• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

T5 Status, 10/22/2014


I deliberately waited this week until today for posting status, as Marc and I met with Ken Whitman (Spinward Traveller) yesterday.

It was mostly a review of the script, but Marc and I had a T5 errata discussion late in the day. He is trying to finish T5 combat, and T5 errata overall.

He mentioned a date, but I can't give it out. Also, Marc and Ken discussed other items unrelated to Spinward Traveller.

Now, back to errata.
Good to see T5 is moving along in the right direction.
Also, as a KS backer of Spinward Traveller it's great to hear news that the pilot show is moving towards production. Really looking forward to that, and I think it will give Firefly a run for it's money.
*Yamsi raises his head from lurking in the shadows*

I think I saw this question addressed somewhere, but I'm not sure so I'll ask it again.

I was a Beta during the development of the original rules. Are we entitled to a replacement set of the updated (revised) rule set when they are completed?

I have really been out of the loop on T5 development. Had to take some graduate level classes to meet new requirements at my job.
