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The A2 Cargo Capacity...what gives?

Update to this thread--

How'd she (the A2) turn out on a 400 ton hull?



TL13 400 ton Type A2 Far Trader
(deckplans as listed in Sup 7)

J-2 (Jump Drive - D)
M-1G (Maneuver Drive - B)
Power Plant D

One Single Turret sporting a pulse laser cannon.

Fuel: 120 total capacity (80 tons for J-Drive; 40 tons for M-Drive and PP).

Cargo Hold: 88 tons


She cost 114.92 MCr new, constructed at the Naasirka Shipyards on Armis back in 1056 on a Tukera Contract. Christened the ELEANOR MORAES, she was part of Tukera's fledgling effort in the Aramis subsector for 22 years before she was sold, second-hand, to an independent merchant captain named Roger Marem.

The ship, in the two decades, depreciated to the tune of 60.91 MCr (Marem's purchase price, in 1078, was 54.01 MCr). The 10.8 MCr downpayment came in the form of a Tukera Subsidy--the agreement stipulating an assigned four-system route (Tukera's outsourceing of the Aramis/Natoko/Patinir/Pysadi run) and contracted promise by Marem to ship Tukera freight and personnel with extra hold space and empty stateroom free of charge when the occassion presented itself(Natoko being the primary Tukera instellation in the subsector).

To sweeten the deal, Tukera awarded a mail contract to Marem for the four worlds on his route.

In 1087, Marem brings on a new 2nd Officer, Dexter Bryte (who is promoted to 1st Officer 10 years later).

Marem retires in 1100, when Bryte takes over ownership of the ship. He re-christens the vessel the ADROIT PURSUIT.

Three years later, Bryte takes on a partner, a native from Pysadi named Luukhan Pershiire (although Pershiire had been a hand on the ship since 1086--hired by Marem almost a year before Bryte came aboard).

Today, in 1105, the ADROIT PURSUIT is owned by its captain, Dexter Bryte, and First Officer Luukhan Pershiire. Her homeport is Aramis, and she makes landfall at home once every two months.

Monthly payments (to Tukera--they self-financed the deal) run to the tune of 180,042 Cr per month (leaving a very narrow profit margin for the vessel).

In 1118, Bryte will have the ship paid off (barring some spectacular speculative trade business in the mean-time).


Dexter Bryte - Captain/Pilot/Owner
Salary - 6,000 Cr. per mo. plus 50 profit shrs.

Luukhan Pershiire - First Officer/Navigator/Owner
Salary - 5,500 Cr. per mo. plus 40 profit shrs.

Bromley Riieve - Engineer
Salary - 4,000 Cr. per mo. plus 15 profit shrs.

Russlin Suvarrii - Steward
Salary - 3,900 Cr. per mo. plus 15 profit shrs.

Solomon Jones - Fourth Officer/Medic
Salary - 2,400 Cr. per mo. plus 30 profit shrs.

Klue Gagarrin - Gunner
Salary - 1,000 Cr. per mo. plus 15 profit shrs.
Update to this thread--

How'd she (the A2) turn out on a 400 ton hull?



TL13 400 ton Type A2 Far Trader
(deckplans as listed in Sup 7)

J-2 (Jump Drive - D)
M-1G (Maneuver Drive - B)
Power Plant D

One Single Turret sporting a pulse laser cannon.

Fuel: 120 total capacity (80 tons for J-Drive; 40 tons for M-Drive and PP).

Cargo Hold: 88 tons


She cost 114.92 MCr new, constructed at the Naasirka Shipyards on Armis back in 1056 on a Tukera Contract. Christened the ELEANOR MORAES, she was part of Tukera's fledgling effort in the Aramis subsector for 22 years before she was sold, second-hand, to an independent merchant captain named Roger Marem.

The ship, in the two decades, depreciated to the tune of 60.91 MCr (Marem's purchase price, in 1078, was 54.01 MCr). The 10.8 MCr downpayment came in the form of a Tukera Subsidy--the agreement stipulating an assigned four-system route (Tukera's outsourceing of the Aramis/Natoko/Patinir/Pysadi run) and contracted promise by Marem to ship Tukera freight and personnel with extra hold space and empty stateroom free of charge when the occassion presented itself(Natoko being the primary Tukera instellation in the subsector).

To sweeten the deal, Tukera awarded a mail contract to Marem for the four worlds on his route.

In 1087, Marem brings on a new 2nd Officer, Dexter Bryte (who is promoted to 1st Officer 10 years later).

Marem retires in 1100, when Bryte takes over ownership of the ship. He re-christens the vessel the ADROIT PURSUIT.

Three years later, Bryte takes on a partner, a native from Pysadi named Luukhan Pershiire (although Pershiire had been a hand on the ship since 1086--hired by Marem almost a year before Bryte came aboard).

Today, in 1105, the ADROIT PURSUIT is owned by its captain, Dexter Bryte, and First Officer Luukhan Pershiire. Her homeport is Aramis, and she makes landfall at home once every two months.

Monthly payments (to Tukera--they self-financed the deal) run to the tune of 180,042 Cr per month (leaving a very narrow profit margin for the vessel).

In 1118, Bryte will have the ship paid off (barring some spectacular speculative trade business in the mean-time).


Dexter Bryte - Captain/Pilot/Owner
Salary - 6,000 Cr. per mo. plus 50 profit shrs.

Luukhan Pershiire - First Officer/Navigator/Owner
Salary - 5,500 Cr. per mo. plus 40 profit shrs.

Bromley Riieve - Engineer
Salary - 4,000 Cr. per mo. plus 15 profit shrs.

Russlin Suvarrii - Steward
Salary - 3,900 Cr. per mo. plus 15 profit shrs.

Solomon Jones - Fourth Officer/Medic
Salary - 2,400 Cr. per mo. plus 30 profit shrs.

Klue Gagarrin - Gunner
Salary - 1,000 Cr. per mo. plus 15 profit shrs.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
To have a jump governor fitted costs you Cr300,000, and requires 1 ton of space.

It was only mentioned in High Guard first edition.
Before you replied, I took a stab at this and eyeballed it...

I went with a jump governor cost of 1% of the drive price (taking up no extra space).

It's interesting that I (in making the 400 ton Type A2) ended up with a cost of 250,000 Cr and no space requirement as opposed to the "official" 300,000 Cr cost and 1 disp ton requirement.

I was surprised I was that close!
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
To have a jump governor fitted costs you Cr300,000, and requires 1 ton of space.

It was only mentioned in High Guard first edition.
Before you replied, I took a stab at this and eyeballed it...

I went with a jump governor cost of 1% of the drive price (taking up no extra space).

It's interesting that I (in making the 400 ton Type A2) ended up with a cost of 250,000 Cr and no space requirement as opposed to the "official" 300,000 Cr cost and 1 disp ton requirement.

I was surprised I was that close!
I'm working on my game right now, for tomorrow night...interesting...

I pull out some old deck plans I have for the A2 made by Seeker.

They've got the ship listed as a 400 ton vessel already (not 200 ton), with 88 tons of cargo--just like what I just built.

97 tons of fuel (vs my 120 tons....they're using the MT rules).

And, their ship cost 114.107 MCr whereas mine cost 114.92 (I used The Traveller Book, whereas I'm sure they used MT).

I'm working on my game right now, for tomorrow night...interesting...

I pull out some old deck plans I have for the A2 made by Seeker.

They've got the ship listed as a 400 ton vessel already (not 200 ton), with 88 tons of cargo--just like what I just built.

97 tons of fuel (vs my 120 tons....they're using the MT rules).

And, their ship cost 114.107 MCr whereas mine cost 114.92 (I used The Traveller Book, whereas I'm sure they used MT).
