 3).

"Union Crucis also began during the end of the First Imperium as a combination of refugees for self defense purposes. In this area, though, two other factors came into play, the presence of several Minor Races of Aliens on the planets and the proximity of two separate Major Races of Aliens." The majors are specified to be Hiver and K'Kree. The danin are mentioned, the other minors are unspecified.

Chuung Ko Encounter 6: "A large furry sapient six limbed Alien nearby is hit by debris fatling from a building being demolished. Both front legs are injured to such an extent that he cannot walk."

JG Maranatha-AlkaHest
"The Krmyia are a minor race of humanoid aspect, originally native to Vama"
Krmyia minor race (Humanoid but not human).

"When first encountered by humans in -2208 Imperial, the T'tnaree, a sapient Gatherer, in cooperation with several other nearby sapient races, wm colonizing their adjacent Jtan with genedon ships and cold sleep. With the introduction of the jumpdrive, ships of the T'tnaree soon visited all systems in range and started settlements. They only settled where there were no rival sentients or where arrangements could be maid to take local sapients to other colonies in exchange. Supraherd T'tnaree is a confederation of six sapient races of various stocks. Humans who wish to settle are admitted as full citizens." (page 4) T'tnaree - minor non-human. 5 other unspecified. We can probably include some danin, making it 4 unspecified.

"Though Humaniti of Vilani extraction predominate, this am contains a large number of non-human sapient races which are heavily influenced by the K'Kree Culture." (page 4) - large number implies more than 5.
we can write off this as potentially overlapping with the other states.

Generally all of the JG material is consistently non-canon, but I can add the non-canon references if you like.
Also missing: the human-uplifted Chimps and gorillas - "apes" is a problem term, as it includes chimps, gorillas, banoboes, gibbons, and orangs; it should be replaced with chimps and gorillas in the list. (Sources: S&A, AM Solomani)

The T20 material was pretty vague on the apes. Can you give me page references and world populations for the T5SS?
The T20 material was pretty vague on the apes. Can you give me page references and world populations for the T5SS?

Aside from Dolphins and the Ursa, I don't know that there are any significant populations of the other Solomani uplift clients documented.
The T20 material was pretty vague on the apes. Can you give me page references and world populations for the T5SS?

The Solomani-done Uplifts are mentioned only in passing; no CGen has been done EXCEPT for T20. S&A, page 28, notes that only the Gibbons and Orangs were completed to full sentience and settled in colonies.

Ursa are unique to T20.
Orca are referenced in the T20 Ursa entry.

On to checking Traveller Hero...
"New Era Races" The following are all human minor/cultural templates for a bunch of RC worlds... Pages 72-75)
Spiri (HW Spiri)
Oriflame (HW: Nemyer aka Oriflame)
Luhtalans (HW: Luhtala: D474784-8 Ag M0 V)
Nimbans (HW: Hite aka Nike Nimbus)
Fijans (HW: Fija: D553754-A S Po K1 V Mo D)
Balduri (HW Hepling aka Baldur: CAAA756-9 S Fl Wa K4 V)
Aubani (HW: Vras aka Aubaine: A78A884-C S Wa Ri Cp G5 V)
There is always the Svarvati, as available in the Moot as a race from Foreven.

(Self promotion....wholly non-cannon, but you asked for things like that)
And T20 does give me details for "uplifted apes".

Seems like a good time to add a note in the Sophont Review on this.
So ... after having fallen away from the CotI fold for several months, I'm trying to get caught back up. Some time in the last couple of days, I saw a post regarding a sophont/minor race list that mentioned the Group One products. Don M asked for some references within the books for those minor races. I would reply to that post, but now I can't find it. This seemed like as good a place as any to post the information. Note that I may have missed a few references in my haste to post this.

Theta Borealis Sector describes the Zerps and the Korsumug Empire on p. 5. Three other interstellar states in the sector, and their dealings with the Korsumug Empire are mentioned on p. 6.

This thread:


has some unpublished draft information that looks like it was originally scheduled to go into a DGP product titled Grand Explorations. It renames the Zerp race to Jaibok, and provides additional background information on them (e.g. originated on 923-085 (Fulani 1225), uplifted by the Ancients and transplanted to Vech (Mavuzog 2922).

I haven't found the Zerp listed anywhere else, but I have found the Jaibok referenced in a few places online in the past.

Nystalux p. 5 mentions the hive-like cities of the Sedas. The Sedas are given a more full description on p. 6.

Nithus p. 5 mentions the partial extermination of the Captutains. The Captutains are given a more full description on p. 6.

Lomoda IVa p. 6 mentions wars fought between the Byl, Irf, and Osp. The first two died out, but the Osp are given a more full description on p. 7.

Geptorem p. 8 briefly describe the Attorn.

Sapies describes the Cygmo and the Mitzene on pages 8 and 9 respectively.

Wabor-Parn describes the Trist and the Bose on pages 8 and 9 respectively.

Mission to Zephon describes the Tshini on pp. 7-8.

Pen-Latol's World describes the Cleashitar on p. 8.

Hydronaut describes the Halkyons on p. 7.

I can provide more information on the contents of these Group One sources, if necessary.


Baron Ovka