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T5 Status, 7/30/2014


Ok, so Marc heavily suggested that I start this up again and post it weekly. Your comments are wanted.

Remember, I never give dates unless Marc has given me a date.

T5 Core: The focus on Personal Combat appears to be successful. I sent out a new update to the Chosen Five yesterday; one major comment has already been returned, and Marc already included it. IF this draft passes the Five, then I have already asked Marc for permission to post it here for full public review. When that happens, Marc will start on the next hot topic rewrite.

T5 Errata: Holding for the Combat effort, but reviewed. My goal is to update the existing document shortly after the Combat draft is posted here.

Other T5 releases: There are several items in the works. As soon as one of those is in my hands, I'll update everyone here.

T5SS: Taking a breath, mostly because of my surgery. The Aslan sector effort has been posted to travellermap.com.
Thanks Don. An update in which there are things to report is always welcome!

Hope the recovery is going okay.
And an edit:

Marc and I are review a bunch of old and new materials that have never seen the light of day, with an eye to 'T5-ing' those materials and getting them published. I started badgering Rob with those today :rofl:
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to seeing the progress. But even in weeks where's been no progress a status update will still be appreciated. :)
Thanks for the opportunity to review the personal combat draft, and a big thumbs up to all those doing the hard yards already. :)
The combat system is coming along fine, its cleaner and more precise with some of the things explained better. It feels good and evokes the traveller experience from things like MegaTraveller and CT.
And an edit:

Marc and I are review a bunch of old and new materials that have never seen the light of day, with an eye to 'T5-ing' those materials and getting them published. I started badgering Rob with those today :rofl:

Really? OK, sounds neat. I'll check my mail.
The combat system is coming along fine, its cleaner and more precise with some of the things explained better. It feels good and evokes the traveller experience from things like MegaTraveller and CT.

Looking forward to seeing that!
The combat system is coming along fine, its cleaner and more precise with some of the things explained better. It feels good and evokes the traveller experience from things like MegaTraveller and CT.

Thanks for the update, Licheking. That is a very encouraging comment, knowing your preference for the MT combat system.
Ok, so Marc heavily suggested that I start this up again and post it weekly. Your comments are wanted.

Thanks for starting this thread, Don. I think this helps a lot for people wondering what is going on with T5 behind the scenes.

I hope your recovery is going well. :)
Time to come 'out' and admit I'm one of the 'chosen 5'... A very humbling experience it has been for me :)

Personally I'm really happy with the drafts of the updated TPCS ... I've made comments and suggestions from my personal experience running T5 combat with my group and they have been well receieved and in some cases implemented in the updated drafts ... I am MUCH happier now in particular with the clear way weapon effects are applied to armor/protections and also how damage which penetrates/overcomes armor/protections is applied to hit locations and characteristics .... I think we have a winner here starting to come out of the darkness into the light of day ....
What we have with T5 Combat now is a hell of a sight better than what it was, but, personally, I still think it needs a lot of work. I don't think it's ready yet. I just found a major problem in the last draft.

If the goal is to make this Combat system really sing, we need to keep working on it.

I don't want it to be "good enough". I want it to be excellent.
Well done, good luck, get well soon (not in that order!).

And an edit:

Marc and I are review a bunch of old and new materials that have never seen the light of day, with an eye to 'T5-ing' those materials and getting them published. I started badgering Rob with those today :rofl:

Straws and camels....

(Ganbatte, kudasai!)*

Knowing that what I'm asking about is 'future' and 'tentative' and that things are subject to change since modifications to the personal combat rules are still being nailed down; is there any word on what is next? Starships? System generation? Character creation?
All of which says progress is happening.

Absolutely progress is happening. From my viewpoint, T5's Combat problems have been run through the strainer to where A LOT have become A FEW.

There are still a couple of things that worry me, but we're not done yet. And, there are some new rules that I really like.
Thank you very much for this project. I've been hoping for a status report for a while. I am glad that the contributors are our friends here. It makes T5 a community effort and encourages me to think more about Traveller.