Like CT's High Guard, knowing how the components in VM work together helps build things well. That comes through learning the system via trial and error. Also like High Guard.
tjoneslo said:
The point of this exercise is to work through the steps of the VehicleMaker to see if the results it produces are consistent with the game system. It's a test I perform on every design system I've ever used. Start with something basic and simple.
There is nothing basic or simple in designing vehicles, and VM is no exception. It just has fewer steps and more assumptions, and hopefully those assumptions are often-enough reasonable to make the system fast and useful. Just about every vehicle in VehicleMaker takes about the same amount of effort -- although with time, as with all processes, you learn the ins and outs of it.
The question I am working on is this: how can Marc's numbers for VM be presented in a better way, and what tweaks to the numbers in VM can be rationally posed to Marc? (And by rational, I mean the sort of thing that makes Marc say to himself, "I want VM to support XYZ, and by golly it doesn't do that right!"). Because that's how VM will improve.
For example, how do I build Zhodani warbots with VehicleMaker? Since Marc loves thinking about the Zhodani, this is a hot-button that might get his attention and cause him to, for example,
define negative tonnages in a useful way, maybe as fractions of a ton rather than as invalid designs. There's an erratum/suggestion to log. Who knows. But if VM should support canon, then use canon as the means to get to Marc.
T5 VehicleMaker's one person PeopleMover vehicle.
So for the second vehicle, I want a large cargo truck. Ideally I'm working with a 40' standard cargo container, about 8 tons. So a trunk capable of hauling this cargo for a few hours.
So when I use VehicleMaker, I have to try different things to get what I want, and I usually look at several variations and strategies. I don't get what I want on the first try, and often have to settle for something that's close enough.
This is a side effect of built-in assumptions about vehicles. Contrast this with, say, GURPS: Vehicles, where you build exactly what you want, exactly to your specs. That is, if you're one of the 2D-2 people in the world who use G:V more than twice.
In the end, learning how the various components work together helps to use VehicleMaker well. This is not unlike CT's High Guard, where a knowledge of the breakpoints in the weapon factors versus defenses was not just useful, but
critical to designing warships. Remember your first warship for High Guard? Maybe it was a good 'un. I remember my first ships for Trillion Credit Squadron: they were
People Mover, Small
I can get at the small people-mover by playing with the various options. Yes, many options don't work together when you put them together in certain combinations. Some do.
code type TL q vol spd ld AV: ca, fp, rp, sp, ps, in, se KCr
---------- -------------------------------------------- -- -- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- ------
HPOALGPH Open Advanced Lt Grav Passenger Vehicle 11 10 0 7 1.5 22.5 0 0 0 20 0 12 0 172.5
HPOALWPH Open Advanced Lt Wheeled Passenger Vehicle 7 6 0.5 7 1.5 22.5 0 0 0 20 0 12 0 137.5
I take "Zero" tons as being less than one ton --
but the rules don't say this, nor do they explain what possible meaning a negative tonnage means (does it mean "this is an invalid design", or something else?). The rules don't explain this, because the text has not been updated to account for it.
That, at least, is an erratum. And I don't know if I logged it, or someone else did, or if noone did.
Anyway, this TL-11 craft has a load of 1.5 tons -- without the rules handy I don't know if you seat four people to the ton or two, but that's at least a two-seater.
It has an unusable speed of 7. I say "unusable" because it's open. Unless there's an impressive windshield. Maybe there is. I think I'd rather just say that this thing has plenty of pep, and is dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced.
Wheeled variant. Note that the Wheeled version is about the same, except the TL drops to 7.
Cargo Truck
While I can't get something reasonable to haul 8 tons, I can get it to 6:
code type TL q vol spd ld AV: ca, fp, rp, sp, ps, in, se KCr
---------- -------------------------------------------- -- -- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- ------
EHWCT Enclosed Hv Wheeled Cargo Truck 6 6 7 4 6 14 0 4 0 4 0 18 0 120
EHGCT Enclosed Hv Grav Cargo Truck 10 10 5 4 6 14 0 4 0 4 0 18 0 360
Seven tons, capable of hauling six tons of payload. Its speed is 4, decidedly slow, but this thing is hauling cargo, and it probably assumes a bulky cargo. I suspect that if I simply scaled the vehicle tonnage up
a reasonable amount (say 33% to 9 tons), that I could also scale load tonnage up similarly to 8 tons. Is that cheating? There's no rule that says I can, and therefore how can a published document do such a thing?
So that could be another erratum worth suggesting.
The grav version is a bit smaller at three times the cost.