Bill and I never claimed that the official text didn't say that the Aslans invaded the Domain and conquered worlds deep into Glisten and Trin's Veil. What we say is that this claim makes as much sense as claiming that a 1000 diameter world has a breathable atmosphere. No, make that even less sense; at least the Ancients might have given the world a neutronium core.Nevertheless, that is how the major license holder of the time described the history of the OTU. Hard Times maps and a sentence or two support it as well.
I disagree with you there. Pre-MT sources that describe the fundamental nature of Aslan society counts. A lot. Especially since those descriptions were never retconned.If you disagree with it, then have fun iytu or else show a reference to the same events from later non-Gurps sources that overwrite it. Pre-MT sources don't count.
Every description about how Aslan clans interact. Like, for instance:I can give references to show where my conclusions come from if necessary. Can you?
"This was important, for the clans of the Hierate were never (and are not now) capable of acting in concert as a human empire could; clans each conduct wars on their own, sometimes with the assistance of others, sometimes without, but never with a sense of central purpose or unity." [AM1:3] (Emphasis mine).
Please keep in mind that while Norris is worried that the Zhodani will attack and assembles a lot of his naval strength in Vilis, the Zhodani never show up. Even assuming that he totally stripped every one of his subsectors of everything that could jump (a pretty iffy assumption in the first place), is he going to keep them there year in and year out as the Aslans grab world after world (assuming they can overcome the system defenses, of course, another very iffy assumption when it comes to the high-population worlds)? I think not.Oh, I assume they do have allies. And, no, the Yerlyaruiwo are not a powerful enough ally by themselves. The Tlaukhu clans control, on the average, about 3% of the Hierate strength that is not controlled by the 3971 non-Tlaukhu clans. The Yerlyaruiwo would be above the average, but it's still only a small fraction of the total Hierate strength.What makes you think the Hlaotiyoiho don't have any allies? Are the Yerlyaruiwo a powerful enough ally? ( similar viewpoints in almost every aspect except that the Hlaotiyoiho are too aggressive).
(Um... where does it say that the Yerlyaruiwo are allies of the Hlaotiyoiho? I seem to have missed that reference).
Of course they do. And you can bet some of them are rivals of the Hlaotiyoiho for those Hlyueaeawi holdings.The Yerlyaruiwo have a huge number of vassal clans and allies as well.
Have you read any of the history in Rats&Cats? It's one long list of vassals breaking free of their overlords and internecine warfare. Just how does a vassal clan manage to throw off thier overlords without breaking their word of honor? (Their story, of course, is that the overlord broke his word first. Or behaved dishonorably and thus was no longer worth keeping their word to. Or something). The adventure in AM1 was precipitated by a dishonorable Aslan. Other adventures feature other betrayals.You description of the 4000-Aslan game of Diplomacy is faulty.
The behaviour you would have them engage in would go against their honor code. The 29 would not extort riches or deceive or attack an enemy from behind. Any clan that would do so would make themselves outward enemies of all other clans on the grounds of their own honor system.
Try rereading the history looking at what the Aslans actually do, rather than what they say. I agree that no Aslan would dream of breaking his word. Unless he could come up with a good excuse, that is.
Um... what's the point of your rival becoming weak if you're unable to take advantage of it?They would prefer to see the Hlaotiyoiho fight humans. That would end up weakening their rival without having to use their own resources or engage in dishonorable behaviour.
"Besides, let this upstart clan bear all the casualties...they are a bit unbalanced anyways. But we'll keep our word of honor and not stab them in the back like a barbarian thief."
If the other Aslan behaved dishonorably, he might.Would an Aslan assault another Aslan who was fighting a duel with a third party? During a Duel of Honor?
Not according to the MT material. And you still have to explain which Aslans attacked Tobia, Aki, and multiple other Imperial worlds, how they got that far, how they overcame the system defenses, and why Norris blithely let them keep industrial worlds he desperately needed to keep his fleets flying.These ihatei fleets that people are so fixated on? Refugees from the Hlyueawi clan, perhaps, which the rest of the Heirate seems to see as barbarian.