Great suggestion, Bill! After reading a short piece talking about Kingmaker's redesign, I think there are concepts that transfer well.
Kingmaker adapted to Traveller
Bullying nobles, treacherous royals, and cowardly megacorporate factors.
In particular, the concept of a
local Moot as a place where diplomacy and hard bargaining appear. Implied is the list of titles held in the area, and how they are redistributed when nobles die or are deposed -- i.e. the presiding Duke sets out his appointments, and they are accepted or rejected by votes in the Moot. Thus, a faction with relatively weak holdings can still control a session of the Moot by holding the critical, tie-breaking votes. That's where the bargaining and diplomacy happens. Getting the Duke to transfer a title to your faction wins you a world and whatever fleet it owns. Controlling a county means controlling its colonial fleet.
Since power is relatively dispersed, worlds will retain appropriate system defense forces, and elements of interstellar navies.
The foundation of a faction is high nobility -- Counts and Dukes. The faction controls star systems, starship fleets, and defense fleets. Nobles are assigned to captain fleets and manage star systems. Members or fleets of a faction may enter any owned system freely. Systems owned by another faction may only be entered with permission, or by conquering it. Neutral systems may only be entered by first conquering them.
Nobles are named according to their fief and title. Assuming the Kaasu area yields a few titles of "high nobility":
- Yopogirp - marquis</font>
- Drayne - duke</font>
- Formation - marquis</font>
- Shushaka - count</font>
- Kaasu - duke</font>
- Depot - marquis</font>
- Khukish - count</font>
- Shishkala - marquis</font>
- Naadi - duke</font>
- Lemish - count</font>
Turn Phases
- Event</font>
- Movement</font>
- Combat</font>
- Moot</font>
- Elevation</font>
- System revolt - system turns neutral</font>
- Supply shortage - system does not provide resources this turn</font>
- Mercenaries go home</font>
- Vargr raids</font>
- Unexpected death of Count or Duke</font>
- Courier lost - courier and nobles on-board are lost</font>
- Moot - the Moot may be summoned by the Chancellor this turn, if possible</font>
- fleets and couriers move according to their jump characteristics.</font>
- Counts and Dukes cannot move unless captured or instructed to do so from a random event. Captured "high nobility" must be accompanied by nobles at all time.</font>
Probably resolved similar to 5FW or similar. Nobility on the losing side is captured, along with their fleet assets.
Roll for nobility fatalities.
Mainworlds are captured by seige. Attackers must have enough nobles present to match the strength of the beseiged mainworld. Defending nobles present may add their strength to the defense. Also, up to one other faction's nobility may add their strength to the defense. Seiges are always successful and the mainworld plus all nobility inside are captured unless there is a "Delay" event. In this case, the star system is termed "under seige".
Roll for nobility fatalities.
Nobility and royalty may leave a beseiged system only if able to reduce the beseiging force's strength. Beseiged nobility may lead fleets to initiate or join combat against the beseiging forces.
A faction wishing to beseige or relieve a mainworld under seige must first defeat the beseiging force.
Any victorious noble must end his turn inside the mainworld.
A captured star system immediately becomes part of the victor's county.
Alliances may be formed at any time, for the purpose of offense or defense. They may be terminated at any time as well. They must be openly declared.
The Moot
The player controlling the sole Duke has the privilege of summoning the Moot. If there are more than one Dukes, the Moot is summoned by the ranking Megacorporate Factor, assuming Events permit it.
1. The Duke or Factor occupies a star system which is to be the location of the Moot.
2. Nobles may immediately move to the Moot location without movement limitations.
3. Everyone present may vote. Votes are alloted to each faction based on the star systems in its county. Additional votes are granted to royalty.
4. Titles are dispensed in order by vote. In the event that there are two or more Dukes, the first title to be decided upon is for Duke.
The player summoning the Moot may propose one recipient for each remaining title. Rejected assignments pass down to the player with the largest faction. Those rejections pass to the next most powerful faction. Those rejections then pass to the county which controls the most star systems. (This means that a player may be able to propose recipients more than once).
5. The player summoning the Moot proposes candidates for Megacorporate factorates.
6. All nobles in the Moot may return to their home systems, ignoring all movement restrictions, immediately upon conclusion of the Moot.
1. The senior surviving member of a noble house is elevated to Duke or Duchess.
2. The heir-apparent must occupy a megacorporate embassy with one or more nobles and two megacorporate factors.
When the above conditions are met the controlling player announces the elevation.
Victory Condition
When a Duke can obtain a majority vote in the Moot to support his campaign to Capital, he is declared the winner.