I have a questions about the Extensions. I am, as always. working on my OTU history, specifically First Imperium and Rule of Man.
Do these get rerolled over time, as in centuries or millennia?
Some of this seem intrinsic to the star system like Resources. The only factor involved in Resources seems to be the Tech Level. So if a system which is uninhabited becomes inhabited, then achieves TL 8+, its Resources would increase. Conversely, mapping backwards in time, its Resources would reduce. Right?
My example here would Midku (Vland 1619). Its current Resources Value is 7, TL 8, Belts 1, Gas Giants 0, UWP B764485-8.
Its current Resources Value is 7.
Prior to colonization by the Vilani, its UWP would have been X764000-0 (my evaluation). Since it is TL 0 you could not add the Gas Giants or Belts, so would its Resources Value be 6?
Labor is not subject to rolling, it is simply Pop-1. So...
Midku has a UWP Pop Value of 4, so Labor is 3. Pre-colonization, it would have a Labor of 0.
Do these get rerolled over time, as in centuries or millennia?
Some of this seem intrinsic to the star system like Resources. The only factor involved in Resources seems to be the Tech Level. So if a system which is uninhabited becomes inhabited, then achieves TL 8+, its Resources would increase. Conversely, mapping backwards in time, its Resources would reduce. Right?
My example here would Midku (Vland 1619). Its current Resources Value is 7, TL 8, Belts 1, Gas Giants 0, UWP B764485-8.
Its current Resources Value is 7.
Prior to colonization by the Vilani, its UWP would have been X764000-0 (my evaluation). Since it is TL 0 you could not add the Gas Giants or Belts, so would its Resources Value be 6?
Labor is not subject to rolling, it is simply Pop-1. So...
Midku has a UWP Pop Value of 4, so Labor is 3. Pre-colonization, it would have a Labor of 0.